- Tamed And Untamed Animals
Mark 1:13 ECB and there he is, in the wilderness forty days, tested of Satan; and is...
- Did the assemblies in Galatia have more Jews or Gentiles?
Every indication points to predominately Jewish churches in Galatia, regardless of how many Gentiles were...
- Diaspora
The word diaspora (διασπορά) occurs 13 times in the Greek Bible. Does diaspora ever refer...
- Was 1st & 2nd Peter Written To Jews?
1 Peter 1:1 ECB 1SALUTATIONPetros, an apostle of Yah Shua Messiah: To the pilgrim diaspora throughout...
- Concerning Jews And Gentiles
Romans 11:1-36 YLT 1 I say, then, Did God cast away His people? let it not be!...