Jacob (Post-Pentecost) Addresses the 12 Tribes in Diaspora
Loosely Paraphrased for Meaning: Be rejoicing in your trials. Your faith is producing staying power. Your endurance (remaining under) is...
Loosely Paraphrased for Meaning: Be rejoicing in your trials. Your faith is producing staying power. Your endurance (remaining under) is...
Answer: birth into a new body Noah's Baptism - A new body of humanity came out from under the water....
Flesh and bone seems to refer to one human body or a member of the one human body. In it's...
Acts 10:11-16 YLT 11 and he doth behold the heaven opened, and descending unto him a certain vessel, as a great...
Genesis 1:31 LITV 31 And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good. And there was...
Genesis 1:26-27 (Humanity had to be created male and female because no human wife was found for Adam among the...