Creation Ex-nihilo
Was creation made out of nothing? That depends on your definition of creation and your definition of nothing. Of course the existence of matter points back to a time when matter itself was created. By ex-nihilo we don’t mean that matter was created spontaneously out of thin air, because even thin air didn’t exist before matter. Air is made of matter. And spontaneous creation out of nothing makes no sense. Nothing comes out of nothing no matter how much time we give it to be spontaneous. Before God created matter, nothing existed in the realm of physics, not even space or time. But God exists. He is. He’s not nothing and He’s is not a creation. He exists outside of the realms He creates, which includes the heavens, the earth and under the earth; at least the old covenant creation used to include the realm of Sheol, otherwise known to the Greek world as Hades.
The Word made flesh visited Hades after He was unjustly put to death by the old covenant inhabitants being called His people. It was the third day when Jesus returned to the land, the 43rd day when He returned to heaven, and the 50th day when He sent the Holy Spirit to Jerusalem. Jesus entered all three realms of His creation to make two of them new. Since there is no covenant death in the new creation, Hades is no longer needed there. Hades was a grace place created for old creation people to wait for their new creation Messiah to free them.
God enters into and continuously participates in his creations, but He is in not dependent on His creations for His continued existence, like we are. The old covenant into new covenant creation was His rescue operation. He renewed heaven and earth but not Hades. Jesus doesn’t come down to save people out of old covenant Hades anymore. He still saves His people from perishing. He saves His people from becoming nothing. Nobody perishes if they are born again into the new covenant creation before they die. Nobody dies and waits in Hades for their salvation. Nobody without His Holy Spirit is His. He first sent The Holy Spirit to the chosen old covenant Jews who were still in old covenant Jerusalem.
Speaking of covenants as legal creations, God is a party to His creations. Every living soul is a new creation. The new covenant creation was God’s promise of grace upon grace to His body of chosen people, even before the old covenant arrangement failed. God kept His promises by both destroying the old covenant law breakers and saving the new covenant law keepers. Jesus took human covenant breaking upon Himself when He gave the old covenant Jews His law-keeping life. People can only follow Him in His new creation. Every soul who stayed in the old covenant perished with it. The one and only way to be saved is to be born again, said Jesus to the ruler of the Jews whom Jesus called the teacher (master, doctor) of Israel.
That blessing from Jesus that granted never-ending new covenant life to His dying old covenant humanity is of course the rebirth of His old covenant creation that arrived as they were celebrating the flesh birth of the nation. The old creation nation was graciously delayed from a permanent covenant death by way of continual sacrifices on land and by waiting under the earth in Hades. The new covenant piled even more grace upon the already existing old covenant grace. Grace upon the existing grace is not ex-nihilo. No more need for the temporary grace of Hades and no more need for the temporary grace of animal sacrifices. The new covenant grace wasn’t so much a new proposal as a promise delivered. Jesus told His disciples to wait in old covenant Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit by grace moved them to new creation action. All they had to do was wait for their work to be blessed from above. They joined Jesus in His very good work of reorganization.
That blessed new covenant work was enabled by the breath of the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent His new covenant breath to His chosen people who were waiting in their old covenant. The Holy Spirit was sent from heaven 50 days after their Messiah was resurrected into their new covenant promise. The Holy Spirit not only separated the saved Jews from the lost Jews, the Holy Spirit saved the chosen Jews from perishing in the dark land of chaos in AD 70. The God who said, “Let there be light” for the old creation now said, let their be light in their hearts so they don’t die in their own typical darkness. None of the Jews could sustain their own life in the darkening toward destruction old covenant. By way of grace upon grace their new day was at hand. New covenant grace came upon the old covenant grace. It didn’t add more grace to nothing. Annual sacrifices and millennial time out in Hades wasn’t enough to save anybody in the end. They needed more grace, not just more time. Time itself can’t create anything no matter how long you wait. Time itself is part of creation.
The promised Holy Spirit was seen and heard by the old covenant Jews in Jerusalem as a mighty rushing wind and flames of fire. In with the new and out with the old. The new covenant creation was coming out of the old covenant creation that was going away, just as when the Jews typically came out of Egypt by God’s mighty hand. The nation of Israel was not created ex-nihilo. God planned it and made it happen by calling out people. God’s new creation was not ex-nihilo in the new creation types or the new creation fulfillments.
The unsaved Jews only saw chaos on Pentecost. They didn’t see the new creation as a re-organization. They imagined early morning drunken apostles at the dawning of their new covenant initiation day. The called out Jews were accused of celebrating their old creation by devolving into chaos. It was in fact the old covenant Jews who were projecting their own confusion onto the new covenant Jews. The phrase, “God is not the author of confusion” was to address the disorderly use of the new creation grace gifts in the immature new creation church of Corinth. That is not what happened on Pentecost. Pentecost was not a new creation of matter from nothing either – 1 Corinthians 14:33. Matter isn’t confused in the new creation church. Immature people are.
The old covenant hold-outs really did see the chaos when destruction like a flood arrived on them in AD 70 Jerusalem. As in Noah’s flood, the Romans were sent to culminate the old covenant chaos that was already in the land. The climax of the chaos came to a crescendo when the old covenant millennium was fulfilled under penalty of broken law. The broken law covenant was all one sided. God upheld His law and His promises. His heart was not in chaos. A divorce can result from a one-sided broken covenant. It is the ending of an already broken covenant. The people who promised to keep the law that made them great, didn’t. The people called to join the new covenant as kept by Jesus, did.
We can only imagine the invisible (to us) realm of heaven through the analogous realm of the physics we presently see and know. Our comprehension of the world doesn’t come from nothing. Genesis chapter one begins with the physics we are so familiar with. It doesn’t talk about things that come from nothing. “Let there be light” was how God typically permeated the chaotic world and started the separation process. The light didn’t come from nothing. It came from God’s spoken Word. This is confirmed and fulfilled when Jesus entered His old covenant creation as the true light of humanity, veiled in flesh. Jesus came to separate the people of the light from the people who loved the darkness – Luke 12:51. The people of the light followed the light of the world after their Jewish hearts were illuminated on Pentecost. The Jews who continued to love the darkness were anti-light people to the end. The anti-creation people perished as their day ended.
The Genesis creation account communicates to us by way of the physical world we are familiar with. Evidently, orderliness in the heavens was already created before the earth was organized. Genesis is about bringing heavenly order to the chaos on earth, not creating matter or redeeming fallen matter, “… as in heaven also on the land.” – Matthew 6:10. Order begins with the light of the world. Light is other-worldly even though it is not unseen, like the wind. God spoke and light came from His Word into the dark and chaotic world. God is light. Jesus is the spoken Word made flesh. Light seems to transcend the physics it interacts with. Light is the miraculous enablement from God to us, for us to see and be energized by. The land came out of the water but God personally supplied light to the otherwise dark chaos. God’s light is still the essential beginning for sorting things out. Even people born blind need the Light of the world to live by.
The original dark chaos of Genesis chapter one predates the fall of humanity. Chaos was not originally part of the fall. Is the original chaos simply a prelude to organization or does chaos always originate from a corruption? Was there a fall before verse one that corrupted God’s already organized material? If so then why didn’t God start over with good stuff? Surely God Himself wasn’t in chaos before He created order in His world. In creating order, God supplies the light to His pre-ordered creation. Too bad God didn’t have better material to start with, which begs the question, If the original chaos was a previous creation gone bad, then the previous creation was ordered out of pristine material, so why did it go bad? And why will the so called pristine material of the future save us from sinning? We are missing the point of the creation account of we think it is about matter rather than people’s hearts. Jesus didn’t come out of heaven to redeem His fallen matter from Hades.
“Let us make Adam (humanity) in our image” means that the image makers in heaven were initially reproducing the image of God in only one of His earthly creations. Humanity was assigned to tame the nations from the beginning. Before the old covenant ended, all living souls were being born again as new covenant creations: all in God’s image. According to Jacob’s and Peter’s application of the new creation event, all five blessed souls of the original creation account somehow refer to all nationalities of people. The Jews were the Humans. That is the Jewish interpretation whether we like it or not.
The Jews were humanizing people of all nationalities, not animals or matter – James 3:7. Peter’s revelation to take the gospel to the nations (Acts 10:1-48 and Acts 11:1-18) was hundreds of years after the pre-evangelism as mentioned in Acts 15:21. People aren’t really pigs and pigs don’t really become human. People really act like pigs if left to themselves. Jewish proselytes were typically humanized and cleansed before they were allowed to enter the Jewish old covenant body. Beasts like Alexander the Great just devoured the nations. The Greek beast of Daniel is a leopard with four wings and four heads. Leopards are known for their speed (Habakkuk 1:8). Alexander quickly conquered the nations from Egypt to India, in his image.
God’s image in a person is the human form of His orderly creations. God Himself has no disorders. That His creatures defect is proof that He doesn’t desire robot worship. He desires more than robotic praise. His character creates praise in people’s hearts. His orderly creations can become disorderly by defecting to their own bad ideas. God Himself never portrays a bad or dark image to His true image bearers. God as the light of the world is the all time community organizer. Evidently He organized His heavenly community before tackling His earthly creations, of which humanity was and still is the most godlike. If humanity is to participate in the ordering of all creation then there is still chaos to be tamed. Chaos is from the beginning before the fall. The new covenant was created with a new and enhanced beginning. Jesus keeps new covenant Jerusalem incorruptible in heaven. It extends to earth to tame His people who co-operate in taming the existing chaos.
Jesus became the light of His old covenant world gone wrong before He and His people organized His new covenant. The new world order is the reorganization stemming from the root which is Jesus. The Holy Spirit Jesus sent to the Jews gave organizational gifts to men so that He and His people would fulfill all things. First Jesus rescued His people from the old covenant, then He made a new covenant for their humanity, so all His people could live with Him. Then He filled His new covenant creation with God’s imagers. Imagers were being tamed from all His creations. Jews and people from all His original creations were being born again for the first time. Ephesians 4:10-16. Failing to move forward meant falling back into the original chaos. This did not require fallen matter. The original chaos had nothing to do with fallen matter.
God actually caused physical chaos before creating a new world order for Noah. It may be better to say that God caused the full realization of the moral chaos that already existed in the hearts and in the land of Noah’s generation. God sent a flood to really mix things up. Actually the flood sorted things out. Only the believers survived to carry on with humanity. The good news was, if you get on the boat you don’t perish. Causing dry land to appear out of water was typically repeated for the sake of Noah’s new world order. The new world order for Noah’s humanity came out of the chaos caused by the Nephilim. The Nephilim did not corrupt matter. They corrupted humanity. They corrupted God’s image bearers. God saved corrupted humanity from perishing in the physical and spiritual chaos. He sent a deluge to de-create/re-create the world that was already fallen back into disorder. That disorder actually came to earth from heaven by way of fallen angels. Yes the fallen angels would die like mortals, but that was due to judgement day not fallen angel physics in heaven. All God’s creation needed a moral renewal. The new covenant creation arrived before the old corrupted land was destroyed. The new covenant is still grace upon grace.
Corruption is natural and in the case of the Nephilim supernatural. Humanity is a supernatural breath from the incorruptible God. Even God’s supernatural beings can become corrupted. The fallen angels caused the chaos in Noah’s generation of humanity by leaving their created heavenly order. The heavenly dis-orderlies caused darkness to rule in the land of the humans. God had set up His heavenly realm for the angels to thrive and His earthly realm for the angels to serve. A new creation out of chaos is a repeated motif in the Bible, whether the chaos is original or by default or by neglect or by willfulness. Disorganization is the original state of creation. It is still the natural tendency of people and things, merely by the sin of neglect, but moving backward into disorder can be deliberate and willful and even evil. God is always the organizing light of the worlds He creates. Rebellion against Him is always dark.
The doctrine of creation out of nothing became a fundamental tenant of the new covenant church. It really took hold in the beginning of the third century. That was hundreds of years after the new covenant humanity was fully reformed from the old. God sent His Jewish Light of the world to reform the fallen world of the Jews who continued to love the darkness. This was many thousands of years after the Genesis creation account. In the second century, Justin Martyr interpreted the old covenant creation account as a world formation rather than the ex-nihilo creation of matter itself. Justin Martyr lived in the new covenant formation from 100-165 AD. He was born 100 years after Jesus was born. Gnosticism was not yet rearing its many ugly heads.
A late second and early third century response to the rising gnostic belief that matter is eternal rather than created, resulted in a new doctrine of creation called ex-nihilo, which means out of nothing. A middle ground belief is that God did of course create matter out of nothing physical, but that is not what Genesis chapter one is concerned with. Genesis starts with a not yet ordered creation that is still in the dark. God is creating order out of chaos in Genesis chapter one. He is not creating matter out of nothing or disproving the gnostics’ belief that matter is eternally evil. He is making a very good world order out of the already existing darkness and chaos. Chaos preceded the human creation that was not yet fallen and cursed. Humanity was blessed to participate in God’s creation of moral orderliness not His creation of matter. Adam was to work alongside his creator to bring even more light to the very good creation that already existed. The very good creation needed cultivation.
How and when matter came into being wasn’t that important until the gnostics started claiming that matter was eternal like God and that matter was inherently evil. That philosophy of an evil and eternal existence on par with God’s eternal and very good existence is very wrong, but it doesn’t mean the third century’s ‘official’ answer about the matter was automatically right. Why do we assume the public face of the church has never propagandized disinformation without thinking it through? Disinformation makes itself known by generating more problems than it fixes. Disinformation spawns more disorder not less. The church can’t truly shine while following it’s ‘official’ false doctrines. Who authorizes these new and ‘infallible’ revelations for all of humanity to live by?
An obvious example of a human creation is a newborn baby. A human baby is never formed out of nothing. He or she is formed in the dark before he or she sees the light. At least those in the light see the baby as they tend to his or her potential. The open eyes of the baby is another part of the story. Let us make a human in our image is comparable to two parents deciding to bring a new human being into their ordered (or not so ordered) world. Hopefully these two parents live in the light of an orderly marriage covenant, because a baby is always conceived in the dark and born chaotic, but a baby is absolutely not born evil or even bad. A baby is shaped into the image of the parents and the community of humanity it is born into. Only after a crash course in humanity can she or he participate in ordering the world alongside his or her parents. No human was ever conceived ex-nihilo. Parents bring their very personal chaos into order by raising their children in the image of God’s humanity. Even Jesus as a human was very personally shaped into the image of God under the old covenant law of humanity before transferring His fully formed humanity into His new world orderliness. The new covenant is effectively more orderly than the old covenant: from the top down and from the inside out. Neither misinterpretations nor misuse of God’s Word inspires order. They are corruptions in the learning process. All adults should keep learning to be more human, not just babies.
A law document called the Ten Commandments bound the two agreeing parties together in light of a new covenant creation. The nation of Israel didn’t exist before the two parties made that covenant or contract with each other. The nation of Israel was a new creation. God proposed to make them into a great nation and they agreed to keep God’s laws as His guidance into their full potential for human greatness. Like the nation of Israel, we still bring order to our world of humanity through the laws we make. A humane society starts with people who understand morality and can come to a reasonable agreement together and ideally in full agreement with their Creator. Did any good society ever come from nothing? No humanity ever came from nothing. People don’t suddenly act right or know right out of the dark. That is why we call on the elders of the church for advice. Because they have been exposed to the light much longer than the youngsters. But which church actually enlightens people with all the right doctrines? I go to a church called Fellowship of Huntsville. It is dispensational in the doctrines they teach and the laws they enforce. Around the corner is a church called Covenant Fellowship. I suspect they are covenant theologians like the reformers. The people of God can think more like Him if they know Him better. Which denomination knows Him best doctrinally? We need the Bible to answer that.
The picture we get from the Bible is neither the ex-nihilo creation of matter nor an eternal existence for that matter. That God made matter and holds it all together is common sense. Jesus as God’s Word always existed, even before He was given a new Jewish body with an already existing Hebrew name: Yeshua. The Word existed even before making matter and time. The spoken Word is the creator of the Creator. Time as we measure it cannot exist without matter to measure it’s passing, but God the Creator can exist independent of His creation. His new covenant creation came out from the chaos of His old covenant humanity, by way of the Word made flesh. The new covenant came out of the perfect order of the only begotten Son of God who was raised under law as a human in His old covenant creation.
The law of the land was abandoned and chaos ensued when Jesus was put on trial. False words put Him their. Their was no place in the dark heart of the nation under old covenant law for the fully mature humanity of Jesus to rule, even as revealed in God’s only begotten Son. Adam and Israel both failed to keep and improve their world as revealed to them by the light of the world. The nation went out of their way to reject the True Light of humanity. The land rejected the light and remained in the dark. They were already corrupt when Jesus appeared, but they got much darker before the covenant transition was completed.
Jesus came to reorder His old covenant creation. The land went dark for 3 hours of inhumanity and then on the 3rd day the perfect humanity reappeared as the light of His new world order. Only Jesus could bring His perfectly ordered humanity to the old covenant world in flesh and blood. But the old covenant Jewish world hated the light and loved the darkness. It was a heart issue not a matter issue. The physics of light and darkness didn’t need to be redeemed. Physical darkness never could overcome physical light. The Holy Spirit of the original creation brought God’s human order into the new covenant light of creation. The light of the new world orderliness shined in the hearts of the born again Jews. The law was written on the heart of born again Hebrews who had gathered in Jerusalem, to enable participation in the great commission of humanity, as originally fumbled by Adam.
Jesus came to divide the light from the darkness, not fix the fallen physics of light. Some Jews were brought into the light and some were left in the dark. Light and darkness didn’t change. The great commission was surely enabled by the Holy Spirit whom Jesus promised to send to the apostles in Jerusalem. All of chosen Israel obeyed the gospel. Those who hated the light and stayed in the dark remained in the old creation. They rejected the good news. They were not born again. They were not God’s chosen people. The light of the promised new covenant was not for them. The day of the Lord was effectively at hand. Jesus came to divide the old covenant family members between the followers of Christ and the rejectors of Christ: between the pro-Christ and the anti-Christ people. The anti-Christ people continued to love their own darkness because their hearts weren’t enlightened. They couldn’t see passed themselves.
Ironically, some Christians in their fight against the gnostic idea of eternal evil matter, now insist on eternally restored physics. To combat the gnostic idea that matter is an eternal evil that has always been and always will be in opposition to a good God who is also eternal, we now insist on a future redemption of the so called ‘cursed physics of matter’. As the supposedly unfinished story or redemption goes: God has redeemed all His chosen people through His only begotten Son (all the way back to Adam) but He has yet to redeem His fallen matter.
The insistence of glorified flesh bodies that never fall and last forever, on a restored-to-order or a completely new earth, assumes that there is an untamable chaos in our world. The untamable chaos is the result of the fall of Adam and the fall of physics. What about the original chaos before the fall of humanity? God was ordering the very good creation out of chaos before the fall. The doctrine of the fall of matter itself assumes that the job of humanity to rule over all creation has become and remains futile to this day. The Holy Spirit wasn’t enough. The second law of thermodynamics still needs to be repealed, to say the least. After Adam fell, matter became and remained hopelessly chaotic. The great commission awaits the rebirth of fallen earth. What are we to do in the mean time? Should we tell people to receive the Holy Spirit and wait. Jesus told His chosen people to wait in Jerusalem until they receive the Holy Spirit and then they were to get busy. Then they were to re-order their fallen world, not sometime in the future when things get better.
Eschatos Adam did fully rule over creation with the Holy Spirit, even in the old covenant. He took Adam’s place in the his/His fall so He could send His Holy Spirit to enable the great Jewish co-mission. Jesus redeemed and enabled His chosen ones to rule with His own personal humanity. He said nothing about waiting for new matter before joining Him in the great commission reinstated. That Adam’s job was to tame the creation by working with God even before he fell means that he was to participate in the continual ordering of God’s very good creation. The fall was not what brought the need for order. The great commission was given and blessed before the fall of Adam. It was blessed again after Jesus redeemed Adam from his fall. Adam needed the Messiah to save him, not new matter.
The fall certainly cursed Adam’s success rate. But the very good creation did not become the very bad creation when Adam fell. Adam lost his enablement that came from living in good relation to the creator, in the place God prepared for him to thrive. Adam became frustrated in his great commission assignment because he could no longer stand to work in God’s presence. Jesus would reassign and re-enable His great commission to His Holy-Spirit-born, new-creation-nation. Jesus never fell and never will. His new covenant creation still stands with His blessings. Adam is not the conscious head of the church. Jesus is. That doesn’t mean people no longer hide and blame others. It means that God’s born again people should be the last ones to make excuses.
The idea that God’s material creation is bad because it still tends to be chaotic is a gnostic belief akin to babies are born bad. Disorder in creation is not necessarily evil. Disorder is built into physics. Things tend toward disorder unless tended to. God wasn’t ordering evil matter through His seven days of creation. He was ordering original chaos. Humanity was created to participate in bringing God’s highest form of order to all His ordered creations. God’s highest form of creation is now His new covenant humanity. That is why the Holy Spirit wrote the book of Hebrews. The born again Hebrews needed to know.
The new covenant brought a new and better order to the Hebrews. Babies are a good example of bringing a new human order out of the chaos. God’s people fell only when they went against the good they already knew to be true. Likewise Babies can’t fall until after they first grow up and know to do good. Babies are born chaotic not evil or fallen. Nobody baby is ever born into the fallen place of old covenant humanity anymore. You can’t be born into diaspora today because no true Jew was ever driven out of their new covenant land. The old covenant land no longer exists. The new covenant Jews who were driven out of their old covenant land were enabled by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel to all God’s creation. That doesn’t mean they preached to the air and the dirt and the water. God redeems people not matter.
Nobody ever became human ex-nihilo. Humanity brings order to the already existing chaos. That includes newborn babies. If their was no disorder on earth then we would not use our God given humanity to bring order to it or to keep it orderly. Babies are always born very disorderly. Everybody becomes human by overcoming the bodily chaos they are born with. Babies grow up and they learn to bring order to themselves and hopefully raise children of their own. No body can bring order to their world by themselves. Everyone would die on their birth day if left in their own chaos of existence. God’s highest formation of creation was not made ex-nihilo. Humanity wasn’t even made until the 6th day of creation.
Even the gap-theory of a fallen-into-chaos-evil-creation that is being re-ordered is not supported by the order of the Hebrew grammar. The Gap theory is a disordered interpretation of the Hebrew text. Genesis chapter one can not properly be read as a re-creation from a previous fall. Matter was neither created evil nor fallen into a chaotic existence before Genesis chapter one. Formation was and still is a long term process that all humans are still being called to participate in. Without humanity’s continuous work, the world we live in would quickly devolve into utter chaos. When immature or evil people are allowed to rule unchecked, chaos always ensues.
If we think the world as we know it must get worse and worse before Jesus saves us all from the fall of matter itself, then we might not take our great commission very seriously. Our ability to participate in bringing order to the chaos will not bring order to the world automatically. We let this world go to hell when we don’t do our duty as God’s co-missioned humanity on earth. Ironically, making matter an essential part of God’s Genesis creation account, in order to protect Genesis from the gnostics, resulted in a view of matter that still needs to be redeemed before we can successfully carry out the great commission that our Redeemer Has already assigned to His new covenant humanity. He blessed the great commission with the Holy Spirit, not with new matter.
Acts 1:8
CLV 8 But you shall be obtaining power at the coming of the holy spirit on you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in entire Judea and Samaria, as far as the limits of the earth.”
The mission of spreading God’s humanity, as given to the born again Jews by Jesus, has not changed. The geographic differences in nationalities have certainly changed. People from all over the world frequently live among us now. The new covenant assembly received the power to be great commissioners when the Spirit of God came upon His chosen people. As God’s chosen people we are still His witnesses on His earth. He sent the Holy Spirit to enable His people to order the chaos with Him. Some of God’s chosen people today say that the enemy is too big and we can’t rule in God’s kingdom until Jesus makes matter better. That we need superior flesh to in order to rule in God’s kingdom was the report from 10 out of the 12 witnesses.
The chaos God is most concerned with resides in the hearts of His people. When the human heart gets right the chaos diminishes all around the world. God’s Word and His Spirit still work to bring order out of our natural chaos. The chaos of the cross was the result of the inhumanity in the old covenant people. It was not the result of fallen matter or the second law of thermodynamics. Creation of humanity always starts with chaos. Even before the fall of Adam. Jesus was born into the chaos of babyhood and was raised to full human stature under old covenant law. He was resurrected (reborn) by the same Holy Spirit that conceived His flesh and blood body. The inhumane old covenant chaos of the cross landed Jesus in His new covenant creation.
Chaos is not itself the evil. Evil people don’t actually create chaos out of nothing. De-creation rules by default when the untamed heart naturally follows corruption and fails to follow order. People become evil not matter. The old covenant Jews broke God’s laws in order to kill Jesus. God’s very good creation of old covenant humanity was re-commissioned by The Redeemer Himself, to tame the chaos alongside Him. From the beginning, the chaos was to be most tamed by humanity. Jesus ruled His old covenant human creation with the Holy Spirit. He made no excuses even in the corrupt land He was born into. He made the way for His people to join Him in His very good work. If we say today that humanity can’t win until physics is restored, then we take Jesus’ name in vain. He told His people to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit, not wait till He restores matter. The born again people of God were to leave Jerusalem and go and teach all nations everything Jesus taught them. I am sure they were supposed to teach the truth. I’m sure we are too.
We should never tell people to follow a religion let alone require it. That’s how we got the crusades and the witch hunts and even more holocausts. We should join Jesus in His ongoing work rather than give allegiance to religious creeds. Dispensationalism teaches that another Jewish holocaust is necessary before things really get right. Jesus did the opposite. He came to make all His chosen people right before the holocaust. There is no redemptive value in another Jewish holocaust. All God’s chosen people were completely redeemed and warned to get out of Jerusalem prior to the holocaust. Should I believe Jesus’ prophesy about the holocaust or should I believe the recently created religion of dispensationalism? Jesus actually saved His own Jewish people from the holocaust in His generation.