The Spirit Of The Day
Genesis 3:8
ECB 8 And they hear the voice of Yah Veh Elohim walking in the garden in the wind of the day: and Adam and his woman hide themselves from the face of Yah Veh Elohim among the trees of the garden.
Was God walking in the spirit of the day that Adam failed to walk in? Did Adam hear God in the Spirit of the Day like John the revelator did? Was the wind in Genesis 3:8 a portent to the arrival of the Spirit of God, like the mighty rushing wind of Acts chapter two was? Peter unequivocally pronounced judgement on all the Jews that day. God came down in a preemptive Holy Spirit judgement, before they Jews crossed the Rubicon. Only two options were at hand. Peter urged them to change their mind and escape their natural ending before it was too late. Their resurrection by way of the Holy Spirit that had just landed on them was the only way out of their pending judgement to old covenant death. God promised His people a new covenant that would save them from their sins.
Revelation 1:10
CLV 10 I came to be, in spirit, in the Lord’s day, and I hear behind me a voice, loud as a trumpet,
Was John born again into the Lord’s Day. Was John’s first birth in the flesh when he was naturally born into the day of Adam as an old covenant Jew? People who claim to be old covenant Jews today date their creation calendar to Adam. Was John’s rebirth how he came to be in spirit with God’s people in the Lord’s Day? Those who remained in the flesh were not His people. Only those who had the Holy Spirit were. Or was born again John being specially filled with the Holy Spirit on a Sabbath day, so he could record this revelation? If any single day was called the Lord’s day it was the Sabbath day. The day of salvation/judgement that was being fulfilled was also called the Day of the Lord. He called Himself the Lord of the Sabbath in the old testament on the seventh day of the week. Could it be that John was receiving a vision of the completion of salvation on a seventh day?
One of the ten commandments is to keep the Sabbath day holy. So why did we change it to the first day of the work week? Jesus came to relieve us from attempting to achieve salvation by works. Jesus rested as Lord of the sabbath in the old covenant. Until God asked Him to work out salvation for His people. He completed the work of salvation by bringing God’s chosen people into His never ending day of rest. Jesus re-entered the 6th day of works when He took Adam’s place on the cross. Jesus took Adam into His sabbath rest. That means we can always rest from saving ourselves now because the Lord of the sabbath still rules. If anything, every very day is alike now. Setting aside the first day of the work week as the fulfillment of the types doesn’t seem to fit the big picture. We live in the unending rest from our salvific works. God rested on the seventh day. Jesus was sent by God so we could join Him in His Day.
Maybe John was taken into the spirit-realm for a never-ending-Sunday vision? Some people think the Lord’s day was surely changed to a Sunday before this all Jewish vision transpired from one Jew to another. The same people who think this revelation of Jewish Jesus to Jewish John was on Sunday, also think the resurrection of Jesus was on Sunday. There are no Bible verses to back this up. Every Bible verse clearly calls resurrection day a sabbath day. But for some the new covenant is not accepted as a fulfillment of the old, it is instead a completely new creation on a new track.
Is Sunday worship really the temporary replacement rather than the redeeming fulfillment? Will God bring back and fulfill the old covenant at a later date far removed from the 490 year countdown they were in? Is there still old covenant work to be done by Jesus and His disciples. They were after all left in their prophetic 6th day of creation, while we have gone all the way back to day one of a different creation. Salvation was of the Jews but it didn’t really save all of His chosen people yet. God will get back to His chosen but still lost people later. So what happened to the sabbatism that remained to be fulfilled for the Hebrews? Are they still waiting. Are they still hiding from the face of Yahweh in their fallen works in Adam? Will God finally put the old man to death so they can really reengage with Him as their new husbandman? Will Jesus still be the lord of the sabbath when He fulfills all the Jewish types? Or will the Jews join us in our never ending first day of creation? Or will the saved Hebrews replace us with the sabbatism that was promised to them? Actually the Hebrews were duly warned not to be on the wrong side of the Day of the Lord that was imminent.
Hebrews 4:7-11
CLV 7 He is again specifying a certain day, “Today”-saying in David after so much time, according as has been declared before, “Today, if ever His voice you should be hearing, You should not be hardening your hearts.” 8 For if Joshua causes them to stop, He would not have spoken concerning another day after these things.” 9 Consequently a sabbatism is left for the people of God. 10 For he who is entering into His stopping, he also stops from his works even as God from His own.” 11 We should be endeavoring, then, to be entering into that stopping, lest anyone should be falling into the same example of stubbornness.”
Genesis 3:8
CLV 8 And hearing are they the sound of Yahweh Elohim walking in the garden in the windy part of the day. And hiding themselves are the human and his wife from the face of Yahweh Elohim, in the midst of a tree of the garden.”
After the mighty rushing wind arrived on Pentecost, at the dawning of the renewed Day, Peter stood boldly in the face of God. The face of God is the Tree of Life fulfilled: Who is The Christ. Judgement began on Pentecost with the family of Yahweh. They faced Him first. Then they lived to tell about it. Peter was first to speak up in that Day.
Peter had tried to hide himself 3 times while he was still in the old covenant day of Adam. Peter claimed ignorance and swore and cursed before the rooster announced the dawning of a new day for Peter. Jesus however did not deny Himself, even when falsely tried unto His death. Peter had said he would follow Jesus even unto the death, but denied knowing Him after facing a woman’s casual inquiry. After Jesus was exposed naked and died on the tree Peter denied Him, just as Jesus said Peter would. Peter shed tears of repentance near the end of his day in Adam. Peter became unashamed in the Day of the Lord.
After Jesus was resurrected into His new Day, He questioned Peter by repeating His slightly altered question to him three times. He used Peter’s old name to address him because Peter was his old self. Peter was still in the setting of the day of Adam. Jesus typically renamed Peter in the old covenant, but Peter’s new name didn’t take hold until Peter joined Jesus in His resurrection. Jesus resurrected the twilight of Adam’s 6th day to the dawning of His/his 7th day. Those who died in the sixth day missed the resurrection day. The never ending Day of the Lord never sets. Adam’s day preemptively went dark after noon on the tree. Jesus took their darkness to a new light before the day turned to permanent night for the old covenant people of God. The new human rescued all His chosen ones from the fall of the old human. The last Adam became the firstborn through His death and resurrection. His chosen ones fearlessly engaged His Day of rest on Pentecost. They were guaranteed to complete their 6th day works by the enabling Spirit sent to them by Jesus.
Genesis 3:8
Brenton 8 (3:9) And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the afternoon; and both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden.
Morning is when the sun appears in its ascent. Noon is when the descent of the day light begins. Afternoon is about noon to 6. Morning is about 6 to noon. The end of Adam’s day in the garden was when God showed up to pronounce judgement. The beginning of the reborn day of Adam was when Jesus was reborn. God showed up in the mighty rushing wind of Pentecost when His brethren were reborn. In Christ, the born again Jews were being judged to life, in the new Day of the Lord. The Jews reigned in the resurrection of the never ending day (the sabbatism that remained for the Hebrews) while the Jews failed to reign in the day of Adam. Adam’s day continued setting. Jesus died in the dark day of Adam after high noon. He preemptively endured old covenant darkness for three hours before He died. His old covenant body was removed from the tree of death just before the sun fully set on His old covenant body. He and His old covenant body were raised into the dawning of a new day.
Did Adam try to hide behind the same tree of knowledge that exposed him? Or did he hide behind a less conspicuous tree? Either way, Adam was fully exposed and he knew that God could see that he knew he was naked. Adam failed to hide his naked self from God but he did hide from his own self realization. He only hid himself from himself with tree leaves and excuses. God knows us fully which is way more than we know ourselves and God doesn’t believe our excuses. Even Eve and Satan probably saw through Adam’s excuses on trial. God wants us to face Him in The Truth and nothing but the truth of His new covenant Son. Jesus made His chosen people fearless in the dawning of His sabbath Day.
2 Corinthians 4:6
CLV 6 for the God Who says that, out of darkness light shall be shining, is He Who shines in our hearts, with a view to the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
Luke 10:19
CLV 19 Lo! I have given you authority to be treading upon serpents and scorpions and over the entire power of the enemy, and nothing shall be injuring you under any circumstances.”
Jesus had authority to walk up above and upon the spirit of the day. He tread underfoot the spirits who walked in the fallen spirit of the day. When the unfallen and fully matured eschaton Adam was baptized, the Holy Spirit of Adam’s unfallen Way remained on Him. Jesus remained on the path Adam left. Jesus himself lived as the One son of Adam who never fell and then He died in the place of all the sons of Adam who did. Jesus did not receive a spirit to fear like Adam and Israel did. He gave His followers His Holy Spirit authority, as if they were unfallen humans along with Him.
Jesus also protected His disciples from physical harm while they walked with Him. He healed the soldier’s ear in order to save Peter from a premature death. It was one of the last healings Jesus did in the old covenant. He mended a major misdirection in His plan. Peter was about to die to save Jesus. The next night Peter denied even knowing Him. Peter denied knowing the one who was condemned to die on the tree in his place. Peter acted like the first Adam who died, rather than the last Adam who died.
Like Adam, Peter hid himself in three denials prior to being born again. The physical types (like death) became spiritual in the new covenant, erasing the fear of physical death for those who were leaving the types behind them. Jesus’ disciples would be killed by the fallen spirit of the day. In their physical deaths, they were filled with the Holy Spirit of the new Day of the Lord. I know that because the martyrs finished out the Day under the alter in heaven. In the Holy Spirit they followed Jesus there and awaited the judgement on the unbelievers who tried to keep the typical land. They were being saved from the death of the day of Adam, by the Spirit Jesus sent from heaven. The same Holy Spirit who had already resurrected Jesus into a new day
Jesus sent the Spirit to sanctify his/His people in His rebirth of the Day. The day of Adam was offered full cover in the Day of the Lord. Jesus sacrificed His old covenant skin to cover them for good. Whatever tree Adam tried to take cover in was now the Tree of death and the tree of Life fulfilled. Jesus took on the tree of death on the tree He died exposed on. He didn’t try to hide Himself from His Father. If anyone was hidden that day that went dark, it was the presence of His Father. The heart of Jesus and the rest of the Jews were both exposed by the cross. Jesus revealed His true Jewish heart with His words and actions. Father forgive them they don’t know… It was a reversal of the words of Adam after he died on the tree. Jesus took on the responsibility that Adam denied and forgave and redeemed His bride from the old covenant side of Adam.
Stephen essentially died unharmed. His spirit was most exalted in his martyrdom. Stephen’s body died full of the Holy Spirit of God even while his spirit soared. Everyone has to leave there typically dead and dying body here. What better way to go than full of the Holy Spirit? What worse way to go then on the darkness of God’s absence? Like Jesus, Stephen didn’t die bitterly. He died bearing new covenant fruit. He died at the foot of the cross in good standing as a true witness to the transition generation of the Jews.
The Romans would crush underfoot the Jews who still rejected the Holy Spirit. Jews either knelt at the foot of the cross or were eventually crushed by it, when the transition of covenants was over. The crshing of Satan by the seed of the woman included the synagogue of Satan. Stephen may have been the first unmerited Jew to go to heaven. Jesus was not only worthy in Himself to go to heaven, He was returning to the glory He already had before lowering Himself in becoming a Jew. He did it to open the way for His brethren to fearlessly follow Him before they got crushed.
Stephen’s rational defense of his Jewish faith before Jerusalem’s ‘typical supreme court’ was accepted by the highest court over the land. This so enraged the unbelieving Jewish authorities that he was taken out of the city and stoned to death like Able. Unbelievers remained in the spirit of the fallen day of Adam. It was legally rational that they should perish. It was unreasonable that they didn’t accept the forgiveness God sent to them from above. Stephen’s final offering was a prayer of forgiveness for his attackers, which echoed those of his Lord on the cross. Stephen’s walk in the Spirit of Jesus’ Day was a witness to Paul the apostle who was still walking in the spirit of the fallen day of Adam.
Paul (like everyone) would have finished the day dead if he had his way. Paul lived to reign in his rebirth in the resurrected day of the unfallen eschaton Adam. Paul wanted his brethren to accept God’s offer of new life before the condemnation to second death came upon the land. After the Holy Spirit gave life back to the dead old covenant Jesus, He became the first fruit of the new covenant Jewish harvest.
Proverbs 15:8
CLV 8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abhorrence to Yahweh, Yet the prayer of the upright is acceptable to Him.”
The Jews in the fulfillment of the typical old covenant exodus were warned against dying in their bitterness, like the typical Hebrew unbelievers before them did. This old covenant death would be the final one. Nobody is dead or dying in the old covenant anymore. No Jews were ever judged to death by Yahweh in their new covenant. Nor will it ever happen.
Hebrews 3:15
CLV 15 while it is being said, “Today, if ever His voice you should be hearing, You should not be hardening your hearts as in the embitterment.”
1 Peter 2:5 – The 12 tribes were instructed by Jewish Peter to offer spiritual sacrifices
CLV 5 you, also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, into a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, most acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. “
Acts 7:54-60
CLV 54 Now, hearing these things, they were harrowed in their hearts, and gnashed their teeth at him.” 55 Now possessing the fullness of faith and holy spirit, looking intently into heaven, he perceived the glory of God, and Jesus, standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, “Lo! I am beholding the heavens opened up, and the Son of Mankind standing at the right hand of God.” 57 Now, crying with a loud voice, they pressed their ears and rush on him with one accord.” 58 And, casting him out, outside of the city, they pelted him with stones. And the witnesses put off their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul.” 59 And they pelted Stephen with stones, while he is invoking and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!” 60 Now, kneeling, he cries with a loud voice, “Lord, Thou shouldst not stand against them this sin! And saying this, he was put to repose.”
Jesus placed His spirit into the hands of Yahweh. Stephen paced his spirit into the hands of Yeshua. Everyone but Jesus needs a mediator to face God and live.
Matthew 10:16
LITV 16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Jesus instructed the Jewish missionaries He sent out to Israel to use the tact of the serpent to call His people into the knowledge of God, in Himself. The two trees of the garden were both being fulfilled in Jesus. He became the human who embodied the proper use of their knowledge of good and evil under the revealed law of humanity. Knowing the One Way to become more like God, did come with a typical death threat after all, from the false teachers (wolves), who claimed to already know the only way to God. Like all politicians, the Pharisees claimed to be the true shepherds who really cared for his people. They failed to keep their people spiritually dead with them, in their attempt to keep their “knowledge of law” in the flesh, so they resorted to murdering The Truth Teller and His chosen people. The truth teachers (Jesus and His disciples) who really knew God’s Way to life did lay down their old covenant lives for the sheep. That is Jesus’ definition of true Jewish shepherds.
John 10:11-16
CLV 11 I am the Shepherd ideal. The ideal shepherd is laying down his soul for the sake of the sheep. 12 Yet the hireling, not also being shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, is beholding the wolf coming, and is leaving the sheep and fleeing. And the wolf is snatching them and is scattering the sheep.” 13 Yet the hireling is fleeing for he is a hireling and he is not caring concerning the sheep. 14 I am the Shepherd ideal, and I know Mine and Mine know Me, 15 according as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. And My soul am I laying down for the sake of the sheep.” 16 And other sheep have I which are not of this fold. Those also I must be leading, and they will be hearing My voice, and there will be one flock, one Shepherd.”
My first point is that Jesus had other chosen people to bring into the new covenant body other than the Jews. The Jews were plainly first and foundational. It was after all their old covenant that was being reborn. The politicians who were in it for the old covenant money were not the ideal shepherds. They tried to take cover in their legalese rather than die for the sake of the new republic.
The prince and power of the air was still the devil, in the day Jesus was born into the land. The devil had turned the old covenant republic into a tyranny of sorts by the ever present sabbath police that seemed to be lurking everywhere. The Holy Spirit of the Jewish rebirth came out of heaven, not out of the temple or out of Jerusalem. The spirit of first century Jerusalem was not holy. The Holy Spirit of God in the temple had inspired fear in the past, because the people knew they weren’t keeping the law. Slavery to the law was inspired by the knowledge of their failure. The spirit of the devil was in the land promoting the fearful way of the original death through his sons in the land. The devil was there to enhance the dark setting oppressively. The Jewish leadership was walking in the land with the unholy spirit of the adversary, not with the Holy Spirit of their God. The devil and his sons were being used to fulfill God’s plan. The end separated the Day from the night. They both became never ending.
The pharisees were continuously and hypocritically highlighting the fact that nobody could keep the law. They tried to place themselves above the guilt of the body. They were the ‘law-keeping’ police who hid themselves in hypocrisy. They were judging God’s people with selfish motives. Only Jesus could judge His people unselfishly. Today the law of the typical land is kept at gunpoint for those who don’t believe in morality or cant act right. Even today, the proper enforcement of the law of the land is in the spirit of God’s moral laws, not the letter of the law. Those who currently use the law improperly for their own personal benefit are still the hypocritical law breakers. They still don’t care who they hurt. They are the hired who are further bought by bribes, like Judas who accepted the bribe rather than care for the sheep, they are really wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Ephesians 2:2-4
LITV 2 in which you then walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience, 3 among whom we also all conducted ourselves in times past in the lusts of our flesh, doing the things willed of the flesh and of the understandings, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as the rest. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,
According to Jesus, there were hypocritical leaders in Jerusalem enforcing the laws. They appeared to be the messengers of the light, but they were of the dark synagogue of Satan. They offered life while actually promoting the original death. They wanted to stay in the place of that death and recruit others, by force if need be. They refused to move into the new land of knowing as fulfilled in Yeshua. The appropriate knowledge of good and evil that saved God’s people came down from heaven, as a mighty rushing wind [Spirit] (not a gentle morning breeze or a dove). The Holy Spirit had returned to the land of Jerusalem to take up residence in the His fallen people, made possible by the One True Son; the only spiritually begotten into the old covenant. Pentecost was the preliminary storm of Jesus’ return. He hallowed His followers and set them apart before He returned in the wrath and vengeance of the old covenant destruction. The Holy Spirit was the only way to rise above the spirit of the world.
3 1//2 years prior to the Pentecost of salvation, the approval and empowerment of Jesus by the Holy Spirit came out of heaven as a gentile and harmless dove. Jesus then ministered with the Holy Spirit in the temple: Himself. If anything appeared forceful or violent at Jesus baptism, it was the tearing open of heaven. That old covenant landing of the Holy Spirit was as gentle as a dove. After Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit is sent to the old covenant Jewish body who killed Him. He appears in a violent storm and as serpent (split) tongues of fire. What happened to all the tactfulness of the serpent that Jesus was previously promoting in the realm of the old flesh covenant? Well, this new covenant appearance of the Holy Spirit was really an inside job.
What was happening on the exterior was being silently effectuated in the heart of each Jew. Kinda like when Paul was forcefully saved by Jesus Himself. No tact (or lack thereof) can be as effective as being born again. No lack of tact can stop it when the proper authority is involved. In fact, the first time I was born wasn’t all pleasantness either. I came into the world with birth pains for everyone involved, including me. I cried out as I took my first breath of this world’s air. I don’t really remember that. I had to be informed by the adults in the room, after I grew up and became able to understand. My second birth was also initiated by birth pangs of sorts. I was drowning in my world and didn’t even know I needed to come up for new covenant breath or air ‘in my nose’.
Acts 2
YLT 1 And in the day of the Pentecost being fulfilled, they were all with one accord at the same place, 2 and there came suddenly out of the heaven a sound as of a bearing violent breath, and it filled all the house where they were sitting, 3 and there appeared to them divided tongues, as it were of fire; it sat also upon each one of them, 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, according as the Spirit was giving them to declare.
The unbelieving Jews tried to explain away the supernatural abilities given to the believing Jews. While the believers crossed the language barriers, the unbelievers remained in their confusion. The original tower of Babble episode would have been a better candidate to blame on alcohol then the reversal of it. They were drunk on the idea of centralizing their power. The unverified scientific explanation for Pentecost was that all the believing Jews had become drunk before noon and they were just babbling incoherently. The unbelieving Jews were the only sober ones who had enough self control not to join that morning’s pentecostal party. Strong drink didn’t really inebriate the Jews into hearing Peter’s sermon in their own native languages, just as alcohol didn’t cause them to see and hear the preliminary signs. The Holy Spirit had actually arrived to take up residence and enable the mission minded Jews to move forward with their transition of covenants. The spirit of the fallen day and the Spirit of the redeemed Day were the two conflicting authorities. They told two different stories. All authority was given to Jesus to make the final judgements. The new covenant saints lived. The old covenant saints (in their own minds anyway) died. They set themselves apart and became more like the animals in the end rather than the humans.
1 Peter 2:5
YLT 5 and ye yourselves, as living stones, are built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:10
CLV 10 May the Lord rebuke you! Yet these indeed are calumniating [making things up] whatever they are not acquainted with, yet in whatever they are naturally adept, as the irrational animals, in these things they are being corrupted.”
Jude 1:19
YLT 19 these are those setting themselves apart, natural men, the Spirit not having.
Jude 1:19
ECB 19 who set boundaries; soulical, not having the Spirit.
Jude 1:19
CLV 19 These are those who isolate themselves, soulish, not having the spirit.”
Jude 1:19
Apostolic Bible
19G3778TheseG1526 [G5748]areG592 [G5723]they who separateG1438themselves,G5591breathical,G2192 [G5723]havingG3361notG4151the Spirit.
Jude 1:3-10
CLV( 3 Beloved, giving all diligence to be writing to you concerning our common salvation and life, I have had the necessity to write to you, entreating you to be contending for the faith once given over to the saints.” 4 For some men slip in who long ago have been written beforehand for this judgment; irreverent, bartering the grace of our God for wantonness, and disowning our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.” 5 Now I am intending to remind you, you who once are aware of all, that the Lord, when saving the people out of the land of Egypt, secondly destroys those who believe not.” 6 Besides, messengers who keep not their own sovereignty, but leave their own habitation, He has kept in imperceptible bonds under gloom for the judging of the great day.” 7 As Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner to these committing ultra-prostitution, and coming away after other flesh, are lying before us, a specimen, experiencing the justice of fire eonian.” 8 Howbeit, these dreamers also, likewise are indeed defiling the flesh, yet are repudiating lordship and calumniating glories.” [the sons of the devil in the body of Moses were rejecting the Lord and making up their own glories] 9 Now when Michael, the chief messenger, doubting the Adversary, argued concerning the body of Moses, he dares not bring on a calumniating judging, but said, 10 May the Lord rebuke you! Yet these indeed are calumniating [making up] whatever they are not acquainted with, yet in whatever they are naturally adept, as the irrational animals, in these things they are being corrupted.”
Michael didn’t have faith in the ‘logic’ of the adversary, so he argued with him, yet he himself couldn’t defeat him with the winning argument. Michael didn’t lose the argument but Michael’s engagement didn’t win the Day. It was actually true. Everybody under law deserved to perish and did perish, under the righteous judgement of Yeshua. It was nothing irrational or deceptive, real old world sacrifice and truth set the Jews free from their condemned body of Moses. The body of Moses was redeemed on the cross, enabled on Pentecost and remarried to an incorruptible covenant head.