God’s Retro Millennial Rule: “You Must Be Born Again”
Definition from Oxford English Dictionary
- A period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ.
Psalms 45:6
YLT 6 Thy throne, O God, is age-during, and for ever, A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Thy kingdom.
Israel’s teacher knew that Jesus was a teacher sent from God. Jesus thought that Nicodemus as Israel’s teacher should already know the answers to the questions he was asking. Nicodemus did not ask Jesus what age He was talking about perishing to or living to. Nicodemus wanted to know how it was possible for an aged man to be begotten. Rather than ask what age Jesus was talking about perishing at nicodemus asked about rebirth. Its as if Nicodemus already knew the millennium was near but didn’t know how to be begotten again. Since Jesus answered that first century Jewish teacher’s question, our concern with wrapping up the millennium has been nagging contemporary populations for millennia.
Does the contemporary church even know what Nicodemus and his fellow Jews believed about the millennial age? Jesus’ birth is an obvious date to consider when making our millennial calculations. He is the One who was born in the flesh to reign in the thousand years with His chosen people. But how many years were we supposed to count to after Jesus was born? Did Jesus come to rescue and fulfill a humanity already in progress or did He start over from another year one? Has there been a restart or a delay or a side track, or are we just giving up on counting for now? Which millennial reign did Jesus espouse? Whose math should we marry up with to make humanity immortal: modern eschaton math or first century Jewish math?
The first born human and the first born nation were both badly aged and nearing a tragic demise when Jesus was born. The reign of old covenant humanity was quickly coming to a dead end. Jesus came at just the right time, to advance and save His numerically climaxing world from perishing in their millennial culminations. Adam, as the firstborn human, died when his flesh body failed and he was put to repose indefinitely at 930 years of age. Israel, as the first born nation, died her first national death at 490 years of age and was put to repose for 70 years.
Jesus was born toward the end of the second 490 old covenant years in the land. Jesus was born into the second re-generation of the nation under law. He ministered to the worst flesh and blood generation ever. He Himself said they were worse than Sodom and Gomorra. The first typical resurrection of the body of Israel came out of the wilderness after a 40-year re-generation of the nation. They had to be born again in the desert due to beast worship under the leadership of Aaron at the base of Mt Sinai. The second typical re-generation began after 70 make-up years for neglecting their sabbaticals. Since only Jesus Himself could arrive to the age still in good standing under law. The second 490-year death of the people was inevitable.
The 20th Jubilee was at hand for the land. Was the new covenant promise of a thousand-year reign with Christ made to the old world people or was the new covenant reformation an ex nihilo promise? Did the old covenant prophecies concerning the new covenant coordinate with the Hebrew calendar or was there a new creation calendar in God’s mind? Didn’t Gabriel answer Daniel’s prayer with purely Hebrew calendar calculations? Was the rebirth of the nation fulfilling old covenant types or was it something altogether new?
It couldn’t be that the Hebrews were supposed to recount to a thousand years from Jesus’ birthday. If anything they resumed counting the missing years of fallen Adam when thee eschatos Adam was born. Daniel was clearly told to expect the covenant culmination at the end of their second 490 years in the land. If the Hebrews were supposed to count to a thousand years from Jesus’ birthday, then they were obviously stood up for that far off date over a thousand years ago. The Jews didn’t get there new covenant or wind up their old one in the year 1000 AD. Their first millennium with Jesus as the unfallen head of humanity came and went and nobody was saved from an AD1000 destruction. Then came the second thousand years. Remember the Y2K scare? It was another possible end of the world scenario in the minds of many.
So, what actually happened to the hope or the fear of reigning in the millennium with Jesus? Was the millennial count even associated with the birth of their Messiah? What does a thousand years have to do with the birth of Adam and the birth of the nation Israel? Are we still holding our collective human breath over 2000 years after the Christ event? How does it all add up to immortality and second death? What kind of new math are we presumably using for our ever-more-creative calculations?
Was the millennium supposed to arrive before or after or at the same time that Jesus saved the believing world from perishing? What was the cosmic destruction Jesus spoke to His fellow Jews about? Did that epic annihilation happen yet? Did we miss the end of the old covenant world? Did that millennial culmination arrive for the humanity of those in first born Adam or first born Israel or first born Jesus? Could it be a thousand years already came for all three?
Wasn’t Jesus always involved in His humanity even before He was actually born as The Son of Man in order to redeem it, before it died dead? Isn’t He still involved in His post-redeemed humanity, even though His flesh and blood body is no longer with us? Which body of humanity is Jesus involved in today? If its not the flesh and blood (old covenant) people of God, then who are God’s chosen people today and ever? What does God expect His chosen people to do now that He has re-birthed them? Can Jesus’ humanity reign with God over all His creation even if He is not here in an old covenant of flesh and blood body to lead it? Was the eschatological battle for the body of humanity won in the realm of a flesh and blood battle? The death of the old covenant flesh and blood body of Christ was the price of their redemption.
The fallen body of flesh and blood actually lost their offensive effort to live forever in the old covenant. The Judaizers, who wished death upon the born again ones, died dead 2000 years ago. Those who tried to stop the new covenant birth died for the second time. Today, there is no old covenant body of Judaizers that has just rejected the Son of Man and the Holy Spirit and their reborn brethren. They rejected the redemption that Yahweh sent specifically to them. And its no wonder. Only Jesus could properly rule in His flesh and blood. Everyone else had to be born again to rule in the age with Him. Nobody could willingly laid down His old covenant life like Jesus did. They needed His will to do it. Only Jesus could willingly sacrifice His unfallen life under law. And that was not done for Himself but for His friends. We can’t even rule in our flesh to save ourselves let alone others. If we could rule in our flesh we wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit rebirth. The Holy Spirit rebirth at Pentecost enabled Israel to rein in their flesh. They lived to the age by the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 4:29
CLV 29 But even as then, the one generated according to flesh persecuted the one according to [S]spirit, thus also it is now.”
Every possibility to construe another millennial fulfillment out of our modern day calendar of events passes with another corporate sigh of relief. There are always plenty of false prognosticators to stoke anxiety with every millennial calculation we can conjure up. Myriads of bad equations have come and gone with no end of new scenarios in sight, even though the end of the world is always nigh in someone’s flesh and blood eyes. So why is a thousand years still so significant to so many of us? Why do so many false rumors still fly before they inevitably fizzle in unbelief? Will we ever tire of more missed predictions or calculations? What was the millennium supposed to accomplish or prove to the world anyway? And why is it always so fateful and pivotal to those who are still convinced they are about to be involved in it? What is humanity supposed to be doing before, during and after their millennium? I am assuming the millenium is meant to fulfill humanity somehow. 1000 years is undeniably associated with both Adam and Israel.
Did Jesus say anything about reaching the age of one thousand with or without Him? When Jesus spoke, His followers didn’t always get the meaning of what He was literally saying. Why didn’t He speak more plainly? He clearly said He came so His people could have life to the age? But what cosmic age of perishing was He instructing them to avoid by being born again into His kingdom? Why didn’t His disciples ask what age of perishing He meant? It wasn’t even one of their questions. His disciples didn’t have to use their imagination to fill in their interpretations of the Word as much as we do. They based their perception on their own national understanding. And the true to form national image was standing right there with them. They just asked Jesus to explain Himself to them when they didn’t see what He said. They somehow knew that He knew what He was talking about.
Since Jesus doesn’t lie and Jesus believes no lies, then doesn’t it make us less faithful to His image to imagine and promote something He didn’t actually say or intend to say to His humanity? Evidently the Jews actually understood what Jesus meant when He promised them life to the age as the only alternative to perishing with the age. Nicodemus just wanted to know how to be born again in order to achieve it. John 3:16 was Jesus’ answer to the eminently flesh and blood minded Nicodemus He called, “Israel’s teacher”. Israel’s teacher could only imagine a flesh and blood rebirth of his body.
John 3:16
CLV 16 For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life [to the age] eonian.”
Hopefully we still want to understand what Jesus originally meant by what He said. Did God give His Son to prevent His people from perishing or not? Did any of God’s people perish to the age? Even if we have perfectly memorized a modern day English interpretation of our selected verses, it doesn’t necessarily prove our faithfulness to the text. A tape recorder or even a piece of paper can recall a text better than we can. Our inventions can accurately record a surviving text, but that doesn’t require any belief. Our verbatim recollection of someone else’s modern day English interpretation doesn’t prove faithfulness to the original meaning.
Having English scripture in mind is of course a good thing. It should cause us to think about it, because God made us way above the non-sentient recording devices we have invented. Can we learn an English text by heart without really considering God’s heart? As we become adults we should go deeper than the verbatim memorization of our Bible verses. We should begin to think about the meaning it was meant to convey to the original audience. Its always risky business when you contemplate the actual meaning of scripture, especially if it goes beyond the stated boundaries of the modern American church culture. If you want to know the truth, you may be asking for real trouble.
Our embodied instinct is to never stray far from the herd. Embodiment may be the most powerful drive for survival that we have in us. Nobody wants to be dangerously alone outside the safe acceptance of their group. Who wants to be without a body to live in? Ironically, the original “think-tank” was designed to be a safe place for individuals to meet as a body to discuss strategies of war. What kind of bodily warfare was the first century church involved in? Was it dependent on a flesh and blood survival tactics? Nicodemus couldn’t get past his flesh and blood embodiment. Regeneration to him could only mean another flesh and blood birth. He could only picture the comical impossibility of another flesh and blood birth of his earth realm body by way of re-entering his mother. Life to the age even for Nicodemus was only found in the born again body of humanity. You must be born again to live to the age rather than perish, said Jesus to Nicodemus.
The will power to live to the age was granted to Israel by the true testifier. Jesus willingly died as the old testament testator in order to give His people a new will to live. We exercise and eat right when we have the willpower, so as to extend the life of our flesh and blood bodies. Flesh and blood embodiment is a natural concern. Eternal life is a supernatural concern. Flesh and blood bodies will always die. Flesh and blood is not the supernatural body. Nobody has the willpower to live forever in the flesh. The Holy Spirit granted the new covenant willpower to live to the age in the resurrected body of Christ. The old covenant body willingly murdered the only One Who didn’t naturally die under law. Jesus would have lived to the age of immortality, even in the old covenant. He overcame Adam’s will or lack thereof in the resurrection. Jesus already had a will to live under law. In the garden Jesus struggled to choose to lay down His old covenant will to live.
Regardless of your temporal affiliations with your own mortal body or your local flesh and blood assembly, our fight to live forever is not with our flesh and blood bodies. Every human so far continues to lose that battle. Your immortality is not dependent on your good standing with flesh and blood assemblages and it is certainly not dependent on this particular generation’s eschatological musings. Dare we look then for the real meaning behind the first century John 3:16 text? Dare we just idly sit and listen to our modern-day generation of ‘professional’ soothsayers, without exercising our God-given self awareness. It is ultimately safer to ask the scary question, “What was Jesus actually saying to His transition of covenants generation?” Isn’t is dishonoring for humanity to find false security in the end-time voices of every generation since Jesus?
Over two millennia ago thee eschatos Adam told His unique generation that they could have life to the age by believing in Him? Did that generation of believers arrive alive with their messiah? Were they still believing what Jesus believed in AD70? Was their faith in the land in as it was being destroyed? Jesus willingly died to give His people His will power by way of a new testament enablement. No body in the Jerusalem in AD70 believed what Jesus said, until it was too late. After 490 more years, the still offensive outlaws were trapped against their will.
Forgiveness through animal sacrifice ended with the culmination of the millennium. Believers exchanged their animal skins for the white robe of Christ. The body of Christ didn’t need covered with animal skin to live another year. Missing the mark required animal sacrifice to delay the death of the disobedient ones for another year. The apostle Paul used to run with that criminal gang, until Jesus changed his mind. Strong willed Paul would not have arrived alive with his ‘good’ old intentions of empowering the status quo to death. Liability in the plummet to the second national death was solidifying as the end to animal sacrifice permanently approached. Unbelievers who took cover in the old covenant sacrifices were left naked. If they really believed God’s Word they would have known that their animal covering was about to end. The new covenant transition clothed the believing Jews in the humanity of Christ.
John 11:25-26
CLV 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living.” 26 And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?
The retro-millennial resurrection of Christ is just what it sounds like. The resurrection out of Jesus’ old covenant death granted new life to those stuck in their thousand-year trek to their second old covenant death. It all added up to life to the age when they trusted Jesus to complete their millennial math? His resurrection opened an alternative world for the pending millennium of humanity. A dueling cosmic completion was imminently and immanently underway. It was about to be and it was currently an inside job. God’s alternative math was found in the retro-millennial Jubilee of the Messiah. The human equation for immortality was only found in the retroactive work of Christ. How else could it be if anyone from the past was to be saved? Jesus’ retro-payment meant redemption for all God’s chosen people: past and present. He was the only rich relative with enough resources to pay off the debts of all His close relatives. Being born from above made close relatives out of all of God’s chosen people. Jesus paid it all.
That life-giving equation came only to those who completed the millennium of humanity in the ongoing resurrection of the Son of Humanity. He became the new and the living first born in the resurrected body of His/his old covenant death. Jesus entered Adam’s death on the cross to overtake Adam’s death in the resurrection. Jesus took and overtook the death of Adam less than half-way to His 70th birthday. Since Jesus never fell into the death, He was lifted up and out of it. He secured humanity’s goal to live to 1000. He couldn’t die the firstborn death again. He lived to the age and took true humanity to the age in His new constitution.
Keep the eastern mind in your western mind: numbers to them weren’t as scientific as they are to us. Numbers were more symbolic to ancient Hebrews. They didn’t even have a zero because nothing was already nothing. And they didn’t seem to have the concept of eternal life like we do because everyone’s time always ran out. They didn’t see much beyond their flesh and blood existence. Before Jesus, the perfect human was still outside of man’s shortened time span on earth. Only after being born again with Jesus could we begin to conceive of an eternal life with full humanity in charge of the inheritance. The Holy Spirit gave them His new covenant eyes.
Adam was put to repose at 930 years of age because he lost his eternal inheritance. He was removed from his typical estate because he couldn’t fulfill the thousand-year type alive. The first born nation also broke probation and was removed from their estate at halftime. They returned to the land after 70 years in the ‘wilderness’. That 70-year make-up for the failed types came after their first 490 years in the land. In Adam, they were still inherently dead and dying, as the second 490 years were counted down.
During their second 490 years in the land, we get Jesus’ personal perspective on the significance of the number 490. “I say to you Peter that you should forgive your offensive Jewish brethren 70 times 7 times”, to paraphrase some perfect Jewish math. Of course Jesus portrayed God’s grace-filled character better than Peter did. God would super-graciously offer forgiveness to the old covenant offenders all the way to AD70. Even the martyrs seemed to be getting impatient. Jesus Himself patiently put up with their continued offenses for 70 years, from the time of His embodiment. His embodiment was His rescue mission to the body. He rescued the old covenant embodiment of the millennium from their certain death. They were fulfilling all the types in Adam.
You can do the easy math here. Before AD70, both first-born Adam and first-born Israel were still short of completing their millenniums. So what does that have to do with Jesus’ 70th birthday as a human? What happened to old covenant and new covenant humanity when Jesus’ humanity became 70 years old? Didn’t the old covenant thousand-year forestallment of the death by way of annual animal sacrifices cease after the second 490 years in the land? Do we still need animal sacrifices for God’s people to live on life support another year closer to the age of 1000? Do God’s people still have His forgiveness even without the forestallment of their permanent death by way of insufficient animal sacrifices or did God pull the plug on the unbelievers in the land? Wasn’t there two different millennial outcomes pending during humanity’s completion? One of the outcomes was eminently more desirable than the other. Animal sacrifices just brought them a year closer to their second death. Jesus’ sacrifice took them to the age in the life of His first resurrection. You must be born again or perish to the age.
The flesh and blood herd-mentality that threatened to expel the ‘noncompliant’ members of Yahweh’s Holy Spirit born first-century church came from the old covenant hold-outs. They retreated back to their mother’s womb for their continued attempt at second birth. They weren’t willing to sacrifice their second attempt at resurrecting old covenant life. It was the stubborn old covenant hold-outs who were truly noncompliant as their ill-fated millennium neared. Their continued offenses became unforgivable in AD70. All their old covenant offenses added up and ended when their old land occupation ended for the second time. There are no more old covenant unbelievers to forgive for trying to stop the new covenant believers from arriving alive. All God’s chosen people faithfully arrived to the age of one thousand alive in the true belief of their messiah. The believers of lies perished with the second death of the old covenant Jews in the flesh. Obviously immortality came to God’s chosen people by way of their first resurrection into the immortal body of Christ. The second old covenant flesh and blood body of people in Jerusalem perished.
Jesus was mortal in His old covenant body. That meant He could still die when He was in the old covenant. He overcame the mortality of His old covenant body before the thousand-year telos of humanity made it permanent. It was impossible for the death to hold Him to the age. He took His people to their millennial age in His sure-to-be-resurrected old covenant body, which was surely resurrected into the new covenant rather than back into the old. The new covenant body of Christ then reached the age of 1000 alive, as the living body of God’s people. I believe that arrival made God’s people permanent. Nobody in the new covenant dies today. Jesus’ old covenant tree of death became the new covenant tree of life. Flesh and blood did not inherit the new and living will. The new covenant is comprised of Holy Spirit born bodies fit for heaven.
New covenant knowledge of good and evil without dying again comes from the new head of humanity who always keeps His clear conscience. After the completion of the resurrection of humanity, God’s people are the truly and properly woke ones on the planet, or at least we could and should be properly aware. We can’t really die trying to live up to our potential.
Those who claim to be ‘woke’ today want to take the place of the new covenant first born and give us their inconsolable conscience. Their disorganization by way of intimidation is all about anti-creation. They want to abolish one good thing after another. Their make-believe definitions of good and evil are impossible to even comprehend let alone act out properly. Unreasonable convictions are incredulous and therefore unpersuasive to the rational human mind. They want us to freeze in fear of their pointy fingers, but it is their Irrational minds that are automatically guilty of their own false conclusions. Leave me out of these hopelessly unreasonable debates. They are going nowhere fast. Proper worship is reasonable. Paul emphasized orderliness and understanding as part of proper worship. The falsely ‘official’ fact checkers can’t censor the true humanity of Jesus. They promise us freedom as they de-create (self-destruct) into innumerable mental disorders we’ve never even heard of before. They now offer an infinite number of delusions as they continue to invent their disorders. You are being encouraged to self-destruct in your own personalized image of disorder.
Jesus heads up humanity from His eternal office as the firstborn of humanity proper. It’s the only kosher image of humanity that exists today and (for) evermore. The only blood that was kosher for the old covenant Jews was Jesus’ blood. After Jesus told His Jewish followers to eat His flesh and drink His blood He had to tell them he didn’t really mean it the typical way they took it. The actual flesh and blood of Christ wouldn’t cause them to rein in the millennial age with Him. The Holy Spirit He sent to them from the realm of heaven would actually give them life to the age, not the symbolism He made out of His food or His drink or His breath. His torn body bled to release them from the death of the firstborn imager. The full image of God is actually presented in the Holy Spirit. The full image of God’s old covenant humanity was only present in Jesus’ flesh and blood. After Jesus died as the true Lamb of God He was individually resurrected. From Heaven He sent the Holy Spirit to resurrect the dead corporate body.
John 6:51-52
YLT 51 `I am the living bread that came down out of the heaven; if any one may eat of this bread he shall live—to the age; and the bread also that I will give is my flesh, that I will give for the life of the world.’ 52 The Jews, therefore, were striving with one another, saying, `How is this one able to give us his flesh to eat?’
Believing Jews trusted in Jesus’ age-during sayings. Unbelieving Jews delivered Him up before the age arrived.
John 6:63-68
YLT 63 the spirit it is that is giving life; the flesh doth not profit anything; the sayings that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life; 64 but there are certain of you who do not believe;’ for Jesus had known from the beginning who they are who are not believing, and who is he who will deliver him up, 65 and he said, `Because of this I have said to you—No one is able to come unto me, if it may not have been given him from my Father.’ 66 From this time many of his disciples went away backward, and were no more walking with him, 67 Jesus, therefore, said to the twelve, `Do ye also wish to go away?’ 68 Simon Peter, therefore, answered him, `Sir, unto whom shall we go? thou hast sayings of life age-during;
John 4:21-26
LITV 21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me that an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such ones that worship Him. 24 God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth. 25 The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, the One called Christ. When that One comes, He will announce to us all things. 26 Jesus said to her, I AM, the One speaking to you.
Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit. Unlike Adam, Jesus was begotten by God. He was the Son of God and the Son of a human. His most used self-title while in the old covenant was son of humanity. He was not actually the son of a man but He was the son of a woman. He was born the only begotten (by God) son of humanity. The only begotten Son of God became the new covenant first born by being born again. His adult body died in the old covenant and was resurrected in the new covenant. Now His fellow Jews could live to the age in an unfallen covenant, if they joined Him in His first resurrection body. Just as in Adam, all were dead and dying, so in Christ, all were alive and living, to the age.
Mark 14:62-64
CLV 62 Now Jesus said, “I am; and you shall be seeing the Son of Mankind [humanity] sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven.” 63 Now the chief priest, tearing his tunics, is saying, “What need have we still of witnesses? 64 Lo! now you hear the blasphemy! What is it appearing to you? Now they all condemn Him to be liable to death.” [which made them even more liable to second death]
I don’t know why CLV capitalized mankind. The mankind Jesus was Son of was through Mary. He was not Son of Joseph by conception. Mary birthed Him into old covenant humanity as the only begotten Son of God. He kept His favorite title even after He returned to the Father. Jesus told the High priest that he would see Him back with His Father with His old covenant title in tact: Son of humanity.
Mark 14:65-68
YLT 65 and certain began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say to him, `Prophesy;’ and the officers were striking him with their palms. 66 And Peter being in the hall beneath, there doth come one of the maids of the chief priest, 67 and having seen Peter warming himself, having looked on him, she said, `And thou wast with Jesus of Nazareth!’ 68 and he denied, saying, `I have not known him, neither do I understand what thou sayest;’ and he went forth without to the porch, and a cock crew.
Obviously it wasn’t Peter’s perfect Jewish faith that saved him from perishing with the old covenant. It was the perfect faithfulness of another old covenant son of humanity that procured the Holy Spirit of rebirth for His people. Peter’s personal failure to keep believing in the promised messiah was confirmed three times.
As soon as he was born again Peter spoke boldly and faithfully to his fellow Jews. He told them to be saved from the perverse generation that had just murdered their messiah. Will Jews get saved again from a more evil generation? Salvation was promised to come to the Jews. Jewish Jesus saved them and Jewish Peter proclaimed it to them and then the Jews in their diaspora took their good news out to the other nations too. Like Adam, they were sent out of the land to cultivate the land they were originally taken from. The presence of God in the land is no longer in the typical temple. The presence of God is in the same realm as the rebirth. In fact, if you don’t have the Holy Spirit of second birth you are not one of His chosen people. Ancestry dot com can only confirm your first birth. Your muttly ancestry doesn’t make any difference to God today. During the transition of covenants, Jewish ancestry actually increased their liability under law, but with that most liable generation ever, came the Jewish alternative: cosmic salvation. God sent His Son to save their world of humanity from perishing with the age. The everlasting ancestry.com is kept in heaven. In the new Jewish creation, Jesus became the firstborn with no genealogy. The new covenant started with him as firstborn in the family tree. He didn’t find a bride in flesh and blood. He gave His covenant life in marriage to the already existing corporate bride: the church. The Jewish church entered His new covenant betrothal period on Pentecost.
Acts 2:22-41
LITV 22 Men, Israelites, hear these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man from God, having been approved among you by powerful deeds and wonders and miracles, which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know, 23 this One given to you by the before-determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you having taken by lawless hands, having crucified Him, you put Him to death. 24 But God raised Him up, loosing the throes of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it. 25 For David said as to Him, “I always foresaw the Lord before Me, because He is at My right hand, that I not be moved. 26 For this reason My heart rejoiced, and My tongue was glad; and My flesh also will dwell on hope, 27 because You will not leave My soul in Hades, nor will You give Your Holy One to see corruption. 28 You revealed to Me paths of life; You will fill Me with joy with Your face.” LXX-Psa. 15:8-11; MT-Psa. 16:8-11 29 Men, brothers, it is permitted to say to you with plainness as to the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is among us until this day. 30 Being a prophet, then, and knowing that God swore with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loin, as concerning flesh, to raise the Christ to sit on his throne, see Psa. 132:11 31 foreseeing, he spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, “that His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption.” LXX-Psa. 15:10; Mt-Psa. 16:10 32 This Jesus God raised up, of which we all are witnesses. 33 Then being exalted to the right of God, and receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He poured out this which you now see and hear. 34 For David did not ascend into Heaven, but he says, “The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand 35 until I place Your enemies as a footstool for Your feet.” LXX-Psa. 109:1; MT-Psa. 110:1 36 Then assuredly, let all the house of Israel acknowledge that God made Him both Lord and Christ, this same Jesus whom you crucified. 37 And hearing, they were stabbed in the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, Men, brothers, What shall we do? 38 And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized, each of you on the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all those afar off, as many as the Lord our God shall call. 40 And with many other words he earnestly testified and exhorted, saying, Be saved from this perverse generation. 41 Then those who gladly welcomed his words were baptized. And about three thousand souls were added that day.
Jesus has been reigning with His people from His throne for over 2000 years now. Is old covenant death still a threat to us in the reorganization of heaven and earth? Those who stayed in the old covenant died all dead still married to the old firstborn. Those who moved into the new covenant are still alive and for ever will be. The covenant in the death of the first born husbandman and the first born nation was presently and actively being abolished during the transition of covenants. The second death of the old covenant was the death of covenant death. The dead and dying old covenant was made obsolete by the living new one. Life to the age in their rebirth saved the chosen people of God from perishing. At least that is the belief of Jesus according to John 3:16. Rebirth wasn’t a form of reincarnation for Nicodemus or his nation. They were already in their second incarnation as a nation. I should aspire to be more Jesus-minded and less Nicodemus-minded. Paul was all about the flesh and blood body until Jesus re-minded him with the truth. Jesus had a reasonable yet very dramatic discussion with Paul. It was decided by Jesus that Paul would reign in the age with Him. This was a new revelation to Paul and it was recorded as scripture. Paul was torn between un-carnation and carnation but he didn’t struggled with re-incarnation. Paul chose to remain in his earthly carnation for the sake of God’s chosen people. He eventually joined the martyrs in the realm of heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:25-26
CLV 25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy is being abolished: [the] death.
Even though the millennial disorders were all chronic, covenant death is no more. God’s people arrived alive in the born again cosmos of their Messiah. Old world hold-outs all died together in their corporate comorbidities. The pharisaical masking only exacerbated the sickness in their old covenant breath. It was inevitably going to end in their death. The vaccine from heaven was sent from the body of the only overcomer of the old world pandemic. The inoculation from the certain death of the firstborn body is the Holy Spirit of the life of Christ. If you have His covenant blood in your veins you will never die. The flesh and blood firstborn had to die.
The end of animal sacrifice also ended Adam’s and Israel’s delay. All animal vaccines eventually let us die anyway. Flesh and blood inevitably must die. You must be born again to transition to heaven and continue to live in the death-proof new covenant body of Christ. Even His first birth into humanity was into a mortal flesh and blood body. A Herod aggressively tried to kill Him as an infant and another Herod tried not to kill him as an adult. Jesus laid down His certain potential to arrive alive in His old covenant flesh and blood body. Everyone’s first birth body will die, no matter what you do or don’t do, no matter what you believe or don’t believe.