The far north Israeli pig farmers were definitely pushing their boundaries by raising porkers on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. That so called sea is the lowest freshwater lake in the world, second only to the lower elevation of the Dead Sea, which is almost ten times as salty as the oceans. Oddly enough, the Lake of Galilee is a salt lake in Australia. The Jordan flows into the lake called the Sea of Galilee, which is Israel’s largest freshwater body, and then exits the lake before ending in the Dead Sea, the saltiest and the lowest point on the planet. But back to the pigs in Israel.
The first century Israeli pig farmers shared the far northern territory of Israel with their half-breed demons. The human infiltrating, boundary crossing watchers (angels) are said to have begotten sons and daughters through the daughters of humans. That is how the Hebrew writings say their crossbred spirits called demons originated. The Jews also despised the Samaritans because they were also half-breed humans. Israelites intermarried with foreigners in and around Samaria. Samaria became the capital of the northern kingdom prior to the their diaspora.
Demons are called evil spirits in the Bible. They weren’t assigned a sovereign domain of their own. God did not give them a corporate body with boundaries. They were not among the living souls created by Elohim in Genesis chapter one. They were born in breach of proper domains. They were born of an angel rebellion. These evil spirits were not initially formed due to their own personal breach of covenant or their own personal violation of their sovereignly assigned domain. They are the personal progeny of those parental actions. That irredeemable procreation event would inevitably lead to the destruction of those evil offspring along with their sires. Those angels are compared to Sodom and Gomorrah who committed “ultra-prostitution”, which is to be wholly without bodily boundaries.
Jude 1:6-7 CLV Besides, messengers who keep not their own sovereignty, but leave their own habitation, He has kept in imperceptible bonds under gloom for the judging of the great day.” As Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner to these committing ultra-prostitution, and coming away after other flesh, are lying before us, a specimen, experiencing the justice of fire eonian.”
Today’s Israeli pig farmers claim a small loophole in their observance of Kashrut. The Kashrut is their law book for Kosher living. These modern day Israelis say they are in the pig raising business for the scientific research, which is allowed by their law. Their meat is then sold in non-kosher markets throughout modern day Israel. The irony is they don’t need a small loophole in the law to raise or eat what God calls clean in the new creation. But this has little to do with the unfortunate first century pig farmers who met up with the demons in northern Israel. They must have left those pig farmers in a real cash-rut.
In the character of the Nephilim, the demon possessed Garesene was violent and had superhuman strength. He was not just a person acting like an unclean animal. He was naked and animal-like prior to the exorcism but he was also able to break the chains placed on him. He was supernaturally uncontainable. After Yeshua exorcised him, he appeared clothed and in his right mind. He had self control.
Luke 8:35
ECB And they go to see what became; and come to Yah Shua and find the human from whom the demons departed sitting at the feet of Yah Shua, clothed, and sound minded: and they are awestricken:
The pig souls were no match for the soulless demons. Pigs were created for land not water. But they went haywire and broke through the God given realm of their soul and died crazy like the Geresene. Pigs were not allowed to be eaten and taken into the body of God’s old covenant people. They were off limits, as was human blood and human flesh. Until Yeshua’s last old covenant meal with His disciples and Peter’s sheet vision. Yeshua fulfilled all old covenant types and teleosed the human soul.
‘Eating’ the spiritual flesh and blood of Christ makes all souls clean and eternal. The flesh of Yeshua is the Word of God. The Word became flesh. The blood of Jesus is the true drink; is the living waters which He will give us to drink, that is the Holy Spirit. When the word is being written on your new heart of flesh by the Holy Spirit you are in the new covenant soul who is eternally living.
Lynyrd Skynyrd sings, “All you need is in your soul” and, “Don’t forget there is someone up above”. Bob Dylan sings, “I came in from the wilderness. A creature void of form”. The human soul defines what you need to live and be formed (or reformed) into the true image of Christ. The eschatos Adam was the true image of the old covenant humanity fleshed out. He is now the head of the new covenant humanity; the firstborn soul to come out from the dead ones.
All the living souls shared the common air, even fish and birds. But God is pictured as rebreathing the air into humanity’s nose after breathing it in Himself as a human. God personalized the human creation. After sending His only begotten son into the cosmos to breath our air, His Son sent the Holy Spirt, to personally enable humanity to fulfill Adam’s great commission.
John 20:20-22
Why do we believe we can’t take a U-Haul to heaven but we can take our body of flesh?