Forever In The Flesh?
Many today teach that the glorification of the flesh is in the future for all believers. In the mean time our bodies still get old and burn out. Since flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom, some have invented a caveat: the glorified flesh won’t contain blood. Glorified flesh and bone will inherit the kingdom. Bodies that never die will be bloodless bodies. These immortal resurrected bodies are not only for believers but for unbelievers too. How else could a person burn forever and never die? According to Dante the future [resurrected] flesh bodies condemned to Hell will forever be restored, even as their flesh forever burns off in the fire. Why so much extreme conjecturing about immortal flesh for everybody? Why require that I teach all this guesswork? Why am I required by my local church to believe that glorified flesh will reign in the kingdom on earth forever and that the resurrected but not so glorified flesh will simultaneously burn forever?
Romans 8:7a says that the mind set on the flesh is enmity against God.
Evidently the mind set on the glorified flesh is ok as long as it doesn’t contain any glorified blood. That’s ridiculous nonsense. Jesus required His old covenant followers to eat His old covenant flesh and drink His old covenant blood. Didn’t He get the caveat note? Note: the new covenant resurrection was in His flesh and bone not flesh and blood. The blood of Jesus was left in the old covenant land. We will be like Him when we are resurrected without blood.
When we eat together for communion, we symbolically eat and drink His old covenant sacrifice. We are debunking the reaction of the unbelieving Jews who left Him for requiring that. The unbelieving Jews believed that neither His flesh nor His blood had any place in their typical old covenant body. That’s why they murdered Him. His last supper with His disciples proleptically represented His old covenant Holy-Spirit-enabled life. He was about sacrifice it all for their transition into His new covenant body.
Both your body and soul need reborn into God’s new covenant family. Your spirit cant be reborn. After rebirth, His Spirit communes or testifies with your spirit. The Holy Spirit remained on Jesus’ old covenant body and soul. He laid down His old covenant soul for His people. The Holy Spirit remains on all God’s children on the new covenant body and soul.
Jesus specifically laid down His soul in order to take it up again in the new covenant, where His Jewish followers would soon join Him. The soul was typically represented in the blood. One of the last things Jesus did in the old covenant was eat a proleptic new covenant communion which symbolically included sharing both body and soul. It was after all the unfaithful Jewish body and soul that was going to be destroyed in Gehenna in AD 70. Only the body and soul of Jesus could arrive to the age alive. Only by becoming one in both the body and soul of Jesus did anyone arrive alive. How did the faithful Jews join the body of Christ before their old covenant ended? Can anyone say the Holy Spirit?
One of the first things Jesus did in His new covenant body was to proleptically breath His new covenant Holy Spirit on them. Just like it wasn’t actually Passover day when He last ate with them in the old covenant, it wasn’t actually Pentecost when He breathed on them in the new covenant. They were still in the old covenant. He proleptically breathed on them on the day of Firstfruit. It was 50 days later on Pentecost when Jesus really breathed new covenant life into their old covenant blood. The Jews were celebrating their first birth as a nation when they were born again by the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the new breath from heaven. They were no longer in the flesh after being born from above. The body of Christ was united in the new creation realm of the Holy Spirit. That Pentecost was a 7th day and 50th day fulfilment en route to a 7th year and 50th year fulfilment. It was the Jews who counted to Pentecost and were born again that day, not the Gentiles. Some modern churches today claim to have received covenant transition gifts. They call themselves Pentecostals. They focus on one of the seven Jewish festivals and its accompanying gifts.
Whether you call it flesh and blood or flesh and bone, the flesh mode was very much down-played after the Jews were reborn into the Spirit realm. Jesus even explained the Holy Spirit rebirth to Nicodemus while still in their old covenant. It had nothing to do with the trichotomy of body, soul and spirit becoming a dichotomy of only body and spirit. Only the born again by the Holy Spirit Jews joined the resurrected body of Christ. Only then could they see the kingdom. It started Jesus on Firstfruit and with them on Pentecost. The body of God’s people was no longer in the flesh according to the Bible. And if the Jews were not born again they were not God’s chosen people.
The redemption of Jesus’ chosen people was through His old covenant sacrifice of both body and soul. Rebirth of both body and soul was through the Holy Spirit He sent to them from heaven. Jesus ascended to heaven before the old covenant ended to prepare a place for His people and to prepare His people for that place. It was not a flesh and blood creation. It was a heaven realm creation. What’s spirit is spirit and what is flesh is flesh. Flesh, bone and blood are all part of the flesh birth body, not the Holy Spirit rebirth body.
The body of our rebirth lives forever in heaven not on earth. The Holy Spirit from that realm makes us a new creation fitted for heaven before we die in our flesh. According to Jesus, those who believe in Him never die. Do you believe this? And we no longer know Jesus according to the flesh – 2 Corinthians 5:16. Do you believe this?
Jesus was the old covenant seed of promise fulfilled. He ascended to heaven before the old ended in order to prepare a place for His people to join Him. He sent the Holy Spirit to His people so they could be where He is, in His new creation covenant. The first century Jews who followed Jesus were born from above before their typical body died. The people of God who were already put to repose were also saved before their wait time in Hades expired. What were they waiting for if not salvation through the One promised seed.
On the day of His mid-week death Jesus went to Hades. On the third day Jesus left Hades through the open gate. Why did Jesus go to Hades if not to open the gate for His waiting people? Of course Jesus did not need the gate opened for Himself. He opened it for His people, according to the promise. He did this while His flesh body was in the tomb. He may have left the gate open but He had yet to prepare the place in heaven to join Him and He had yet to prepare His people for that place. In the mean time the flesh and blood hold-outs got real mean. They were determined to keep their people in the flesh.
Galatians 4:29 says, “But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now.” The children according to the flesh, like Ishmael, persecuted the children according to the promise, like Isaac.
Paul said that now it is also the same. The people of the flesh (o.c. Jews) were persecuting those of the promised seed. The promised seed sent the Holy Spirit to the n.c. Jews so they could be born of the promised Holy Spirit. After new covenant birth was breathed into the Jewish body on Pentecost, the old covenant Jews still in the flesh (and blood and bone) started persecuting the new covenant Jews no longer in the flesh (and blood and bone). The body was divided between the believers born of the Holy Spirit and the unbelievers still in the flesh. The born again Jews inherited the Kingdom. The flesh and blood Jews did not. The flesh and blood Jews could not inherit the kingdom, because flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom.
Galatians 6:8
CLV 8 for he who is sowing for his own flesh, from the flesh shall be reaping corruption, yet he who is sowing for the spirit, from the spirit shall be reaping life eonian.”
I should be careful not to fall for the legalistic beliefs of the wannabe-glorified-in-the-flesh people. The people glorying in the flesh were wrong. They were those who came out of Jerusalem and insisted on circumcision for every body in their covenant in transition. These born again Pharisees taught error to the church in Antioch. They were trying to perpetuate their flesh mode beliefs onto the Gentiles.
Galatians 6:13
YLT 13 for neither do those circumcised themselves keep the law, but they wish you to be circumcised, that in your flesh they may glory.
All people born of the Holy Spirit were the true sons of God: circumcised in the flesh born body or not. The new body was in the Holy Spirit’s realm. The new covenant circumcision was in that realm. After AD 70 the old covenant people of God (who wanted to rule forever in the flesh) were no more. The Apostle Paul himself previously served the forever-in-the-flesh-people before his Holy Spirit rebirth. Paul is described as a youth when Stephen is martyred. He had been indoctrinated with some false expectations in the flesh body. He was all on board with the action of the old covenant ‘college of the Pharisees’. After his rebirth, Paul withstood the ‘college of the Pharisees’ (Judaizers) who wanted to glory in the flesh.
Galatians 5:12 AMP I wish that those who are troubling you [by teaching that the flesh covenant circumcision is necessary for salvation] would even [go all the way and] castrate themselves!
He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied.
Paul in the flesh was acting like Ishmael. He was purging the Spirit-born-body from the old covenant Jerusalem that was born only in the flesh. Jesus took it personally.
Paul was part of the political old covenant algorithm who fought for the forever-in-the-flesh-body. In the flesh Paul served the old covenant bully pulpit that calculated the odds of losing the church audience. Paul didn’t yet believe Jesus’ words concerning the necessary rebirth of the old covenant people of God. After he was confronted by Jesus Himself, Paul turned from pragmatically calculating results. He became willing to give up his flesh body for the new covenant cause. He stopped striving for flesh creation rewards and pursued new covenant rewards. He joined the spiritually woke body of believers after his eye-opening event. He no longer feared leaving his flesh body behind. The flesh covenant body no longer exists today. It was put to second death.
Jesus Himself said He came to divide the Jews. I wonder what the division was. Maybe between believers and unbelievers. His appearance to Paul helped to unify the new covenant Jews who were no longer in the flesh. Paul was no longer on the side that was fighting for their flesh and blood inheritance. Those who wanted to finish their millennium in the flesh turned on Paul after he realized the truth: the Holy-Spirit-born-body of Christ is no longer in the flesh. Paul became a threat to those Jews who wanted to rule in the age and rule forever in the flesh. New covenant Paul greatly desired to save God’s old covenant people from their own tyrannical blindness. Paul’s brothers in the flesh set out to stop him by all means. They wanted the loyalty of the masses, still in the flesh. Their pragmatism was placed over their scripture. Their scripture says that the Jewish messiah would save the Jews in their new covenant. It was no longer in the flesh.
Strength of the flesh eventually fails everyone. On average it lasts 70 years. Only Jesus could properly rule in the age in the flesh mode, yet even He did not reach the age in the flesh at 70 years of age. Jesus was the promised old covenant seed, planted by the Holy Spirit. He grew up to be enabled in His old covenant ministry by the same Holy Spirit that planted Him in His mother Mary. After dying and being born again, Jesus was no longer in His first birth covenant. Biblically speaking, Jesus was no longer in the flesh. Spiritual life was given to His mortal body again, by way of the same Holy Spirit that gave Him His old covenant body in the first place. It was the same Holy Spirit who joined Him at His first baptism. The difference was, He was resurrected into His new covenant, where His chosen people could also be reborn and joined by the same Holy Spirit. Under the law of continual flesh and blood sacrifices, the Holy Spirit only remained on Jesus, until He sacrificed His fully blessed flesh and blood and took it to the real temple in heaven. He was born again into the new covenant so His chosen people could join Him in His rebirth. He did not need to make His old covenant sacrifice for Himself.
Jesus never sinned nor did He inherit Adam’s sin, yet He could still die. His parents took Him to Egypt to avoid a premature death. As an adult, Jesus laid down His old covenant soul only to take it up again in the new covenant. He apparently reappeared in the same old covenant body. The soul is what He laid down and took up again. True humanity lived to the age in the resurrected body of Christ, not in the old covenant body of Moses or Adam. Jesus was in the old covenant body until He was in the new covenant body. Jesus became the first to be born again into the new covenant, so He holds the inheritance for His new covenant people. He gave up His old covenant inheritance because He was the only one who didn’t inherit the fall of Adam. He was the only one who could sacrifice an unblemished old covenant humanity. So what happened to His old covenant sacrifice after He ascended to the real temple in heaven? Did He keep His old covenant body after all or did He really sacrifice it so His people could join Him in the spirit realm of heaven?
The Holy Spirit sent from heaven enabled God’s chosen people to rule in the age with Jesus. It was not resurrected flesh that enabled them to rule with Christ. Flesh is not glorified in the Bible. The flesh mode is very much down-played by Holy Spirit inspired scripture. It is people’s idea that God wants to glorify their flesh. Glorified flesh that lasts forever has become a major church attraction. It was the old covenant hold outs who wanted God to glorify their flesh born covenant. The old covenant hold outs weren’t Gods people, unless they were born from above. The new covenant Jewish martyrs never asked when God would glorify their flesh back on earth. The Jews in heaven wanted retribution to come down on the Jews in the land who were still fighting for their flesh and blood covenant. They were waiting for AD 70.
James 1:1
CLV 1 James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion. Rejoice!”
Why did Jacob (from the born again church body in Jerusalem) tell the 12 tribes to rejoice? Because the believers among the 12 tribes were now in the Spirit born body of Christ, by being born again of the Holy Spirit. Not because they were re-entering their typical promised land in the flesh body. What is flesh is flesh and what is spirit is spirit. Today we still rightly say that you must be born again before your flesh body dies or you will perish, because nobody is dying and waiting in Hades anymore. Nobody is being resurrected out of waiting. If you are born again today you don’t go down to the place of waiting when your flesh body dies. There are no second chances after you die. We go straight up to heaven, if and only if we have been born of heaven while living on earth. We receive eternal life while still in a mortal earthy body that is still destined to perish. The heavenly Jerusalem extending from heaven takes us into the family of God before we die. The increase of His kingdom has no end. You must be born again or perish when your flesh body ages out.
Preserving the dead flesh was necessary for the singular body of Christ alone. As the new firstborn, Jesus was seen back in His flesh and blood and bone body, by the believing Jews in Jerusalem and by special appearance to Paul. Jesus was resurrected out of Hades and back into the same body He died in. It was the old covenant body in transition who saw Jesus in the same flesh He had just died in. Jesus said, “Touch Me and see—for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” Did Jesus use that phrase because His resurrected body didn’t have any blood to see or touch? Jesus laid down His old covenant soul only to take it up again in the new. He didn’t leave His eternal soul in the old covenant dirt. His eternal human soul was taken to heaven to mediate for His people.
Leviticus 17:11
ECB 11
For the soul of the flesh is in the blood: and I give it to you on the sacrifice altar to kapar/atone for your souls: for the blood kapars/atones for the soul.
Paul didn’t see Jesus in a forever flesh and bone body that descended out of heaven to confront him in the flesh. The spirit realm was confronting Paul who was still in the flesh. Jesus appeared to Paul as a blinding light coming down from heaven. Paul was pursuing the new covenant Jews (no longer in the flesh) in the name of the old covenant Jews (still in the flesh). Paul was not one of the Jews who had been born again on Pentecost. Paul was saved from his fixation on the flesh body on the road to Damascus.
50 days after Jesus’ reappeared to the old covenant body of His chosen Jews they were reborn into the new covenant body of Jews. Immortality was given to that mortal old covenant body of Jews before AD 70. The blood letting of the old covenant body in 70 AD didn’t make it immortal. The old covenant body was being put to second death not new life, as the Roman sword attested to. Flesh and bone does not live forever without blood. That’s not the picture of the end. That old covenant body of unbelieving Jews doesn’t need to return to their flesh and bone mode to rule in the age with Jesus. They already reached the age without their new covenant soul. The Jews in the flesh had to be born again before they died and perished to the age. Jesus didn’t explain a third option to Nicodemus: the teacher of the Jews. He said they had to be born again or perish to the age. Their rejection of their eternal human soul didn’t forestall their new covenant promises for some distant future salvation event that will forever live in reborn flesh after all. Jesus said nothing about being reborn in the flesh. He corrected Nicodemus for thinking that. Nicodemus needed the new covenant resurrection in the spirit realm not another old covenant rebirth in the flesh realm.
John 3:16 has become a well known verse. We usually change the phrase “life to the age” to “eternal life”. We jump ahead to eternal life and miss the original meaning of life in the body of Christ, to the fulfillment of the age. Fulfilling the age in the old covenant body of Moses meant certain destruction. The flesh and blood body of Jews did not inherit the kingdom that was at hand. According to Jesus, Gehenna fire represented the Jewish destruction of their old typical body and soul. They were told to fear that. Flesh and blood could neither save them nor destroy them. AD 70 confirmed it. The flesh and bone (now soulless) body of Jews won’t inherit the kingdom in the future either. Flesh and blood and flesh and bone actually refer to the same human body. The whole body and soul that was still in the flesh mode was destroyed by Jesus, figuratively in Gehenna. Gehenna was of course in old covenant Jerusalem. It is no longer burning. That was a symbol for God’s old covenant destruction.
Matthew 10:28 The Message (MSG)
“Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands.
Matthew 10:28
YLT 28 `And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul, but fear rather Him who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna.
The people of God who went to Hades to wait for Jesus’ resurrection are not waiting to return to glorified flesh and bone. Jesus’ resurrection out of Hades indicated an eternal new covenant kept incorruptible in heaven, not a forever in the flesh of the old covenant. Jesus re-appeared to old covenant Jews in the same body they crucified Him in. His old covenant flesh was preserved from decay for 3 days. Then it lived on earth for 40 more days. Jesus took His old covenant sacrifice to the real temple in heaven for the sake of His people. All who join the new covenant body of Christ receive eternal life while still in their mortal earthy body. Their mortal body still dies. We finish our days on earth burning out of our original body. But we don’t finish our days typically. The types are no more. Eternal covenant life is not typical. Eternal life arrived at the fulfillment of the old age, for everyone in Christ: Jew and Gentile alike.
Jewish rebirth was typically for male Jews only, on the 8th day. After their flesh and blood birth, the male Jew was circumcised on the 8th day, as a picture of the covenant to come: no longer in the flesh. Jewish rebirth by way of the Holy Spirit was a circumcision of their heart. Male and female Jews alike were being reborn (circumcised in the heart) by the Holy Spirit. Even Gentile slaves were being reborn into the new covenant by the Holy Spirit. According to Galatians 3:28, every class of people has equal opportunity to enter God’s new covenant as His chosen people, not just circumcised male Jews.
Everyone’s covenant status today relies on the covenant status of Jesus. Jesus was the only male Jew who ever ruled over all creation and fulfilled all the typical laws. As firstborn of His new covenant creation, He granted His inheritance of eternal life to everyone reborn into the new covenant: Jews, Greeks, free or enslaved, males or females alike. He died as eschaton Adam in first Adam’s place. The old covenant types no longer apply to us in the resurrected covenant of Jesus. Of course Males and females still exist on earth. It’s the typical flesh and blood based distinctions that no longer exist in the new Jerusalem. Jesus holds the heavenly inheritance for all God’s people regardless of class or gender distinctions. All God’s chosen people are really born again by the Holy Spirit, not symbolically born again by circumcision.
If I’m talking over your head look up and ask Jesus Himself for more insight. If you have not joined the already resurrected body of Christ then ask Him to forgive you and give to you His never-ending life, while you are still in your mortal body that is destined to perish. You can’t save your own flesh or anybody else’s. Everyone in their flesh body sins and will certainly die and perish, unless they are born again into God’s spirit realm family. A heavenly body is not a glorified flesh and bone body without blood. It is a glorified covenant body, reborn to live forever heaven, not on earth.
Paul laid up rewards in heaven by serving in the new covenant body of Christ rather than continuing to serve the old covenant body in the flesh. He ruled with Jesus in his/His Holy Spirit enabled body, not the bloodless enabled glorified flesh body: the Holy Spirit enabled the body to live to the age. At first the born again apostles didn’t trust Paul because they only knew him in his visible flesh mode. Paul was no longer afraid to leave his earthbound body behind. He no longer served the flesh agenda of the earthborn body of unbelievers. Not even the flesh agenda of the born again Pharisees was acceptable to Paul. The born again Pharisees still taught circumcision of the flesh body, to the Holy Spirit born church body, even outside of the typical Jerusalem that still existed at that time.
Paul didn’t want to be found unclothed when the sacrificial animal system ended, rather Paul wanted to be clothed in the final sacrifice of Christ. Paul will not return to earth in a glorified flesh and bone body to telos the thousand year age with Jesus again. Paul already ruled with Christ in the ending of the second 490 years. Belief in the old covenant included belief in the prophesied new covenant. Paul stopped placing the creed of the born again Pharisees and the unregenerate Jews over scripture. Paul was chosen by Jesus Himself to serve the new covenant assembly, no longer in the flesh. Paul did not immediately confer with flesh and blood or flesh and bone. None of God’s chosen people were left in the flesh and blood covenant or left between covenants. The old age was completed as Paul waited under the alter in heaven. Paul has not been waiting in Hades for 2000+ years, for the fulfillment of the types. Paul waited in heaven for just a little while. He was clearly anticipating and desiring the destruction of old covenant Jerusalem in AD 70.
Some ‘Bible believers’ today see a yet future destruction of the old covenant age. Either some of God’s elect were left between covenants or they were left in the old covenant. For some believers, resurrecting God’s elect from their second old covenant death is a future event that is essential for the salvation of all God’s chosen people to be complete. In the mean time the elect Gentiles are being saved first. Salvation is of the Jews but they missed it the first time around. You are no longer permitted to teach otherwise in the local church I was attending. You must now believe we will reign forever in glorified flesh or stop teaching in the church.
Jesus did tell the Jews that He wouldn’t lose any that were His. Does that mean flesh and blood will inherit the kingdom after all? Is glorified flesh and blood now essential for the salvation of God’s chosen people? Will we forever rule this planet in glorified flesh and blood bodies after all? When I asked about this most obvious contradiction to 1 Corinthians 15:50, the answer was that we will rule in flesh and bone bodies without blood. Inherited sin is in the blood, so we must be bloodless (which typically means soulless) in our glorified flesh bodies. Jesus removed all the blood from His old covenant body for our sake. He didn’t lay down His soul only to take it up again. He left it in the old covenant dirt. Flesh and bone bodies will be resurrected out of the dirt to inherit the kingdom with Jesus’ resurrected flesh and bone body, some time in the near or distant future. Resurrecting soulless bodies seems most odd. I thought Jesus required His old covenant flesh and blood for the new covenant body.
For 2000+ years Jesus alone has been living in heaven in His glorified flesh and bone body without blood. I’m not sure which covenant Jesus is in right now. It’s the inherited blood in the human body that makes the soul sinful and thus perishable. Even though the transition period usually blamed the flesh for sin, it is glorified bloodless bodies, like Jesus’ resurrected body, that won’t ever perish due to sin. The Jews could no longer kill Jesus post-resurrection because He no longer needed blood to sustain His glorified new covenant flesh. After His blood was let out of His old covenant flesh body, He was resurrected into an immortal new covenant body that could no longer die. So the convoluted logic goes. Why doesn’t God just resurrect our glorified flesh with glorified blood too? Because the Bible says flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom. It doesn’t say flesh and bone can not inherit the kingdom. With that sprained logic I can return to rule in my glorified flesh forever. I jest. Symbolically the soul was in the blood. Jesus laid down His soul only to take it up again. If Jesus was resurrected without blood then symbolically He left the only immortal soul in the old covenant dirt. That defeats His clearly stated purpose.
The new covenant is no longer typical. The Jerusalem council arrived at only one essential and it was not typical. The one new covenant essential is rebirth by the Holy Spirit. It was James who added four more rules after Peter, Paul and Barnabas and many others spoke up, because James (aka Jacob) was pasturing/shepherding a new covenant church in typical Jerusalem. That born again church body was still in the flesh and blood covenant while in the land. The temple system and its laws still had standing for anyone living in the land before AD 70; regenerate and non regenerate Jews alike. The old covenant system has since been removed. People in the Jerusalem of today are obviously not under the laws of the flesh and blood sacrificial system. Their souls do not depend on continual blood sacrifice. Nobody has to sacrifice flesh and blood to gain immortality in the kingdom. It has been sacrificed for you. Jesus and His followers all gave up their old covenant soul.
John 15:13
LITV 13 Greater love than this has no one, that anyone should lay down his soul for his friends.
Mark 8:35
CLV 35 For whosoever may be wanting to save his soul [in the old covenant] will be destroying it, yet whoever shall be destroying his [old covenant] soul on account of Me and of the evangel (good news) will be saving it.”
Immortality is only in the reborn body of Christ. Only the body of Christ has the immortal soul. He alone was immortal even in the old covenant. The necessity of Jesus’ flesh and blood body to enter into the old covenant Jewish body was the picture He presented to the Jews by way of the last old covenant supper He had with His chosen people. Even if you live in modern day Jerusalem you still need the body and soul of Christ in order to live forever. That’s His-tory and I’m sticking to it. Animal blood was typically avoided by Jews because the animal soul was represented in their blood. Jesus required the Jews to symbolically drink His blood to live to the age with Him. The new covenant breath (soul) from God actually arrived in the upper room in Jerusalem in the spirit realm. The last supper was a final rehearsal for the real thing. Just as Jesus breathed on them on the day of His first fruit resurrection. That was symbolic for what would actually happen to them when they joined His Holy Spirit resurrection on Pentecost. The symbolic types concerning flesh and blood are no more. All the convoluted logic in the world won’t bring them back. Hallelujah.
I don’t agree to follow old covenant laws when I enter the Jerusalem of today, because that is not the law of the land anymore. It is no longer old covenant Jerusalem that people are entering today. Therefore it is not an old covenant resurrection. After 70 years was fulfilled (to make up for 70 missed sabbaticals) the Jews did start to resurrect the old covenant body in the land, under old covenant laws. That is why it really was an old covenant resurrection in the flesh. The typical 70 years that had to be fulfilled prior to the start of their second flesh and blood resurrection back into the old covenant land still under law, was fulfilled by Jesus’ antitypical 70 years. In typical Hebrew chiasm, the fulfillment of His 70 years completed their resurrection in the new covenant Jerusalem. Those who still tried to complete their resurrection under law died trying, in AD 70.
When I enter the Jerusalem of today I do agree to keep all her laws or suffer the consequences. Enter any land today and you are under the law of that land. Even the heavenly based Jerusalem has the law of Christ. If it is an unjust land, then they can do whatever they want to you. Unjust lands have different laws for foreigners in their land. We enter non-biblical countries at our own risk, knowing we are not safe. Following God’s ways may actually put you in danger in non-biblical courts. Biblical lands today are not required to sacrifice animals anymore. Flesh and blood sacrifice is no longer biblical. We’ve long past that flesh and blood mode. Their second flesh and blood resurrection failed greatly. They had until AD 70 to make it happen. It didn’t even include all 12 tribes. Churches who hear their flesh more than the Holy Spirit are notoriously known for making unjust judgements. If you walk in the Holy Spirit you will of course not fulfill the desires of your flesh. Your flesh desires to rule you. The Bible doesn’t say your flesh and blood desires to rule you because flesh and blood go together. It is the flesh and blood people who desired to keep the law in their own strength.
I do not believe I will wait in Hades for a glorified flesh and bone resurrection. I don’t belie you will either. I believe I will go to heaven when I die and live in an everlasting body appropriate for there. The resurrection of the body of Christ was complete before AD 70. All true Jews joined the one and only resurrection of the new covenant body of Christ. They left their dead and dying flesh and blood covenant behind. The flesh and blood covenant did not inherit eternal life in the kingdom that was at hand. The new Jerusalem covenant did. I’m not putting any hope in the non-biblical flesh and bone caveat. My flesh is not demanding that I do. Though it did appeal to me at first. Some people in the flesh want me to teach the glorification of some future resurrected flesh and bone mode or be quiet about the subject. Old covenant hold outs did not like the end of their flesh that was at hand either. They wanted to change the outcome. Only during the transition of covenants was there a danger of losing the salvation that was nearer than when they first believed.
Revelation 22:18-19
LITV 18 For I testify together with everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add upon him the plagues having been written in this Book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and of the things having been written in this Book.
Jeremiah 31:31
CLV 31 Lo, days are coming, an affirmation of Yahweh, And I have made with the house of Israel And with the house of Judah a new covenant,
Romans 13:11-14 New International Version (NIV)
And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
The desire of the flesh and blood Jews was to live forever in their flesh covenant. That is why they tried to annihilate the born again Jews who taught the good news of their new covenant.
Hebrews 9:24-28
LITV 24 For Christ did not enter into the Holy of Holies made by hands, types of the true things, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf, 25 not that often He should offer Himself even as the high priest enters into the Holy of Holies year by year with blood of others; 26 since He must often have suffered from the foundation of the world. But now once for all, at the completion of the ages, He has been manifested for putting away of sin through the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And as it is reserved to men once to die, and after this Judgment; 28 so being once offered “to bear the sins of many,” Christ shall appear a second time without sin to those expecting Him for salvation. Isa. 53:12
1 Corinthians 1:29-31
LITV 29 so that no flesh might glory in His presence [not even glorified flesh without blood can enter the kingdom]. 30 But of Him, you are in Christ Jesus, who was made to us wisdom from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that even as it has been written, “He that glories, let him glory in” the “Lord.” Jer. 9:24
2 Corinthians 5:16-17
CLV 16 So that we, from now on, are acquainted with no one according to flesh. Yet even if we have known Christ according to flesh, nevertheless now we know Him so no longer.” 17 So that, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: the primitive passed by. Lo! there has come new!”
Jeremiah 9:24
CLV 24 But–in this let the boaster boast himself, In understanding and knowing Me, For I [am] Yahweh, doing kindness, Judgment, and righteousness, in the earth, For in these I have delighted, An affirmation of Yahweh.”
In the human spirit of the old covenant holdouts (prior to AD 70 of course) some people today want to forever rule the world in the flesh. In the first century, the old covenant holdouts rejected the new covenant Jews who ruled in the Spirit of Christ. The regenerate Jews even reined-in the Gentiles with Christ. The chosen Jews were enabled to rule the world like Christ did, by the same gift of the Holy Spirit that He sent to the Gentiles too.
Can a person with the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit still be self edifying in church? The Gentile Corinthians famously used the Holy Spirit gifts to glory in their flesh during their church meetings. A born again Benjamite named Paul told them to stop it. The spirit of the world still glories in the flesh today, even in believers, even in the church. According to the modern day flesh and bone caveat, it must have been the biological blood that still flowed in the Corinthians that was tempting them to glory in their not-yet-glorified flesh. As soon as I get my resurrected flesh and bone body without blood I will stop glorying in my glorified flesh. The same could be said today about all the proponents of this weird (and modern) flesh and bone caveat. As soon as their blood stops flowing they won’t be tempted to glory in the flesh anymore. It’s their blood and their not-yet-glorified-flesh that’s causing them to believe in glorified flesh. I’m joking again because that caveat is so joke worthy.
1 Corinthians 2:12
CLV 12 Now we obtained, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we may be perceiving that which is being graciously given to us by God,
1 Corinthians 15:49-50
CLV 49 And according as we wear the image of the soilish, we should be wearing the image also of the Celestial.” 50 Now this I am averring, brethren, that flesh and blood is not able to enjoy an allotment in the kingdom of God, neither is corruption enjoying the allotment of incorruption.”
Jesus took Adam’s place in His/his death on the tree. He then took Adam’s place as the new firstborn in His 3rd day resurrection. Jesus was the first fruit (barley harvest) to enter the new covenant. 50 days later His chosen Jews were the next first fruit to enter the new covenant (first fruit wheat harvest was caused to rise with the new yeast from the first fruit barley malt). The resurrection of the old covenant body into the new covenant body was complete before the old covenant body was put to death for the second time in AD 70. There is no resurrection from second death. The one and only resurrection led to covenant immortality. It was necessarily before the second death of the old covenant. There is no covenant death today. The new covenant people of God never die in their new creation body. The body made for heaven lives forever. The body made for earth always dies.
By the fourth century the Catholic church was teaching that Jesus’ mother Mary never sinned. Church members logically started asking, what happened to Mary when she got old? If sin causes death and Mary never sinned then why did she eventually die? The Catholic church then surmised that Mary must have miraculously ascended to heaven like Jesus did. We know that Jesus could have and did die even though He was actually sinless. It was the sin of others that tried to kill Him when He was two and did kill Him when He was 33. Sinlessness was no guarantee of biological longevity. He was just as sinless after His resurrection but He would never die again. He told His followers that they would never die if they followed Him into His new covenant. All His followers died biologically. Biological death is not what Jesus overcame for His people. Their is no more covenant death.
Everyone in the new covenant ascends to heaven after they die biologically. Jesus laid down His old covenant life. He will never lay down His new covenant life. New covenant life does not depend on flesh and blood. It requires birth from above. Only Jesus had birth from above in the old covenant. He gave up His flesh and blood covenant life for His people. Only He would have arrived to the age of 1000 alive. The everlasting soul or breath is now in the blood of the resurrected Christ, so to speak. Their breathical holiday of Pentecost became spiritual.