Philippians 3:18-21

CLV 18 for many are walking, of whom I often told you, yet now am lamenting also as I tell it, who are enemies of the cross of Christ, 19 whose consummation is destruction, whose god is their bowels, and whose glory is in their shame, who to the terrestrial are disposed.” 20 For our realm is inherent in the heavens, out of which we are awaiting a Savior also, the Lord, Jesus Christ, 21 Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation, to conform it to the body of His glory, in accord with the operation which enables Him even to subject all to Himself.”

Our eternal realm is in the heavens out of which we are awaiting salvation. That was then. Now is a different time. Our now is not the now of the next verse either. Old covenant believers were saved by the new covenant completion 2000 years ago. Those transitioning believers awaiting salvation were in the secure position of the new covenant betrothal.

Romans 13:11

LITV 11 Also this, knowing the time, that it is now the hour for you to be aroused from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed.

1 Corinthians 15:22

CLV 22 For even as, in Adam, all are (from) dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be (being) vivified.”

In the old covenant humanity, all were from the dying body of Adam and the dying house of Israel. In the new body of Christ, all God’s chosen ones were being resurrected from that personal and national death. They were being resurrected out of the first death before the second death. Only one high priest could grant eternal life to the once dead human body. The first century believers were waiting for Him to come out of His Father’s house and marry His people without regard to sin. The new high priest is also the new covenant husbandman.

Who was it that was sealed by the Holy Spirit for that day of salvation (marriage), if not the corporate bride (in waiting) of Christ? Adam did not grant Eve eternal family life in marriage to her, so it didn’t pass on to their children either. Adam was a priestly, kingly, husbandly type. He failed to fulfill his roles. He did not marry heaven to earth. He got expelled from heaven on earth before his time. The humanity that was about to be wasn’t typical, because it was about to be fulfilled in the eternal body of Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:1-6

YLT 1 For we have known that if our earthly house of the tabernacle may be thrown down, a building from God we have, an house not made with hands—age-during—in the heavens2 for also in this we groan, with our dwelling that is from heaven earnestly desiring to clothe ourselves, 3 if so be that, having clothed ourselves, we shall not be found naked, 4 for we also who are in the tabernacle do groan, being burdened, seeing we wish not to unclothe ourselves, but to clothe ourselves, that the mortal may be swallowed up of the life. 5 And He who did work us to this self-same thing is God, who also did give to us the earnest of the Spirit; 6 having courage, then, at all times, and knowing that being at home in the body, we are away from home from the Lord, —

Paul ties the terrestrial types together. He transitions more than conflates all our temporary coverings on earth into our eternal coverings in heaven. Paul says, that ‘if’ our skin house on land is destroyed we have a construction from God, a house not made with hands. (‘If’ is occasionally translated ‘whenever’ or ‘though’.) The Holy Spirit was now indwelling the believing Corinthians as well as Paul. Maybe that is why he includes them when he called it ‘our’ skin house that will be torn down. They were now adopted members of the body of Christ in the transition of covenants.

The word skenos can be translated temple, because the old covenant skin tent-tabernacle was replaced by another temple built by hands, in Jerusalem. It was going to be torn down in AD 70. In the body of Christ the mobile people of skin became the dwelling place of God’s Spirit. Jesus o.c. body uniquely became the temple when He stood up under law and took on the image of God in the flesh.

God forbade His image to be misrepresented in the o.c mobile temple of skin or the o.c. immobile temple on land. But Jesus said, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father”. I’m sure He didn’t mean His flesh body. He meant His characterization (depiction, representation) of His Father. The temple on earth was a copy of the true temple in heaven which was not made with hands and not of this creation. Not of this creation could mean: 1 – In the new creation. 2 – In heaven. 3 – God doesn’t ultimately exist in any part of His creation.

The new creation heavenly city does not have a temple because the people are the temple (also a temple not made by human hands). The most Holy Place is at the right hand of God where only Jesus as the High priest mediates for us. He stood there for Stephen when the new creation heaven first opened for humanity. N.C. people are a holy place kingdom of priests. We are made holy by the Most Holy One.

If that’s not enough Paul starts referring to clothing as the means to immortality. The first animal sacrifice was made to clothe Adam and Eve in animal death as they left Eden. The eternal life clothing is the righteousness of the ever-living humanity of Christ. He fulfilled and then replaced Adam’s lost potential as firstborn. He replaced Adam’s wilderness animal clothing with the white robe of a priest. He was giving eternal life to His people, as they were entering, not leaving ‘Eden’; a better place than Eden on earth is the New Jerusalem that comes down in the spirit realm and joins heaven to earth.


Thayer: 1) a tabernacle, a tent 
2) metaph. of the human body, in which the soul dwells as in a tent, and which is taken down at death

Strong’s: σκῆνοςa hut or temporary residence, i.e. (figuratively) the human body (as the abode of the spirit)

While old humanity was aging-out of existence, three changes were taking place for the sake of the believers who were being given life to the age – 1: Better clothing, 2: A better tent (body or family home) and 3: A better temple where God lives with His people. God’s people did not want to be found naked in the transition from the temporal to the eternal. They were slipping on the new as they were slipping off the old. Naked may mean without the law of righteousness that either covers us or exposes us. Old covenant people were found naked in AD 70 for many reasons. They broke the law, their animal sacrifices ended and their temple was torn down.

Adam realized his humanity was still immature and naked when he broke the law of life-in-the-garden. Breaking God’s law is a realization; an eye opener. A better clothing was arriving in the covenant of Christ. He gave eternal life to His body of humanity who realized their failure under law. The old covenant law that was intended to give life resulted in the death of Adam and Paul because Paul was in the o.c. body of Adam and Moses. The new covenant law of Christ gave eternal clothing to the furless body of skin. All people are born naked in order to be clothed by humanity.

Romans 7:10

LITV 10 And the commandment which was to life, this was found to be death to me;

In the new covenant city there is no local temple because His people carry His image in themselves. They are where His Spirit dwells. In heaven there are many eternal dwelling places in the Father’s house prepared for His people and the temple of God is His people. Paul was slipping off the o.c. Law mode that led to his death and slipping on the n.c. Law of Christ that led to his life. The eternal place being prepared for them swallowed up the mortal humanity of Paul in victory when the Son left the Father’s house and met His people in the realm where humanity now lives eternally. Jesus was found naked on the cross taking upon Himself the old covenant death of Adam’s humanity. He put that old covenant to second death in AD 70, after He went back in time (figuratively speaking) and put His righteous clothing (of completely growing up under law) on Adam’s naked failure.

He overcame the spiritual death of Adam after He grew up under law. He then sent the Holy Spirit from heaven to give that spiritual life to His people. His human spirit didn’t perish in AD 70. That would be the second death. His Holy Spirit to human spirit (Spirit) communion died on the cross. Only then could He go to the place of the spiritually dead ones as fully human and fully God to open the gates of first death. If one died for all then that implies that all were spiritually dead and already in or headed for Hades at biological death. Just as now, biological death reveals our spiritual position. But nobody in the new covenant loses their Spirit to spirit relationship with God. His Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are His children.

Adam lost his Spirit to spirit communion with God in the garden, but Adam’s spirit didn’t die yet. That was the second death he was headed for. Adam was going to die if Christ didn’t rescue him from Hades. He spiritually died the day he ate and his spirit would have died at his millennial age/day were he not cut short at 930 and put on hold. Either believe in Christ or perish, as John 3:16 says. Unlike Adam, Jesus grew up to put on the clothing of the unbroken law of humanity.

Jesus laid down His old covenant soul to take it up again in the new covenant. The pre-fall human soul in the garden was spiritual and so was the law. Jesus’ human soul of eschaton Adam was spiritual again. In communion with God in the garden, Jesus agreed to obediently lay down His spiritual life (Human soul living in communion with the Holy Spirit in the land) under law, only to take it up again. Jesus did not perish and He saved His brethren from perishing in their spiritual death under law. His own flesh and blood people projected their sin death upon Him when they disrobed Him and nailed Him to the cross. Those who realized what they did repented and were saved.

John 10:17

CLV 17 Therefore the Father is loving Me, seeing that I am laying down My soul that I may be getting it again.”

James 5:20 (Jacob to the 12 Hebrew tribes scattered)

ECB 20 have him know, whoever restores the sinner from his wandering way saves a soul from death and veils a multitude of sins.

There was only one way to save a first century Hebrew soul in the waning years of their old covenant. Move it to the new spiritual covenant. Flesh and blood was about to be losing their soul. Matthew’s gospel is written to a Jewish audience living in the homeland counting down their second 490.

Matthew 16:21-28

ECB 21
From then Yah Shua begins to show his disciples how he must go to Yeru Shalem; and suffer much from the elders and archpriests and scribes – slaughtered and rise again the third day. 22 And Petros takes him and begins to rebuke him, wording, Kapur/Atone to you, Adonay: this never no way becomes you. 23 And he turns to Petros, saying, Go you behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me: for you mind not those of Elohim but those of humanity. 24 Then Yah Shua says to his disciples, If anyone wills to come after me, he is to utterly deny himself, and take his stake and follow me. 25
For whoever wills to save his soul, loses it: and whoever loses his soul for my sake, finds it: 26 for what is a human benefited whenever he gains the whole cosmos and loses his own soul? Or what gives a human in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of humanity comes in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he gives each according to his acts. 28 Amen! I word to you, Some standing here never no way taste death until they see the Son of humanity coming in his sovereigndom.

Daniel 9:7,19

CLV 7 To Thee, my Lord, is righteousness, yet to us is shamefacedness as at this day: To each man of Judah, to the dwellers of Jerusalem, to all the people of Israel, the near and the far, in all the lands where Thou hast expelled them for their offense with which they offend Thee.”

CLV 19 My Lord, hear! My Lord, pardon! My Lord, attend and do! Thou must not be delaying on Thine own account, my Elohim, for Thy name is called over Thy city and over Thy people, Israel.”

Old covenant humanity persecuted new covenant humanity until God’s answer to Daniel’s prayer was accomplished. The believers of humanity were saved and the desolaters of humanity were desolated.

Daniel 9:25-27

LITV 25 Know, then, and understand that from the going out of a word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem, to Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks. The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in times of affliction. 26 And after sixty two weeks, Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself. And the people of a coming prince shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end shall be with the flood, and ruins are determined, and war shall be until the end. 

27 And he shall confirm a covenant with the many for one week. And in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. And on a wing of the altar will be abominations that desolate, even until the end. And that which was decreed shall pour out on the desolator.

2 Thessalonians 1:6

LITV 6 since it is a just thing with God to pay back tribulation to the ones troubling you,

2 Corinthians 5:14-16

JuliaSmith 14 For the love of Christ holds us together; having judged this, that if one died for all, then all dead15 And he died for all, that the living no more live to themselves, but to him having died for them, and having risen. 16 So that we from now know none according to the flesh: and if also we have known Christ according to the: flesh, but now we know no more.

Christ used to be in the old covenant of flesh and blood. Then he was resurrected back into the same body that He grew up in the old covenant in. He had yet to offer the sacrifice of His old covenant body of flesh and blood as High Priest in the true temple in heaven. Nobody was being known as true humanity in the flesh mode anymore. Only those with the Holy Spirit were God’s people and if you have the Spirit you are not in the flesh. Jesus in the n.c. was “not in the flesh”.

Romans 8:10-11

LITV 10 But if Christ is in you, the body indeed is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of the One having raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One having raised the Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies live through the indwelling of His Spirit in you.

Obviously the life given by the Spirit to the ‘mortal bodies’ did not to make their biological flesh live eternally. That was always destined to perish. The old creation bodies were all mortal. It was the bodies of the flesh and blood in the old covenant that were headed for the second death of annihilation. All other flesh and blood national bodies were also spiritually dead, but that doesn’t mean they spiritually died like Adam. God’s Spirit may have never personally lived in their land. It was only the body of Christ that was spiritually living in the first century. There is no temporary holding place called Hades for those who spiritually die today. None of God’s people (no bodies) spiritually die today. The n.c. has no death threat after A.D. 70.

Romans 6:5-9

CLV 5 For if we have become planted together in the likeness of His death, nevertheless we shall be of the resurrection also, 6 knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of Sin may be nullified, for us by no means to be still slaving for Sin, 7 for one who dies has been justified from Sin. 8 Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, 9having perceived that Christ, being roused from among the dead, is no longer dying. Death is lording it over Him no longer,

Jesus went to Hades to join those who were dying the death of Adam. He died dying but He didn’t die the second death. The spiritual disconnect to His Father was killing Him and sent Him to Hades rather than heaven when His flesh and blood body died. Even Jesus did not go to heaven in His flesh and blood o.c. body. The o.c. body of humanity in Hades was dying but not completely dead yet. That body of sin didn’t die dead until AD 70, which was called nullification in Romans 6:6, also called second death in Revelation 20:6 and perishing in John 3:16. The body of sin was old covenant humanity. The body of sin was in the process of being nullified. Those in the resurrected body of Christ were in the process of being vivified into the new covenant humanity. The body of Christ is not the body of sin. God’s people no longer live in their body of sin.

Romans 6:23

LITV 23 For the wages of sin is (the) death, but the free gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (I added “the” because the translator left it out. The death is the death of Adam’s humanity that sent people to Hades to wait for the life of the new head man, or to finish covenantally dying in AD 70. Paul was in both the flesh and blood old covenant and the spiritual new covenant during the transition years. It wasn’t Paul’s flesh and blood body that was inheriting eternal life. Flesh and blood does not inherit eternal life. His spiritual body was becoming eternal, because the head of the body was eternal. Paul was being rescued out of the “the body of the death”. That was the spiritual death that Adam died the day he ate. Had Adam stayed in his spiritually living place he would have lived to the age of 1000. Eschaton Adam graciously rescued those in Adam and took them to the fullness of the age alive in Christ; the new body. It was the millennial Jubilee.

Romans 7:24-25

ECB 24 Miserable human – I! Who rescues me from the body of this death? 25 I eucharistize Elohim through Yah Shua Messiah our Adonay. So indeed with the mind I serve the torah of Elohim; and with the flesh, the torah of sin.

Romans 8:2

ECB2 For the torah of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yah Shua liberates me from the torah of sin and death.

Ephesians 1:5-14

KJV 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. 7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: 11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

The word “redemption” refers to those who were already purchased from old covenant Law mode. The bride was released from the old covenant man under Law, by “the death” Christ took upon Himself and then conquered. But the bride was not yet married to the new creation man. The earnest of the betrothal was unto the inheritance by way of the “about to be” marriage.

You could go with the adoption analogy rather than the betrothal and marriage analogy, since Paul addresses Gentiles in Ephesians chapter 2. Gentiles were not typically born by flesh and blood into the family of God. But the nations who were being taught old covenant humanity, were already being raised up by the old covenant diaspora family. That pre-evangelism was a pre-“adoption” of the Gentiles into the family of God. There was a synagogue in every city throughout the Roman empire. But the “adopted” Gentiles also failed to be completely human and needed redeemed from their humanity of self-works too. They were not in the old covenant under law but they were informed by humanity and were therefore held accountable for not being completely human.

Romans 2:12

LITV 12 For as many as sinned without Law will also perish without Law. And as many as sinned within Law will be judged through Law.

Gentiles of course did not inherit eternal life from the old covenant human family in diaspora. They were being adopted into the new covenant eternal human family that was in the process of being resurrected out of the old in order to be remarried. After all, Yeshua the messiah was taking the place of Adam on the cross and in the resurrection, in an already corporate and humanized body. He wasn’t starting over as a firstborn who procreates by way of flesh and blood. Since this is not how things normally work in our realm, we need analogies to go from physical realm to spiritual realm understanding.

1 Corinthians 7:39

KJV 39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.

The new covenant law of Christ gives life. But first He gave laid down His old covenant life in order to release His people from that old covenant death. He gave them life post-resurrection in their new covenant body of humanity. Even though the old covenant law was ordained to life, it could not accomplish it. It always resulted in the death of Adam. So Jesus went into that place of the death of Adam to rescue them. He was the first one resurrected out of the dead ones. The gates of Hades were opened by Him. The gates of Hades did not prevail against his people; the church. The called out ones were his people who had died while still in the death of Adam. In Hebrew Hades was called Sheol.

Isaiah 38:10

YLT10 `I—I said in the cutting off of my days, I go in to the gates of Sheol, I have numbered the remnant of mine years.

In Greek mythology the Gentiles had to pay a gold coin to get into Sheol. Hebrews went their no matter what. Jesus paid to get them out.

Romans 7:1-10

Or know you not, brothers, for I speak to them who know the torah, how that the torah overlords a human as long time as he lives? 2 For the woman under man is bound to her man by the torah; but whenever the man dies, she is inactivated from the torah of her man. 3 So whenever, while her man lives she becomes to another man, she is oracled as an adulteress: and whenever her man dies, she is liberated from that torah; so that she is no adulteress, though she becomes to another man. 4 So my brothers, you also are deathified to the torah through the body of the Messiah; to become to another – to him who rose from the dead, so that we bear fruit to Elohim. 5 For when we were in the flesh, the sufferings of sins, through the torah, energized in our members to bear fruit to death6 But now we are inactivated from the torah, being dead wherein we were held; to serve in newness of spirit and not in the antiquity of the scribing. 7 So what say we? Is the torah sin? So be it not. Rather, I knew not sin, except through the torah: nor knew I panting, except the torah worded, Pant not. 8 And the sin, taking opportunity through the misvah, worked all panting in me. For apart from the torah, sin is dead. 9 For formerly apart from the torah, I lived: but when the misvah came, sin relived and I died. 10 And the misvah for life, I found for death.

mitsvâh – The Hebrew word for command
From H6680; a command, whether human or divine (collectively the Law)

As in Adam, Paul broke the command to live and he died instead.

Romans 7:10

YLT 10 and the command that is for life, this was found by me for death;

Genesis 2:17

ECB 17 and of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, eat not: for in the day you eat thereof, in dying, you die.

The day of salvation was the consummation of the new covenant Day of the Lord. The day of second death was the consummation of the old covenant day of Adam. The Day of the Lord meant destruction for them. Those who didn’t accept the one and only death of Christ for their redemption went to their second death.

Old covenant humanity was judging new covenant humanity as still worthy of death. They became rivals to God’s people. Some Gentiles joined the Jews as co-rivals of the new covenant people of God. The Jews and the Gentiles who were having the law written on their heart were exposing the old covenant hold-outs as the “about to be found” naked ones. Old covenant humanity had infiltrated the nations with the law of Moses as the pre-evangelism for the Holy Spirit to write the law of Christ on the heart. The Roman empire was humanized by the diaspora and also held accountable as part of humanity. They had human informed souls now. In Nero’s denial of God, he worshipped himself and went full-on animal and died that way.

When Nebuchadnezzar’s strong spirit became his ruler, God gave him over to an animal soul to humble his strong spirit. After which he willingly exchanged his animal soul for a human informed soul. He stood up with a human soul to rule his spirit. His son knew all this yet would not humble himself. It cost Belshazzar his life. Both were Gentiles who were informed by humanity. In the first century, the o.c. Jews, along with the 12 tribes in diaspora, were the informed and informing humanity. The were most accountable but they were also making all the nations accountable.

Daniel 5:20

YLT 20 and when his heart was high, and his spirit was strong to act proudly, he hath been caused to come down from the throne of his kingdom, and his glory they have caused to pass away from him,

Daniel 5:22-23a

YLT 22 `And thou, his son, Belshazzar, hast not humbled thy heart, though all this thou hast known; 23 and against the Lord of the heavens thou hast lifted up thyself; 

Romans 2

So you are inexcusable, O humanity – all who judge: for wherein you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge transact the same. 2 And we perceive that the judgment of Elohim is according to truth against them who transact such. 3 And reckon this, O humanity, who judges them who transact such and do the same, that you escape the judgment of Elohim? 4 Or disesteem you the riches of his kindness and tolerance and patience; not knowing that the kindness of Elohim leads you to repentance? 5 But according to your hardness and unrepentant heart you treasure to yourself wrath in the day of wrath and apocalypse of the just judgment of Elohim; 6 who gives back to each according to his works: 7 to them indeed, who by endurance in good works, seek for glory and honor and incorruptibility – eternal life: 8 but to the rivalrous who indeed distrust the truth but obey injustice, fury and wrath, 9 tribulation and distress upon every soul of humanity who works evil – both of the Yah Hudiy first and also of the Hellene; 10 and glory, honor and shalom, to everyone who works good – both to the Yah Hudiy first and also to the Hellene: 11 for there is no partiality with Elohim. 12 For as many as sin without torah also destruct without torah: and as many as sin in torah are judged through torah; 13 for not the hearers of the torah are just with Elohim, but the doers of the torah are justified. 14 For when the goyim who have not the torah do by nature those contained in the torah, these, not having the torah, are a torah to themselves: 15 which indicates the work of the torah scribed in their hearts; their conscience also co-witnessing and their logic accusing or else pleading between one another; 16 in the day Elohim judges the secrets of humanity through Yah Shua Messiah according to my evangelism. 17
Behold, you are named Yah Hudiy and repose in the torah and make your boast in Elohim, 18 and know his will and approve those that thoroughly surpass, being catechized from the torah; 19 and are confident that you yourself are a guide of the blind – a light of them in darkness, 20 a pedagogue of the thoughtless, a doctor of babes having the form of knowledge and of the truth in the torah. 21 So you who doctrinate another, doctrinate you not yourself? You who preach, Steal not, you – steal? 22 You who word, Adulterize not, you – adulterize? You who abhor idols, you – strip priestal precincts? 23 You who boast in torah, through transgressing the torah dishonor you Elohim? 24 For through you the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the goyim exactly as scribed. 25 For circumcision indeed benefits, whenever you transact the torah: but whenever you transgress the torah, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision. 26 So whenever the uncircumcision guards the judgment of the torah, is not indeed his uncircumcision reckoned to circumcision? 27 And uncircumcision, by nature fulfilling/shalaming the torah, judges you, who through the scribing and circumcision transgress the torah. 28 For he is not a Yah Hudiy, manifestly; nor circumcision in the flesh, manifestly: 29 But he is a Yah Hudiy, in the secrets; and circumcision is of heart – in spirit and not in scribing; whose halal is not of humanity, but of Elohim.

Romans 2 would be a “real strawy chapter” if not for the last verse. Martin Luther called the whole book of James a ‘real strawy epistle” because he said it teaches works under law rather than in Christ. Romans 2 was somewhat addressing the same people as James. James (Jacob in the Greek) addressed the 12 tribes scattered. Romans 2 includes the nations along with the 12 tribes because they were being taught the humanity of Israel by the diaspora. To the Hebrews, all other nations had animal souls in need of being tamed. Only God’s people were born into His image by their flesh and blood inheritance.

James 3:7 (Jacob to the 12 tribes in diaspora)

ECB 7 For all nature, both of beasts and of flyers, both of creepers and of those in the sea, is tamed – and has been tamed by human nature:

The word “nature” (phusis) above refers to the constitution of the ‘animal’. It is their natural family or their national constitution that they were born into. In other words, it is the soul they inherited from Genesis chapter 2; their covenant created body was through natural revelation.

A marriage is a covenant creation with words. It creates a family. The family nature of humanity was overflowing into the families of the nations through the diaspora, by the special revelation given to the Hebrews at Sinai and in the promised land. Gentile parents were by their newly acquired human nature teaching their children to be human too, by the special revelation from God’s Word.

φύσις – nature
From G5453growth (by germination or expansion), that is, (by implication) natural production (lineal descent); by extension a genus or sort; figuratively native dispositionconstitution or usage

Nature is related to the word soul because all creatures were placed into a (natural family) corporate body that became a living soul. Only humanity was being formed into God’s image by special revelation at original creation, but the goal of humanity was always to tame (humanize) themselves and all of creation. The work of the law was to bring all nationalities to Christ, by awareness that everyone fails their own consciousness of humanity; even those not under the law of the human were made aware of humanity. This consciousness sometimes leads to denial: accusing and excusing. It sometimes it leads to projecting failures onto others and sometimes to defending self. It rightly leads a person to stop rejecting the truth and to see the need for Christ to save.

ψυχή – soul

2b) the (human) soul in so far as it is constituted that by the right use of the aids offered it by God it can attain its highest end and secure eternal blessedness, the soul regarded as a moral being designed for everlasting life (I added “human” in parentheses. All the original souls were being humanized.)

Martin Luther, “In sum, St. John’s Gospel and his first epistle; St. Paul’s letters, especially the ones to the Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians; and St. Peter’s first epistle are all books that show you Christ, and they all teach which is necessary and salutary for you to know, even if you do not see or hear any other book or teaching. It is for this reason that James’s epistle is in comparison a real strawy epistle, for it has no evangelical character about it.”

Since souls from all nations were being humanized by the old covenant body, then souls from all nations were being adopted into the new covenant body of Christ. The natural flesh and blood human soul of the old covenant was not enough to save anybody’s spirit or soul from perishing. Old covenant humanity was the school master that led the Jews to Christ and the pre-evangelism that humanized all the nations. They are the most accountable ones being addressed in the book of James (Jacob to the 12 tribes about to get or lose their inheritance).

Humanity is international now. It no longer has geographic bounds of habitation. Not only has it left the boundaries of Canaan but it has infiltrated the boundaries of the other nations. And it all started with the one flesh and blood human named Adam, whose descendants became the flesh and blood nation of humanity called Israel, whose nation in diaspora became internationally irretrievable. Through their assimilation into the nations, every humanized nationality came out of the one blood of Adam. Paul was trying to convince the Athenians that there was only one God and that He was being made known to them too. Adam and Israel had both received that duty as their great commission.

The tower of Babel was a typical human diaspora fulfilled at Pentecost. Even the curse of the international language barriers was reversed by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The 12 tribes came together to hear the gospel in their international languages in order to re-scatter with their humanity and evangelize the world. The one and only body of Christ is made one by the Holy Spirit.

Acts 17:26-27

26 And He made out of one blood every nation of humanity to be dwelling upon all the surface of the land, having limited the times before arranged, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 To seek the Lord, if then perhaps they may grope after Him, and may be finding, although for sure He is still being the originator, not far from each one of us.

When Jesus breathed on His disciples, He was preparing them for their new covenant breath from God that would save their insufficient souls from perishing. They had to lose their old covenant soul to save it into the new covenant. The resurrection of the eternal human soul from Hades was by the Holy Spirit. 50 days later the Holy Spirit carried the complete image of God from heaven into the heart of humanity and their natural souls joined the resurrection of Christ in His new creation.

1 Corinthians 15:21

ECB 21 For since through humanity, death, also through humanity, the resurrection of the dead.

It was the death of the body of old humanity that was in the process of being inactivated: either by second death or eternal life. When Paul was writing there was a transition taking place. Since then Christ has married the church and none of God’s people dies dying the death of Adam and nobody is waiting in Hades for eternal life to come rescue their deficient souls. They are called souls in Hades because a soul in Hades is a human-tamed spirit. God didn’t save spirits who didn’t have a humanized soul already. A spirit without a soul was called a demon. They had no covenant-body to belong to. They were looking for a soul to steal. The flesh and blood body was closely related to the creation of the natural soul.

New covenant life is already here in the eternal body of Christ. Old covenant death already went to it’s second death. Nobody is in the old covenant dying dead in the person of Adam or the nation of Israel anymore. They either died dead and went to second death or they were resurrected, in which case the second death did not harm them at all.

1 Corinthians 15:26 – “presently” is now past

JMNT 26 [The] last holder of ruin (or: enemy; quality having ill-will) being progressively brought down to idleness (made unemployed and ineffective; rendered useless and unproductive) [is] the Death (or: Death, a last enemy, is being presently nullified and abolished).

Hebrews 8:13

JMNT 13In thus to be saying “new [in kind and quality],” He has made the first (or: former) “old,” and that [which is] progressively growing old and obsolete (failing of age; aging into decay), [is] near its disappearing (vanishing away).

Old creation humanity was being replaced by new creation humanity. Paul tells us how the human body was becoming immortal in the first century; by the resurrection of the body of Christ. He starts by describing a more simple body; a body of wheat. He then works his way to the immortal human body of the new covenant resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:37

LITV 37 And what you sow, you do not sow the body that is going to be, but a bare grain, (it may be of wheat, or of some of the rest),

Paul wants to convey something about the body by first talking about a grain of wheat. A seed turns into an individual plant (body) with many seeds, all of which have potential to become another plant. The seeds can spread to cover the whole land with wheat. The field becomes one body of wheat with many members. Nobody thinks this body of wheat will become eternal in the heavens. Individual stalks of wheat still exist today with similar characteristics, still occupying the same realm, but none have become eternal. The bodies of wheat and the body of wheat remains earth bound in an earthy body. Their ‘citizenship’ is on earth.

1 Corinthians 15:39

ECB 39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but indeed there is one flesh of humanity another flesh of animals another of fishes another of flyers;

Next Paul describes bodies of flesh. Bodies of flesh include humans. I take it the body of fish refers to both an individual fish and fish as a group creation or species. Like the grain, no immortality is mentioned for any of the flesh bodies either.

1 Corinthians 15:40-41

ECB 40 also bodies of the heavenlies and bodies of the earthly: but indeed the glory of the heavenlies is another and of the earthly is another: 41 one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars: for star thoroughly surpasses star in glory.

1 Corinthians 15:42-44

ECB 42 Thus also the resurrection of the dead: spored in corruption; raised in incorruption: 43 spored in dishonor; raised in glory: spored in frailty; raised in dynamis: 44 spored a soulical body; raised a spiritual body. There is a soulical body and there is a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:44

CLV 44 It is sown a soulish body; it is roused a spiritual body.

ψυχικός – translated “soulical” body or “soulish” body or “natural” body in 1 Cor. 15:44. The adjective “soulish” does not describe the eternal body. The adjective “spiritual” does. My biological body will die. My spiritual body will not. My eternal spiritual body was given to me while in my flesh body. I don’t think an angel leaves his spiritual body in heaven when he appears to us. He cloaks it in an earthy body. The soulish body that died in AD 70 was old covenant humanity. Not every individual body in the old covenant biologically died in AD 70. Their mortal covenant body as a whole did.

From (soulical) G5590sensitive that is, animate (in distinction on the one hand from (spiritual) G4152, which is the higher or renovated nature; and on the other from (natural) G5446, which is the lower or bestial nature)

Thayer: 1) of or belonging to breath 
1a) having the nature and characteristics of the breath 

Next Paul moves up to heavenly bodies. The Sun, moon and the stars to the Hebrews represented beings who lived in heaven or were God’s chosen ones destined for heaven or specially chosen leaders. Paul still doesn’t mention immortality here. Maybe because stars can fall from the heavens and be consumed. He does speak of the extreme differences in the glory of these heavenly bodies, which leads to his next point: there is a great difference in the bodies that are being sown on earth and the one heavenly body that the Corinthians were being resurrected into. It is the only body that is said by Paul to be immortal. And Paul makes sure you know it is not a flesh and blood body. It is a body made for heaven.

Ephesians 1:10

CLV 10 to have an administration of the complement of the eras, to head up all in the Christ – both that in the heavens and that on the earth”

John 20:22

YLT 22 and this having said, he breathed on them, and saith to them, `Receive the Holy Spirit;

The new covenant breath Jesus sent to the Jews was in the spirit realm. It made them the body of Christ as a whole but it also gave them life individually. All flesh bodies on earth are mortal. The eternal life they receive is spirit-realm body-life.

Job 32:8

8 Surely there is a spirit in mortal man; and the breath of the almighty gives them discernment.

Elihu gives credit to God for his own personal understanding. The breath of Genesis 2:7 into Adam is why he can answer Job. Humanity has informed Elihu. The true soul of humanity is the mind of God’s Spirit. Humanity is designed to inform the spirit of a man. With the new covenant came the indwelling Spirit of God in communion with the spirit of man.

Romans 8:11

LITV 11 But if the Spirit of the One having raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One having raised the Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies live through the indwelling of His Spirit in you.

Jesus was born into a dead corporate body of humanity. But the law was spiritual. All under law spiritually died by not keeping the law, except Him, but His individual flesh body was obviously able to die. He almost died by starving to death in His wilderness temptation and He did die by bleeding to death on the cross. You may think the life that is given to your mortal body is immortal flesh. That doesn’t appear to happen to any body. We all get old and die. What does happen is spiritual body life. If Romans 8 doesn’t convince you that we are not in the flesh or that we are not to have our main focus on the flesh bodies (nations are flesh bodies), then maybe these verses will:

1 Corinthians 15:45-50

ECB 45 And thus it is scribed, The first human Adam became into a living soul; the final (eschatos) Adam into an enlivening spirit. 46 Rather the spiritual is not first; but the soulical – and then the spiritual. 47 The first human is dust from the earth; the second human is Adonay from the heavens. 48 Such as the dust, such also those of dust: and such as the heavenlies, such also those of the heavenlies. 49 And exactly as we bear the icon of the dust we also bear the icon of the heavenlies. 50 And this I say brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the sovereigndom of Elohim; corruptibility inherits not incorruptibility.

Romans 2:5

YLT 5 but, according to thy hardness and impenitent heart, thou dost treasure up to thyself wrath, in a day of wrath and of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God,

Those who rejected the more-grace of the new humanity remained in the old humanity and became hypocrites, until the long suffering day of wrath and of the revelation arrived, which was AD 70. John is seeing ahead and revealing that Day of the Lord. The old ended just as described, by the coming wrath, as revealed in the book of The Revelation. Which also describes the glorious marriage of the eternal human to His bride; the bride of Christ; the church. John was in the spirit viewing what was about to happen in the Lord’s Day. The revelation was for believers. The wrath was for unbelievers.

Revelation 1:1-2

KJV 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.

Revelation 1:10

CLV 10 I came to be, in spirit, in the Lord’s (D)day, and I hear behind me a voice, loud as a trumpet,

Malachi 4:1-2

Julia Smith 1 For behold, the (D)day coming, burning as a furnace; and all the proud and all doing injustice were straw: and the day coming burnt them, said Jehovah of armies, that it shall not leave to them root and branch. 2 And to you fearing my name the sun of justice arose, and healing in his wings; and ye went forth and spread as calves of the stall.

The only two options for the Day of the Lord judgement were: an ever-living body that forever increases it’s membership or a body consumed without even a root or branch remaining.

John 14:19

YLT 19 yet a little (mikron), and the world doth no more behold me, and ye behold me, because I live, and ye shall live;

The word once is used twice right before the word second is used in Hebrews 9:28, referring to the death of humans and the death of Christ. Death only happens once before the judgement. The judgement is to eternal life for those in Christ (the first resurrection) or second death for those not in the first resurrection. Jesus was the first human to be judged to resurrection (not second death) and He was the first human not naturally heading for the first or second death. He was supernaturally appointed to first death and was never a candidate for second death. First death couldn’t hold Him. Those judged to second death were not the ones waiting for Him to appear as high priest a second time; for their salvation. First death held them.

If we carry on the normal priestly sequence with Jesus, then He would be like all other humans or priests. Either naturally headed for second death or making two sacrifices because He was naturally in the first death of Adam already, along with everyone else. But He only went into The Most Holy Place once, for His people and not firstly for Himself. And He had already conquered their first death, which is why He could ascend to The Most Holy Place as the eternal new High Priest, so believers in His first resurrection wouldn’t be hurt at all by the coming second death of the AD 70 judgement. They wouldn’t die twice as their judgement because Jesus wouldn’t die twice. Only those in Adam were headed for second death. Jesus only sacrificed himself once before he was judged to live again not die again. The Holy Spirit resurrected Him into the new covenant as the new firstborn who never dies.

In Leviticus the high priest offered up a sin offering for himself and then went back into the typical most holy place for a second time to offer a sin offering for the rest of the humans. Then the judgement came from God. They would either live another year in the land or not. If the high priest came out alive both times, then humanity had salvation for another year. Expulsion from the land was considered covenant death. Which was about to happen a second time to Israel; their second covenant death.

Jesus died an old covenant death to release His people from that covenant of death. But He was not acting as priest then and He did not go into the most holy place with His offering yet. He died as the sacrificial lamb and then went to Hades. His sacrificial flesh went to the tomb to be preserved for further use. Jesus offered Himself once at the end of the ages. He did not take His flesh and blood offering into The Most Holy Place twice as high priest: once for Himself and once for the people. He made one offerring as High Priest and He only came out of The Most Holy Place once. Jesus only died once, then He was judged. His judgement was that the old covenant spiritual death could not hold Him because He was righteous.

He took His perfect old covenant sacrificial body of humanity into The Most Holy Place in heaven. Overcoming physical death was not the point of His sacrifice. He had to firstly die spiritually to enter Hades and open the gates for His people. His physical sacrificial body was put on hold. Taking His sacrifice to The Most Holy Place in heaven did not involve another spiritual death. It involved the permanent death of a sinless old covenant body of flesh and blood. That was His sacrifice; His perfectly good o.c. life. His spiritual death was to open the gates of Hades for His people. His putting to death of the old covenant body was to start a new one for His people. Jesus returned to the glory He had before He entered that old covenant body.

He set old humanity free by putting eschaton Adam to spiritual death and overcoming that death in Hades. He completed that salvation in heaven, as their permanent High Priest. He died once and was resurrected, then entered and came out of The Most Holy Place once. That makes two appearances as their High Priest. The whole point is that He didn’t need two offerings like every other high priest and He was already judged after His death to be the new first born, proved by the resurrection. The second death was harmless to Him.

and make an atonement for thyself and for the people;
first for himself, and then for the people; for, as Aben Ezra says, a man cannot atone for another until he is pure from all sin; which is a character only to be found in Christ, our great High Priest, and so a proper person to atone for and take away the sins of others: hence the priests under the law, with their sacrifices, could never take away sin really, only typically; and this shows the imperfection of the Levitical priesthood, that the priests of that order were obliged to offer first for their own sins; this our high priest, of another order, needed not to do; see ( Hebrews 7:27 Hebrews 7:28 ) Take from:

Leviticus 9:7

CLV 7 Then Moses said to Aaron: Come near to the altar, offer your sin offering and your ascent offering, make a propitiatory shelter about you and about the people, offer the approach present of the people, and make a propitiatory shelter about them, just as Yahweh has instructed.

Jesus goes into the real Most Holy Place in heaven to offer the final sacrifice of His perfectly good o.c. life only once, for all of new covenant humanity, but not for Himself. He does this without regard to His own sin as high priest because He alone is apart from sin. But it was in regard to final salvation for His people. The annual salvation for the Hebrews in the land became a once for all salvation, when the new sinless High Priest appeared to them out of heaven. The old covenant annual appearance of the high priest out of the inner room of the temple gave covenant life to the body of Israel for just another year, after the second appearance of the high priest. Jesus as high priest appeared out of The Most Holy Place, for the eternal and non-repeatable salvation of the human body. It was in the corrupt court of the high priest where the decision was initially made to sacrifice Jesus. They chose to sacrifice Him that year during the preparation for the passover. Jesus was not a priest in the o.c.. He was a priest in the n.c. after His resurrection.

Matthew 26:3-4

YLT 3 Then were gathered together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, to the court of the chief priest who was called Caiaphas; 4 and they consulted together that they might take Jesus by guile, and kill him,

Philippians 3:20

CLV 20 For our realm is inherent in the heavens, out of which we are awaiting a Savior also, the Lord, Jesus Christ,

Philippians 3:20 has the same Greek word as Hebrews 9:28 (ἐκ); translated “out” in this English version. Hebrews 9:26 specifically says He has manifest Himself once at the completion of the ages to put away sins. His death and resurrection appearance released them from their (o.c.) sins in His first appearance. His Holy Spirit betrothal sealed them for the day of salvation and His marriage saved them. His second appearance for the marriage, at the end of the old covenant ages, is now in the new covenant ages for all years forward. Of course if there is a 2000+ year delay, then it would seem like a second appearance if He returned in the flesh now. It would also not be the imminent one at the end of the old covenant age. Maybe the 70 years of Adam and the 490 year countdown haven’t been completed yet and we are waiting for salvation to appear.

The completion of His salvation and His end of the end-of-the-ages manifestation was when he came out of the true temple in heaven. That could only be done as the high priest. That could only be after His ascension to another realm. He could not be high priest in the covenant realm of flesh and blood. He was not from the flesh and blood lineage of Levi.

Jesus came out of heaven as the Savior and Lord when He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born into the land. That was the beginning of His 70 year manifestation to humanity while the old ages still existed. He was born into the flesh and blood line of Judah. He had already sacrificed that life in the land when Hebrews was written. They were released from o.c. sin and death. What the Hebrews were still waiting for was for Him to come out of the true temple after offering that sacrifice of flesh and blood as the High Priest of heaven. The completion of the manifestation of Himself was to put away the flesh and blood adamic body of sin forever (salvation). He wasn’t returning to His flesh and blood o.c. body. That was the final sacrifice.

The spiritual body of Christ has a clean conscience from the head. He was even spiritual in His body under law. That is why He was the final sacrifice. The Law was spiritual but Adam nor Moses could give the body a clean awakening. Jesus came out to marry that church in a new covenant and to destroy the old covenant church. No human body in the new covenant misses the mark of eternal life, because we are not flesh and blood. God’s Spirit did not strive with flesh and blood to the age.

Jesus appeared as high priest post resurrection because He was no longer in the flesh and blood covenant. in His first appearance as high priest He proleptically breathed on His disciples and said, “Receive the Holy spirit”. But He sent that gift from His Father’s house in heaven. Adam’s progeny did not inherit God’s presence from Adam, because Adam died the first death and it held him there.

Hebrews 9:26

LITV 26 since He must often have suffered from the foundation of the world. But now once for all, at the completion (sunteleia) the ages, He has been manifested (phaneroō) for putting away of sin through the sacrifice of Himself.

Jesus first appearance as High Priest was post-resurrection and was proof of their release from the o.c. law of sin and death. The completion of the ages concluded with the second appearance of the messiah as High Priest for salvation. That concluded 70-years of Jesus and fulfilled Adam’s 930 year age and made up for Israel’s second 490 years of missed sabbaticals. 70 sabbath years were neglected both times. 10 of them were Jubilee sabbaticals. The 50th year Jubilees recounted the first year for the millennial count. Jubilee always started on the Day of Atonement, which was in the fall on Tishri 10. Half the 49th year was already over when the first year was recounted. The second half of the 49th year was then called the 50th year.

Joshua defeated Jericho and Ai before he read the whole law to the people. According to the law, the law was to be entirely read during the Festival of Tabernacles by the priest. Joshua wasn’t a priest. He only read the law to them on the initial sabbatical that they didn’t count to. It was the first year in the land. Every 7th year the priests were to read it. The eighth day of Tabernacles then put the seven festivals to rest for the year.

We now have a second covenant and a new priesthood. First century believers didn’t go to a second death because their new high priest didn’t need to make a second appearance out of the most holy place. He went into the second room in heaven once with one sacrifice to atone for all humans, but not for Himself. Then He came out of the inner room for their salvation. But it was His second appearance as high priest.

The first appearance as High Priest was post-resurrection, after the flesh and blood high priest chose to sacrifice Jesus as the Lamb of God. Jesus was the sacrifice not the priest offering it. And the resurrection was proof of a release from the old man for a new spring betrothal 50 days later. The day of atonement was right before the marriage in the fall. That is when He appeared a second time as High Priest.

The day of atonement necessarily preceded the day of tabernacles. I believe the 3 1/2 year destruction of Jerusalem began in the spring 6 months after that 1000 year Jubilee. Or in the spring 3 1/2 years prior to that 1000 year jubilee. Since our calendars are off and Jesus was really born somewhere between 2 and 6 BC, the former makes more sense to me. It supplies the 70 sabbath years of Christ prior to the re-marriage in the fall. Then follows a 3 1/2 years of destruction beginning in the spring of 67 AD. The first resurrection was completed first.

Also Joshua read the whole law to the people after His first two battles. That law was to be read every seventh year during Tabernacles. That means Joshua was to rest for 6 months until spring before removing all enemies from the promised land. Reading the law to the people only occurred right after a sabbath year began. It also represented their marriage to God.

Deuteronomy 31:9-13

CLV 9 Then Moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi, the carriers of the coffer of the covenant of Yahweh, and to all the elders of Israel. 10 And Moses instructed them saying: At the end of seven years, at the appointment of the year of release, at the celebration of booths, 11 when all Israel comes to appear before Yahweh your Elohim in the place that He shall choose, you shall read this law in front of all Israel in their ears. 12 Assemble the people, the men, the women, the little ones and your sojourner who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn: they must fear Yahweh your Elohim and must observe to keep all the words of this law. 13 And their sons, who have not known it, they shall hear; they too must learn to fear Yahweh your Elohim all the days that you are alive on the ground where you are crossing over the Jordan to tenant it.

Joshua read the law to the people the first year in the land. He was given the authority of Moses who had relinquished his priestly duty to Aaron. The very law he read assigned that duty to the priesthood of Aaron every 7th year. Maybe the promised land was not made holy yet or was not in it’s seventh year yet, so Joshua was not usurping the duty of the priest. Maybe he was not on holy ground until it was made holy in the reading of the law of Moses and the next 6 years of destroying the enemies. As a type of Christ Joshua overcame the corporate body death caused by one human; Achan’s disobedience, before he read the law to them. Christ overcame Hades and then wrote the law on the hearts of His people before He destroyed all the rebels of God.

Humanity was judged as either in the heavenly priesthood of Christ or still in o.c. earthy priesthood. By the more grace of the new covenant, the new promised land people were being made holy before the cleansing of heaven and earth, when the enemies were all destroyed. The old covenant death was the last enemy to be destroyed.It was thrown into the lake of fire which is the second death. Jesus is Joshua fulfilled. His resurrection was the initial sabbath in the new land that led to the 8th sabbath of Pentecost that led to the eighth sabbath day of the wedding. According to the law, the Jubilee was to be announced 5 days before tabernacles began. The 1000 year Jubilee began on the final Day of Atonement. All was finally take care of just prior to the wedding.


There is no year zero on our calendar, but there are 2 years between 1AD and 1BC, even though it looks like just 1. This timeline above, with 2 years between 1BC and 1AD, implies that Jesus birth would be the transition point between two creations at zero. It would be at the end or beginning of the year (between the 2 years) rather than in the middle of a year during an overlap, where it is supposed to be.

This isn’t a Roman or a biblical representation. There is no Roman numeral zero or Hebrew script to represent Zero. The timeline calendar above actually looks like the transition from BC to AD takes place 6 months into the year, in the fall. Like the jubilee years did. Every 50 years they typically reset their creation in the middle of the year, which was in the beginning of the 7th month. The two year period between 1BC and 1AD appears to be an overlapping of two years into a one year time period. It would be a more biblically accurate calendar that way. We could count them both as a year with 6 months in each year, since Christ was actually born half way through the year, in the fall.

He also became the fulfillment Jubilee who finalized His creation at that time of the year. 10 Jubilee cycles were counted as both 490 actual calendar years and 500 millennial years. Otherwise sabbatical year counting would get off track. The new covenant marriage of heaven and earth was fulfilled just days after the 1000 year Jubilee began.

There was also a 40 year transition from the old creation as a nation to the new creation nation, when both national covenants overlapped and existed together. What we call the new covenant writings were all written while the old covenant still existed. They couldn’t have been written in between covenants when nothing existed. That would have been creation from nothingness. A new Creation starting from nothing or even at a Zero point is not biblical. Even in Genesis chapter 1, creation is presented as 3 days of ordering the chaos and 3 days of filling those ordered realms. The 7th day goal was for humanity to arrive at the 1000 year Jubilee alive. Revelation 20 presents the transition of covenants (resurrection) into the ultimate super-sabbath of Christ as the only alternative to second death. If there was a nothingness for the Hebrews it was in second death; not out of nothing at creation but into nothing by rejecting the Messiah. A Hebrew without a purpose considered himself nothing.

I assume, the original creation of matter was from nothing but God Himself, but that is not what Genesis or the rest of the Bible is concerned with. Even then, He may have created the spiritual realm first or at the same time as the physical realm, since He says, “Let us create humanity in our image”. Evidently some or all heavenly beings were already being made in His image or the heavenly family image, however mature the beings were.


The new creation was not ex nihilo (out of nothing). Jesus saved humanity out from the old and into the new. He stalled humanity in it’s first death by stopping Adam’s millennial clock at 930. In Hades Adam slept, as far as the full filling of his 6th day humanity went. Sons of Adam were put on hold by the creator Himself when He created a new and temporary realm for them called Sheol or Hades. Until… the creator Himself came to transition His 1000 year Jubilee into a new and living covenant, for the final 7th day of never-ending rest, after the 6th day of the filling of His new orderly arrangement. He Himself had perfectly a ordered humanity in the old covenant before laying it down to redeem His people, who were graciously stalled in the 6th day of creation. He filled His re-ordered human realm with the spiritually living ones before destroying the disorder of the flesh and blood nation of humanity. The nation itself did have a millennial clock that was running out. They were counting down their second 490 years of disordered humanity.

Biological death is not the first death that leads to the second death of destruction. In fact it was biological death that stopped Adam from going to second death at the age of 1000. Jesus did go to the holding place of those in the first death who had biologically died. But only people who first died spiritually prior to dying biologically went there to await their judgement. Which happened to be everybody accept Enoch and Elijah and the martyrs under the alter. The first death was death under law. The second death was annihilation for rejecting their law keeping savior. Those under the alter were in the first resurrection and were being saved from the first death, before they biologically died. They then waited under the alter for the completion of their salvation, rather than waiting in Hades. There is no salvation from second death.



end, ending
From G4931entire completion, that is, consummation (of a dispensation)


1) to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way 
1a) make actual and visible, realized 
1b) to make known by teaching 
1c) to become manifest, be made known 
1d) of a person 
1d1) expose to view, make manifest, to show one’s self, appear 
1e) to become known, to be plainly recognized, thoroughly understood 
1e1) who and what one is

Hebrews 1:1-3

LITV 1 In many parts and in many ways of old, God spoke to the fathers in the prophets; 2 in these last days He spoke to us in the Son, whom He appointed heir of all; through whom He indeed made the ages; 3 who being the shining splendor of His glory, and the express image of His essence, and upholding all things by the word of His power, having made purification of our sins through Himself, He sat down on the right of the Majesty on high, Psa. 110:1

After taking His old covenant human sacrifice to the most Holy Place in heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father. He is seen standing beside the Father as Stephen is about to die. Stephen represents the first new covenant Hebrew to die and have heaven open up for him. Stephen doesn’t die and go to wait in Hades like all the previous Hebrews had. He does die and wait for the salvation of humans to be completed though.

The transition martyrs waited under the alter until salvation was complete, which was marked by His revelation to the believers and His vengeance on the land of the unbelievers. “God’s Son” doesn’t come out of heaven to marry the church until the consummation of the ages, when the transition of covenants is completed. Even then He meets her in the air, which could easily mean in the spirit realm. Jesus didn’t take a flesh and blood bride. The body of Christ is the eternal human body and we are individually members of it. But it is a body made for heaven and only temporarily constrained to earth. Someone who is not a member of the body of Christ can sit beside me in church yet not be in the new city of Jerusalem (the church) because it is in the spirit realm.

The writer of Hebrews uses the word “second” five times. All five occurrences are found in chapters eight, nine and ten, which are about the failures of the old covenant high priests and the need for the new covenant high priest. What makes the new priest different? He only has to go into and come out of the most holy place once. The first and last uses of “second” by the writer to the Hebrews refers to the need for a second covenant priesthood. The second and third uses of the word “second” are about going into the inner or second room in the temple. The fourth use of the word “second” refers to a second appearance of the new covenant high priest of the Hebrews.

Five uses of the word “second” in the letter to the Hebrews:

Hebrews 8:7 (ECB)
For if that first had been blameless, then no place had been sought for the second

Hebrews 9:3 (ECB)
And after the veil, the second tabernacle which is worded, Holy of Holies; 

Hebrews 9:7 (ECB)
and into the second the archpriest alone once every year not apart from blood he offered for himself and the unknowingnesses of the people: 

Hebrews 9:28 (ECB)
thus the Messiah was offered once to offer the sins of many; and to them who await him he appears the second – apart from sin to salvation. 

Strong’s: ἀναφέρω take up (literally or figuratively)

Thayer: 1) to carry or bring up, to lead up 
1a) men to a higher place 
2) to put upon the altar, to bring to the altar, to offer 
3) to lift up one’s self, to take upon one’s self 
3a) to place on one’s self anything as a load to be carried 
3b) to sustain, i.e. their punishment

Hebrews 10:9 (ECB)

Then he says, Behold, I come to do your will, O Elohim. – he takes away the first to set the second:

Hebrews 10:39

ECB 39 And we are not of them who withdraw to destruction; but of them who trust to the acquiring of the soul.

Hebrews was written by a believing Hebrew to all the believing Hebrews to tell them that the changes in their priesthood meant salvation for them. They aren’t actually saved until the high priest comes out of the second room in heaven. That apparently happened and they have the eternal human soul now. The judgement on unbelievers who tried to keep the insufficient priesthood was their destruction in AD 70. The stubborn mortal old covenant body was destroyed. The resurrected new covenant body of humanity inherited salvation, which is eternal life in the heavenly realm with Christ.

John 14:2-3

CLV 2 In My Father’s house are many abodes; yet if not I would have told you, for I am going to make ready a place for you.” 3 And if I should be going and making ready a place for you, I am coming again and I will be taking you along to Myself, that where I am, you also may be.”

He comes out of the Most Holy Place after God judges new covenant humanity worthy of eternal life through His old covenant human flesh and blood sacrifice. Now His people will forever live in His heavenly realm in the Father’s house. The word translated “again” in the above verse is the Greek word “palin”. It can be translated “anew”.

Probably from the same as G3823 (through the idea of oscillatory repetition); (adverbially) anew, that is, (of place) back, (of time) once more, or (conjugationally) furthermore or on the other hand

Thayer: 1) anew, again 
1a) renewal or repetition of the action 
1b) again, anew 
2) again, i.e. further, moreover 
3) in turn, on the other hand

Second death

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Main article: Jewish eschatology

Although the term is not found in the Hebrew Bible (the Canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures), Harry Sysling, in his study (1996) of Teḥiyyat ha-metim (Hebrew; “the resurrection of the dead“) in the Palestinian Targums, identifies a consistent usage of the term “second death” in texts of the Second Temple period and early rabbinical writings. In most cases, the “second death” is identical with the judgment, following the resurrection, in Gehinnom at the Last Day.[1]

Targum Deuteronomy

In Targum Neofiti (Neof.) and the fragments (FTP and FTV), the “second death” is “the death that the wicked die.”[2]

Targum Isaiah

Targum Isaiah has three occurrences. The first is 22:14, where the Aramaic paraphrases the Hebrew as “This sin will not be forgiven you until you die the second death.” [3] The final two examples are from Targum Isaiah 65, which sets the scene for an apocalyptic final battle. Targum Isaiah 65:6 paraphrases the Hebrew in line with the interpretation of the penultimate verse of the Hebrew Isaiah found in the Gospel of Mark, where “their worm does not die” is equated with Gehinnom. Here both Targum Isaiah and Gospel of Mark supply the term “Gehinnom”, where Hebrew Isaiah simply concludes with the heaps of corpses following the last battle where “their worm does not die”, making no further eschatological extension into resurrection and judgment.

Targum Jeremiah

Targum Jeremiah 51:17 has the Aramaic “they shall die the second death and not live in the world to come”, which appears to depart from the other Targum uses in not being explicit that the second death is after resurrection but may instead be an exclusion from resurrection.

Targum Psalms

The majority reading of Targum Psalm 49:11 has the Aramaic translation “For the wise see that the evildoers are judged in Gehinnom”. However, several manuscripts, including Paris No.10, Montefiore No.7, and Targum of Salomos 113 have the variant Aramaic translation “He sees men wise in wickedness, who die a second death, and are judged in Gehinnom”.[4]

Rabbinic interpretations

David Kimhi (Toulouse, c.1160-Narbonne, 1235) considered the phrase to mean “the death of the soul in the world”.[5]

Maimonides declares, in his 13 principles of faith, that the souls of the wicked would be punished with annihilation.[6]


Main article: Christian eschatology

The term “second death” occurs four times in the New Testament, specifically in Revelation 2:11, 20:6, 20:14 and 21:8. According to Revelation 2:11 and 20:6, those who overcome the devil’s tribulation are holy and have a part in the first resurrection and will not experience the second death. Revelation 20:14 and 21:8 then provides parallelism between the second death and the lake of fire. In Revelation 21:8 we read: “As for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”