Two Wills and Testaments?
It is determined once for humanity to die and then comes the judgement. The death and the judgment were both determined by the one will of Adam. Every human inheritance came from first Adam’s will until eschatos Adam created a new testament by His will. Every human was in the flesh and blood will that could not live to inherit the life of the kingdom. As in Adam all were dying and waiting to be judged. Adam willingly disobeyed and chose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He died and was headed for judgement to destruction the day he chose the path of death. Adam did not willingly choose the path of life for his family to inherit. He left his one will for all humanity to inherit: death and judgement to destruction.
Before the fall, the old covenant potentially had two wills: a living will or a dead will. Adam could have willed for his descendents to inherit life or death. But he chose death, so God graciously stopped Adam from living in his flesh and blood to the age of the final judgement, because Adam was on the path to destruction. The testator died the day he ate but his final judgment was put on hold. The flesh and blood death of Adam at 930 years of age stopped him from ruling in the millennium to his own demise. Biological death put Adam and his humanity in repose at the age of 930.
If Adam was allowed to live to the age of 1000 his will would have become the permanent fulfillment of the types. Adam left a bad-will for his descendents. His 1000 year life in the flesh would have inaugurated destruction for humanity. Dying at an early age was an act of God’s grace. Adam’s place of repose was created by God’s grace. Judgement was put on hold in lieu of a better will from a better testament. The good-will testator would come and take Adam’s place before the millennial judgement was finally enforced on Adam and his progeny. Jesus came to save humanity from destruction according to John 3:14-15. Jesus came before the millennial Jubilee of the Jews arrived. Jesus also died at an early age to save humanity. If Jesus would have fulfilled the jubilee by living to the typical age of 70 in the old covenant body then nobody would have been saved.
In AD 70 Jesus returned as a new covenant man to bring judgement on the two different testaments of humanity: some humans chose life and some humans chose death: Jesus Holy Spirit will and the old flesh and blood will. The flesh and blood covenant no longer exists today, but flesh and blood itself still typically lives to 70 years of age rather than 930 years of age, as the original humanity did. New covenant humanity was consummated at 70 years of age by the new firstborn in fulfillment of the 1000 years jubilee of the nation. But Jesus moved Himself into His new covenant before He turned 70. He was the compliment of the resurrected humanity and the destroyer of the fallen humanity. God put all judgment in His hands. It was a Heavenly Jubilee both for the individual and the nation in the new covenant with Him as firstborn!
Psalms 90:1-4
CLV 1 {SCROLL FOUR{ {A Prayer, For Moses, the Man of the One, Elohim { O Yahweh, You Yourself have become our Habitation in generation after generation;” 2 Ere the mountains were born, And You travailed with the earth and the habitance, From eon unto eon You are El.” 3 You can turn a mortal back to crushed dust And say, Return, O sons of humanity.” 4 For a thousand years are in Your eyes Like yesterday’s day when it has passed, Or like a vigil in the night.”
After 490 years of forbearance for sabbatical failures in the land, God’s chosen ones were returned to the general population of the nations, just as Moses had prophesied. They were crushed back to the dust of the land they were formed out of. They did not attain never-ending life under their law agreement. God put them on repose at half-time. Then God graciously supplied their land with their 70 missed sabbatical years, after which He typically resurrected them back into the land for another 490 years of sabbatical failures. Of the 70 missed sabbaticals, 10 were Jubilees. Every 49 years a jubilee recounted the first sabbatical in the land. God resurrected the messianic tribe of humanity so He could also fulfill the second 70 years of grace and bring in the one remaining sabbatism for the people of God: aka the Hebrews. He reigned in their 20th jubilee: 20 x 50 = 1000.
Hebrews 4:9-11
CLV 9 Consequently a sabbatism is left for the people of God. 10 For he who is entering into His stopping, he also stops from his works even as God from His own.” 11 We should be endeavoring, then, to be entering into that stopping, lest anyone should be falling into the same example of stubbornness.”
“We” the Hebrews had an example of stubbornness to destruction from their first exodus. The writer to the Hebrews was talking about them not Pharaoh. It was the stubborn Hebrews who were destroyed for their unbelief. They didn’t believe God would save them during their 40 year transition.
“Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Psalm 90:16–17).
Psalms 90:10-20
LITV 10 The days of our years are seventy; and if any by strength live eighty years, yet their pride is labor and vanity; for it soon passes, and we fly away. 11 Who knows the power of Your anger? And as Your fear is, so is Your fury. 12 So teach us to number our days, so that we may bring a heart of wisdom. 13 Return, O Jehovah! Until when? And give pity to Your servants. 14 O satisfy us in the morning with Your mercy, and we will be glad and rejoice all our days. 15 Make us glad according to the days of our affliction, the years in which we have seen evil. 16 Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your majesty to their sons. 17 And let the delight of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish the works of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands, establish it!
Moses acknowledges that individual humans only lived out the few missing years of Adam’s failed millennium under the works of the law. Humans under Moses only had to properly live out the shortfall of Adam and they did it miserably. Actually living to 1000 became a national endeavor. But Moses didn’t believe the national body of humanity would live to 1000 any better than Adam. If only a good-will human would appear to establish the work of God’s hands for them.
God had two old covenant possibilities for humanity: work the land in obedience to the age or be destroyed in disobedience at the age of judgement. God didn’t force Adam to do His will. He did force him out after he disobeyed Him. The disciplinary judgement was to return Adam to the land he was taken from. God’s typical judgement on Adam and Israel was delayed until Jesus came to fulfill all the types in His obedience.
Genesis 3:22
YLT 22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,’ — 23 Jehovah God sendeth him forth from the garden of Eden to serve the ground from which he hath been taken;
Of course you will never see it if you read a bad translation.
Genesis 3:22-23
KJV 22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Adam was kicked out so he wouldn’t live to the age in disobedience and be judged to destruction. Flesh and blood could not inherit the kingdom at the millennium age. God would enter flesh and blood humanity to establish His works prior to the age of judgement. The typical age of flesh and blood death was 70 under Moses. There was a gracious place of repose created called Hades where God’s people waited for their messiah to establish the work of their hands for them with his 70 years, before the final judgement age of the nation arrived. As long as it was called “today” (the current day) the Hebrews were still fulfilling the day of Adam and Israel. After the thousand year day was fulfilled it was too late. Destruction came to old covenant unbelievers.
Hebrews 3:12-13
LITV 12 Watch, brothers, lest perhaps shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief in withdrawing from the living God. 13 But exhort yourselves each day, as long as it is being called today, that not any of you be hardened by the deceit of sin.
Hebrews 9:27
ECB 27 And as it is laid out for humanity to die once and after this the judgment:
Adam died and was headed for judgement to destruction, before being confronted by God and returned to the land he was formed from. His return to the land was God’s gracious delay of the judgement. The judgement came at the end of the age. There was a millennial messianic fever in the first century. The Jews believed a messiah would come and save their nation before their 1000 year jubilee. Jesus was in fact born to reign in their millennium alive. But He died to the old and took His good will to His new covenant.
The new covenant like the old came to have only one will and testament. The testator died in the old covenant and He never dies in the new covenant. Their is no disobedient act that enforces the law on the firstborn of the new testament. Jesus’ will was put into effect when He did the Father’s will and died as the old covenant man. His will was for the old man to die so all His people could live to the age with the new man. Anyone believing in Him lived to the age and was not destroyed at the millennial judgment. After 70 years, all new covenant people inherited His never-ending life and all old covenant people reached the age of 1000 still under the broken law of Adam and Moses. The will of flesh and blood was enforced on them. The will of the Holy Spirit reigned in life for the new covenant people of God.
John 3:5-7
ECB 5 Yah Shua answers, Amen! Amen! I word to you, Unless one is birthed of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter the sovereigndom of Elohim: 6 that birthed of the flesh is flesh; and that birthed of the Spirit is spirit: 7 marvel not that I say to you, you need to be birthed from above.
Jesus fulfilled the works of the law in His flesh and blood body. The Holy Spirit remained on Him alone. He then willingly put that body to death according to God’s will. After being resurrected into a new testament, He sent the Holy Spirit to remain on His people to their millennial age. That is what the messiah did. He granted life to the age, just as John 3:16 says. Immortality arrived at the end of the old age of 1000 and covenant death was put to second death. Covenant death is no more.
John 3:14-21
ECB 14
And exactly as Mosheh exalted the serpent in the wilderness, even thus must the Son of humanity be exalted: 15 so that whoever trusts in him destructs not, but has eternal [age-during] life. John 12:30-34 16 For Elohim loved the cosmos thus: that he gave his only birthed Son; that whoever trusts in him destructs not but has eternal [age-during] life. 17 For Elohim apostolized not his Son into the cosmos [first coming in flesh and blood] to judge the cosmos; but that the cosmos be saved through him. 18 Whoever trusts in him is not judged; but whoever trusts not is already judged: because he trusts not in the name of the only birthed Son of Elohim. 19 And this is the judgment: light comes into the cosmos, and men love darkness rather than light because their works are evil. 20 For everyone doing evil hates the light; and comes not to the light lest his works be reproved: 21 but whoever does truth comes to the light, to manifest that his works are worked in Elohim.
Jesus did not return to save the flesh and blood covenant from death to the age. He returned to bring salvation to His new creation Hebrews.
Hebrews 9:14-19
LITV 14 by how much more the blood of Christ (who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God), will purify your conscience from dead works for the serving of the living God! 15 And because of this He is Mediator of a new covenant, so that, death having occurred for redemption of transgressions under the first covenant, those having been called out might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance. 16 For where a covenant is, the death of him having covenanted must be offered. 17 For a covenant is affirmed over those dead, since it never has force when he who has covenanted is living. 18 From which neither the first covenant was dedicated without blood. 19 For when every command had been spoken according to Law by Moses to all the people, he took the blood of the calves and goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, and he sprinkled both the scroll and all the people,
Adam’s life didn’t have to be sacrificed until he disobeyed. Adam didn’t have to give up his life in the garden until he willed the death upon himself and his progeny. It was God’s will that Adam be expelled after he willed the death. It was God’s will to save Adam from his failed millennium judgment day. It was God’s will to delay the death of humanity with animal sacrifices.
Jesus willed death upon Himself before the age too, but in obedience to God’s willingness to save His old testament people. Jesus took the place of Adam on the tree. Jesus put the old covenant to final death only after He granted His resurrected humanity to His people. Death could not hold the obedient covenant man who willingly died. The resurrection of The Testator granted new creation life to all His inheritors before the age (or to the age).
Putting the old man to death was merely delayed by animal sacrifice. Animal sacrifice temporarily cleansed the conscience of humanity from their broken law wokeness. The truly woke one under law was unlawfully arrested in the garden. God had already arrested Him to do His will. The good will of humanity was arrested in the old covenant. Flesh and blood was offended by the good will and willed for the death of the one true humanity in flesh and blood.
Jesus as the new covenant humanity was no longer willing to die. Even the temporary sacrifices for the flesh and blood Jews ceased after AD 70. No more sacrifice for missing the mark remained after the millennial age passed by. Neither animal sacrifice nor Hades delay the inevitable today. The inevitable that was imminent in the first century was consummated in the first century.
Hebrews 10:26
LITV 26 For if we are willfully sinning after receiving the full knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice concerning sins,
The Hebrews in their transition of human wills willingly chose life or death for their millennial age. They willingly arrived to the age dead or alive. There is only one covenant will today because there is only one covenant. The will and testament that remains is for life. The One True Testator died in the old covenant to put His good will into effect in the new covenant. He covenantally dies no more and neither do His people.
Romans 5:14
CLV 14 nevertheless death reigns from Adam unto Moses, over those also who do not sin in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him Who is about to be.”
The new covenant firstborn was about to be the only covenant testator. It was 2000 years ago when the old will and testament finally ended in AD 70.
1 Corinthians 15:22
CLV 22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.”
All old covenant people who remained in Adam died dead. People outside of the new covenant still die dead at the typical age of 70 years today and they are no more. But we aren’t waiting for the old covenant hold outs to be judged for not believing the faith they were given. There are no old covenant anti-messiahs because there is no old covenant. Jesus died in the old to save His people out of it before it ended in judgement to destruction. It was God’s good will that made it happen. Jesus accomplished God’s will with His covenant transition prior to the destruction. In the end no human lived to the age by the law of Moses. They would’ve if they could’ve.
Romans 10:4-12 quotes Moses
LITV 4 For Christ is the end of law for righteousness to everyone that believes. 5 For Moses writes of the righteousness which is of the law: “The man [human/covenant man] doing these things shall live by them.” Lev. 18:5 6 But the righteousness of faith says this: “Do not say in your heart, Who will go up into Heaven?” (that is, to bring down Christ); 7 or, “Who will go down into the abyss?” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.) 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we proclaim) Deut. 9:4; 30:12-14 . 9 Because if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone believing on Him will not be put to shame.” Isa. 28:16 12 For there is no difference both of Jew and of Greek, for the same Lord of all is rich toward all the ones calling on Him.
Deuteronomy 30:15
YLT 15 `See, I have set before thee to-day life and good, and death and evil,
Deuteronomy 30:15
ECB 15
THE OFFER OF YAH VEH OF LIFE AND GOOD See, I give at your face this day life and good and death and evil;