It was three days before Adam’s 6000th birthday; October 20th 1997. Several thousand police officers were deployed throughout Jerusalem. Intel had it that a foundation stone was to be airlifted by helicopter to the Temple Mount on October 23rd, in hopes of resurrecting Old Covenant humanity. It was to be attempted just as Adam supposedly completed his sixth millennial day.
Ancient Hebrew writings have it that Adam lived to be 930 years old and did not live to see his millennial day, because he died during it. He was 70 years short of completing it. He would have arrived at his seventh day if he lived to be 1000 years old, since he was already in the sixth day. Adam, Israel and Jesus were all born already in the sixth day of creation. They all wanted to complete their formation day and arrive alive, not be kept on hold or start over at one.
Since a day is as a thousand years to God, some believed that those in fallen Adam were just entering their 7th day in 1997 after 6000 years in Adam; those who believed Bishop Ussher’s chronology anyway. He dated Adam’s birthday at October 23rd, 4004 BC. But these wrong-headed believers failed to resurrect the old flesh mode of worship in Jerusalem that day.
Jesus spoke of putting the old man to death, not resurrecting or continuing to be in Adam for 6000 years. He Himself died as the Eschaton Adam in order to be resurrected by the Holy Spirit to be the new firstborn man in a new incorruptible covenant. And He told His fellow Jews to do the same. “Pick up your cross and follow me”. Adam was being replaced by a better man, in order to rescue His people from being stuck in the sixth day. The so called Via Dolorosa is a path that leads out of the typical city. It was a first century call to die to Adam and live in Christ. It was a call to leave their typical world for a spiritual one. Like Jesus, His fellow Jewish believers would also join up with the Holy Spirit before they left the Old Covenant for good.
So the question is: what day was Jesus resurrected and what day did the Jews join Him in that resurrection? Since the Same Holy Spirit that resurrected Yeshua began resurrecting the Jews 50 days later, both would be on the same day of the week. And maybe the New Covenant wasn’t taken back to day one of the work week. Maybe it was better because it enabled them to arrive alive, because the day they entered the New Covenant was not a work day.
We know the New Creation day for humanity wasn’t called Saturday or Sunday. Those days didn’t exist in the Hebrew world. Even now, Jewish calendar days don’t line up with our Roman calendar. The days are offset by six hours. The Romans only half-heartedly adopted Christianity into their culture. While it is true that year one on our modern calendar represents Jesus’ birthday, while Old Covenant Jewish calendars still begin their’s with first Adam’s birthday, the ‘Christianized’ Romans never adopted the Jewish names for the days of the week or for the months of the year. We have merely adapted our calendar to begin with year one of the new creation. We have retained the Roman named days of the week. There are only seven biblical possibilities for Jesus resurrection day: day one, two, three, four, five, six, or Sabbath.
Like those who wanted to lay a new foundation stone in 1997, Saint Augustine believed he was living in the prophetic era of the 6th day. Most scholars at that time believed an adamic day was a thousand years, not only from the writings of Peter who lived hundreds of years before Saint Augustine, but even the more ancient Hebrews believed Adam died before completing his millennial day.
God put Adam’s day on hold. He died in the day he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil two ways. Spiritually he died on the same day of the week that he disobeyed, but biologically he died during his millennial day. Either way, Adam was born in and died in prophetic day six. But 20th century people didn’t figure they were on hold in day six. They figured they had been in Adam’s fallen work mode for 6000 years in 1997, so they believed they had arrived at and were completing the sixth prophetic day of Adam.
But, Revelation 20 speaks of one millennial reign not six of them. Adam and Israel were supposed to reign in one millennium not six. Adam was simply put on hold. He was not restarted to day one of creation. Medieval Christians and 20th century Christians believed each age lasted one thousand years and they were in the sixth age from Adam. And they believed the seventh age could start any time and it would lead to eternal … something. For Medieval Christians, Bishop Ussher hadn’t worked out the exact age of Adam yet, so they couldn’t say the seventh day would start in 1997. The point is that even these misguided people were counting to seven. Nobody was trying to get back to day one of the work week, especially if the days were each a thousand years long.
The reason the church changed from meeting on the Hebrew seventh day to meeting on the Roman first day, was political not biblical. Nowhere does the Bible say that Jesus was resurrected to the first day of the week. The whole world has been duped by the Roman propaganda machine. Their main god was the sun god, hence Sunday worship. It’s not because Jesus as the new human was resurrected back to day one in the made-new creation.
The victorious completion of the adamic day began with Eschaton Adam. Jesus was on a death and life mission. He came to put the Old man to death in order to redeem humanity in the New man. He wanted to move humanity forward. Jesus was the first Jewish individual in the Old Covenant to gain the Holy Spirit. Then He took Adam’s place in his/His biological and spiritual death and became the first human to live in the New Covenant. The Jewish church soon followed suit. It was 50 days later on Pentecost. The millennial reign of Adam became the millennial reign of Christ because He took his place. The day of the Lord was at hand.
The New Man took up where the old man left off. He completed the 930 years of Adam’s sixth day. Obviously Adam himself didn’t have to live to be 6000 years old to arrive at the never-ending Sabbath day. Just like the nation Israel, Adam only needed to reign in 1000 years. Because he was formed in the sixth day, not the first. Jesus didn’t start the renewed creation just to lose all the work He had accomplished in the original creation. He carried it over into the new.
He was resurrected as the already fully-formed human, still in the sixth prophetic day of Adam. He alone carried the full image of God in the old, but now he was the firstborn human who took the place of Adam, so He was able to start a new spiritually alive generation. He is the spiritual head of God’s redeemed family. Humanity was reconstituted still in the 6th prophetic day of old Adam and old Israel, but Jesus’ finished His 6th day work. He transferred that work to His people by sending the full image of God to live in them too. His people were engaged to His seventh day by the Holy Spirit and then married His seventh day after reigning in the millennium with Him.
In the Greek bible the word for thousand is always an adjective. It describes the specific time period we are talking about; the millennial years. And they were about to be completed. Revelation 20 describes the completion of those millennial years six times. Those are the years that Adam was graciously stopped from completing because he was in spiritual death. And they were also the years Israel was about to reach as a nation. The millennial years of Adam and Israel became the day of the Lord. His millennial day is the spiritually alive completion of both Adam and Israel.
Just as all in Adam inherited death, all in Christ inherited His life. Jesus was born in the sixth prophetic day, because that’s the day humanity was created but never finished. But, He was born and reborn on the seventh day of the week, because He was Thee Eschaton Adam. He carries the compete incorruptible image of Yahweh and He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus’ sixth day in Adam was not put on hold until His day could be redeemed by the messiah. He is the messiah. Jesus redeemed His own people from fallen Adam’s day and Israel’s day and they began to reign with Him.
People began to be in Christ’s day rather than Adam’s day, in the upper room in Jerusalem, on the same day of the week that Jesus was resurrected. The Holy Spirit came to them on the seventh day of the week to enable them to complete Adam’s sixth prophetic day spiritually alive, no longer in works mode. Only Jesus alone was able to complete it alive working in the Old Covenant. But as the New Covenant head, He could return to heaven to raise up His people to be with Him, by sending the Holy Spirit to them, so they could work with Him. Adam’s thousand years would arrive to the age with the Holy Spirit or go to second death stuck in the 6th day flesh mode, for both the individual and the nation.
Mark 16:1-2 And at the elapsing of the Sabbath Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jacob and Salome buy spices to go anoint Him. Then very early in the morning, on one of the Sabbaths, they go to the tomb at the rising of the sun.
Passover was always called a high Sabbath no matter what day of the week it fell on that year. These Jewish woman were not allowed to buy or prepare the spices that day so they waited for the High Sabbath to elapse. They spent the next day purchasing and preparing the perfume. Just as they were allowed to eat prepared food on a Sabbath, they were allowed to anoint someone with already prepared spices on the Sabbath. So on the morning of the weekly, Sabbath they went very early to anoint Jesus. It was the first one of the Sabbaths in the seven Sabbaths count to their national resurrection.
Mark 16:9 YLT 9 And he, having risen in the morning of the first of the Sabbaths, did appear first to Mary the Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven demons.
Some people are saying these two phrases: ‘the first Sabbath‘ and ‘one of the Sabbaths‘ (in Mark 16:2 & 16:9) are idioms that really mean, ‘first day of the week‘ and are anything but a Sabbath. This is very tricky to me. Neither the word for day nor the word for week is in either of these verses. The word for first is only in Mark 16:9.
So now what do I do with Luke 6:1 when it specifies, ‘the second-first Sabbath‘? Is this really an idiomatic reference to a second Sunday? On this specific day the Pharisees were being bothered by the disciples who were eating the grain from the field. Eating was usually allowed on a Sabbath unless it was the Firstfruits before the offering was given, which was done first thing in the morning. It was the preparation of food that was not allowed on a Sabbath. The Pharisees asked, “Why do you do what is not allowed on the Sabbaths?” They saw the disciples separating the grain by rubbing them in their hands before eating them. The legalists were watching closely. Yeshua covers both aspects. He first asks them if they had even read of David’s men who entered the house of Yahweh then ate what belonged to the priests and were still innocent. Secondly, Yeshua tells them He is the master of the Sabbath not them. Yeshua’s disciples were certainly more privileged than David’s men.
According to the Apostolic Bible (APB), the very first Sabbath of this festival season was called the ‘Great One’. The Sabbath called the ‘Great One’ is the first day of Unleavened Bread. Yeshua was placed in the tomb near twilight, right before this great day began. The first day of Unleavened Bread is called a special Sabbath no matter what day of the week it falls on. The second-first Sabbath is therefore the First Weekly Sabbath, when Yeshua was resurrected. It is the first of the eight.
Luke 6:1 ABP And it came to pass on the Sabbath that followed the great one… (Apostolic Bible Polygot)
Luke 6:1 YLT And it came to pass, on the second-first Sabbath… (Young’s Literal Translation)
Therefore: the second-first Sabbath is the Sabbath that followed the Great One, which was the first weekly Sabbath after Passover, which was Firstfruits, which was the third day after the crucifixion, which was the resurrection day of Christ that started the count to fifty. The church joined the never ending Sabbath day of Christ on that spiritual Pentecost. The church joined the never ending Sabbath year of Christ in the final Jubilee. Unless Jesus fulfilled the Jubilee with a never-ending work year. Unless Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath with a never-ending work day.
Easter typically falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the spring equinox. Since Passover night was the middle of the month it was a full moon. But the resurrection was the first Sabbath after Passover, not the first Sunday after Passover. Sunday is a Roman creation. The Sunday immediately prior to Easter is called Palm Sunday, and it commemorates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem when followers laid palm leaves across the road to greet him. Hence, Roman Catholics celebrate the Passion week from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday.
“Easter” comes from eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Despite its significance as a Christian holy day, many of the traditions and symbols that play a key role in Easter observances actually have roots in pagan celebrations—particularly the pagan goddess Eostre. The Jewish holiday of Passover is just mixed in, retaining the pagan goddesss Eostre and the pagan day of the sun; Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus is the Christian foundation upon which the old covenant festivals are fulfilled, hence, Easter Sunday has become a very significant date on the Roman calendar.