The Work Between The Sabbaths

Since Jesus brought the eschaton Adam into the completed image of God then His work was done in Adam. But only Jesus could finish the sixth day and enter the unending sabbath rest of God’s presence in the old covenant body, so He took His sabbath rest from the old into the new. The Holy Spirit remained on Jesus even under law because He grew up and presented the full image of God. He was the Word made flesh. His new covenant present to His people is the Holy Spirit: the full image of God from within.
Sabbath to sabbath is eight days. Jesus entered the land as the perfect lamb and was raised 7 days later on Nissan 17th, on the next weekly sabbath. As the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus redeemed the firstborn from the mid-night death of the spiritual exodus, in the middle of the week, between the evenings. Between the evenings (settings) is after the sun begins to set at high noon and before it sets at 6, which is 3 o’clock to us or the 9th hour to them, since they start their day at dusk. This was just prior to the high sabbath. High sabbath was a day of rest after the the mid-week work of redemption. Now they were free to remarry, but that was only the mid-week part of the work of salvation. They needed a new firstborn and they needed reformation. After that high sabbath, the seventh day sabbath was the quintessential day that granted a new firstborn and led them to their quintessential sabbath; day and year.
Yet this was the last work week of last Adam, because Jesus as son of Adam died. The work of overcoming the death of Adam necessarily moved God’s image into a new creation, with a new firstborn name. Jesus was no longer ‘Mr Adamson’. Like the old firstborn, the new firstborn had no genealogy, except God, even though He still had the same flesh and bone body. He died in Adam’s place by sacrificing His old covenant image of God (as the only son of human without blemish) to bring His new name to His people. After overcoming Adam’s death on the 6th day, Jesus re-entered His new creation sabbath rest on the seventh day, which could also be counted as the eighth day: sabbath to sabbath.
It was still some time after the last became first that Jesus completed His work of salvation, as the new covenant man. Eschaton Adam was first to be born again. As firstborn of new covenant humanity, He was able to send the Holy Spirit in His good family name. God full filled Adam’s 6th day image as an old covenant man and then sabbatized (full-filled) His image for His whole family, by overcoming the death that had them stuck in the 6th day of works. By the grace of His works, He spiritually engaged and enabled His people, on the seventh weekly sabbath of Pentecost, and then He completed salvation for them on the seventieth sabbatical year, which was the seventh Jubilee for the second time. The protestant reformation especially emphasized this salvation by grace, not works lest any man boast.
Exodus 12:6 – Nissan 14
LITV 6 And it shall be for you to keep until the fourteenth day of this month. And all the assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it between the evenings. [Does the sun start to set at noon or 6PM? The answer of course is both. Jesus died @ 3PM.]
Exodus 12:1-3 – Nissan 10
CLV 1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying. 2 This month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first for you of the months of the year. 3 Speak to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel, saying: On the tenth of this month they shall take for themselves, each man a flockling according to the their fathers’ house, a flockling for each household.
Jesus entered His Father’s house and was cross-examined until the men of the house gave up questioning Him. He was the chosen Lamb of God without any fault to be found in Him.
Matthew 22:46
LITV 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day to question Him any more.
He didn’t start the new covenant body from nothing. Just like a born-in-the-flesh Jewish baby entered covenant (was typically born again) on the eighth day, after coming out of 40 weeks in the womb and then being in the land for 7 days, the new creation was not creation ex nihilo; in the type or the fulfillment.
God’s nation came out of a place called ‘Egypt’ in the type and in the fulfillment. In the second exodus, Jerusalem was spiritually being called Egypt and Sodom. Egypt was notorious for enslaving God’s people, driving them out of the land and then pursuing them into the wilderness. Jerusalem did all those things to God’s people. Sodom was notorious for sexual sin. Jerusalem finally went to her fiery destruction after getting into bed with Rome.
The body of Christ came out of Jerusalem to form a new nation in the wilderness before the typical city was destroyed. In it’s eschaton, the old dead city was represented by corpses in the city square. The new spiritual city was represented as a cube (Most Holy Place) coming down out of heaven. New Jerusalem was the new holy place being born from above in the spirit realm of creation.
The marriage to the new city took place between the last two sabbaths of the final feast. The two final sabbaths framed the 8 days of Tabernacles. The final day of the final feast was the eternal sabbatism of Christ, a.k.a. salvation. He rescued His people from their spiritual Egypt by way of His Holy Spirit resurrection. God’s presence is now with everyone in the new Jerusalem, not just the high priest once a year. The married church is the new Jerusalem.
Revelation 11:8 CLV 8 And their corpses will be at the square of the great city which, spiritually, is being called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord, also, was crucified.”
Amos 4:10a CLV 10 I send among you a plague in the way as in Egypt.
After two days is in the third day not in the fourth day!
Hosea 6:2 LXX He will heal us after two days; in the third day we will rise up; and we live in His presence.
John 2:19 KJV 19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in [In, within, on, among] three days I will raise it up.
1 Corinthians 15:4 Apostolic Bible and that he was entombed, and that he was raised, in the third day according to the scriptures;
John 7:23b …are you angry with Me because I made a man entirely sound on a sabbath?
Hosea 13:14 LXX From the hand of hades I shall rescue them; from death I will redeem them. Where is your law suit o death? Where is your [poison] prick o hades? [Your] persuasive discourse is hidden from my sight.
Matthew 17:22-23 ECB And they remain in Galiyl, and Yah Shua says to them, The Son of humanity is about to be betrayed into the hands of humanity: 23 and they slaughter him; and [to] the third day he rises. – and they are extremely sorrowed.
The religious leaders called Jesus a deceiver and then misquoted Him by using the word “after”, suggesting that the resurrection would be in the forth day rather than in the third day. After the third would at least be the fourth day but it could be the fifth day. But even the Greek word “meta” doesn’t seem to mean “after” here. even though the translators choose “after” rather than “within” they contradict themselves in the very nest verse.
Matthew 27:62 CLV 62 Now, on the morrow which is after the preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered to Pilate, 63 saying, “Lord, we are reminded that that deceiver said while still living, ‘After three days shall I be roused.’” 64 Then order the sepulcher to be secured till the third day, lest at some time his disciples, coming, should be stealing him and may be saying to the people, ‘He was roused from the dead,’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
What He actually said:
Luke 9:22 ECB 22 saying, The Son of humanity must suffer much, and be disapproved by the elders and archpriests and scribes; and slaughtered; and the third day rise.
Acts 10:40 YLT 40 `This one God did raise up the third day, and gave him to become manifest,
Three Days and Three Nights (in that order)

Matthew 12:40 For even as Jonah was in the belly of the sea monster three days and three nights, so shall the Son of the human be in the heart of the land three days and three nights.
If you want to get technical, Jesus’ spirit left his body in the daytime of Nissan 14th. So where did He go? That’s not exactly how it happened with Jonah. Jonah’s body was swallowed alive in the sea. Furthermore, Jesus returned to his body while it was still dark. And why does it say three days and three nights instead of three nights and three days? That order unnaturally reverses the original creation paradigm by counting the day portion before the night. Did the sea monster swallow Jesus alive in the daytime or the nighttime part of the day? Jesus was swallowed alive in broad daylight.
The covenant land swallowed Jesus alive by using the sea monster of Rome to do it. Jesus was not swallowed by a monster at sea due to His unwillingness, as Jonah was. His own land turned against Him precisely because he was merciful to sinners; the same reason Jonah turned against Yahweh. The forgiven Jewish prostitutes and Jewish tax collectors were loving Jesus more than they were loving the pharisees. The sea monster in the land of Jerusalem swallowed Jesus alive, spurred on by all the ‘Jonahs’ in the land. The Jonahs wanted a military messiah with a heart to destroy Rome and punish sinners not evangelize them.
The beast from the sea was Rome, and Rome was ruling in first century Jerusalem. Since Jesus wouldn’t be their military Jewish king, the Jews provoked Rome to swallow Him alive. He was swallowed alive by Rome when He was put on the cross. Jerusalem put Him in the tomb after He was dead and His empty body was taken down. The beast from the sea reluctantly performed the most inhumane act ever and it did it in broad daylight. Laying His corpse in a tomb was a humane act.
The following chart is much more cool than my chart, but it counts 3 nights and 3 days rather than 3 days and 3 nights. And it starts the 3 nights and 3 days a day after the beast from the sea swallowed Jesus alive. The beast from the sea was Rome. Rome was used to swallow Jesus alive on the 14th. Jerusalem then put His empty body in the tomb while it was still daylight, right before the 15th started. Even though He wasn’t in His body, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t precisely the last moment of the 14th when he was entombed, as the left arm of the bracket in the chart below has it. That is what it has to be if you want exactly 24 hour days represented. Should the brackets encompass His time swallowed alive or His time in Hades or the time His flesh body was in the tomb? All three occurred on the same day: before sundown.
I would move the left arm of the bracket 3-9 hours to the left and the right arm of the bracket more than 12 hours to the left. Then the picture would agree with what they actually wrote inside the arms of the bracket, “3 days and 3 nights”, unless you have to scientifically define a day as 12 hours and a night as 12 hours. But you still have to reverse the given order, as they do in the heading over the chart and in the brackets under the chart.
The chart below does precisely encompass 3 scientifically defined 24-hour days. In this chart, Jesus is resurrected exactly between the last second of the 3rd day and the first second of the 4th day. Jesus said He would rise to the 3rd day, not after the 3rd day. The Pharisees said that He said “after the third day”. After 2 days is to the 3rd day. After 3 days is into the 4th day. By the way, the phrase 3 days and 3 nights is a typical paradigm shift for a Jew. The night should naturally come first. When God created nature night always came first.
Life wasn’t created till the third day. Humanity was given life in the second third day of creation i.e., the sixth day. Jesus submitted His sabbatized humanity to the darkness of their old covenant death to bring them into His new-creation sabbatism of humanity: not scientifically and not typically.

Like Jonah, Jesus entered the new covenant, without land borders, on the third day. Then the born-again ‘Jonahs’ happily spread the good news that Jesus lived again. After Pentecost they returned to their foreign cities with the gospel and after the stoning of Stephen the true-to-The-Word Jews were persecuted by their unbelieving relatives and driven out to join the diaspora. Driven out by those who stayed cursed; the heart of the old land remained in death, Sheol, Hades.
Luke 23:46 ECB And Yah Shua voices with a mega voice, saying, Father, into your hands I set forth my spirit: – and saying thus, he expires.
John 20:1 CLV Now, on one of the sabbaths, Miriam Magdalene is coming to the tomb in the morning, there being still darkness, and is observing the stone taken away from the door of the tomb.”
Preparing the Spices
Traditionally the Jewish woman helped wash bodies for burial. They went with Joseph to place Jesus in the tomb right before the high sabbath of Unleavened Bread began. They then returned home to prepare spices. Legally they could have purchased or prepared spices on Nissan 14th and 16th but not Nissan 15th or 17th, because the 15th was the high sabbath and the 17th was the weekly sabbath. They washed and placed the body as the 14th ended. They rested on His first day in the tomb (15th) and prepared spices on His second day in the tomb (16th). It is the common view that doesn’t allow for a work day between sabbaths to prepare the spices.
Luke 23:50-56 LITV 50 And, behold, a man named Joseph, being a councillor, a good and righteous man. 51 This one was not assenting to their counsel and deed (he was from Arimathea, a city of the Jews), and who himself was eagerly expecting the kingdom of God, 52 coming near to Pilate, this one asked for the body of Jesus. 53 And taking it down, he wrapped it in linen, and placed it in a quarried tomb, where no one was ever yet laid. 54 And it was Preparation Day, and a sabbath was coming on. 55 And also women were following, who were accompanying Him out of Galilee, who watched the tomb, and how His body was placed. 56 And returning, they prepared spices and ointment. And indeed they rested on the sabbath, according to the commandment.
Mark 16:1-2 And at the elapsing of the [high] sabbath Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jacob and Salome buy spices to go anoint Him. Then very early in the morning, on one of the [weekly] sabbaths, they go to the tomb at the rising of the sun.
Then they counted seven more weekly sabbaths from that first fruit sabbath to arrive at Pentecost, which is 50 days: 1+7+7+7+7+7+7=7=50/=8 sabbaths/=new creation. They were continuously counting to the sabbath rest. The final feast ended in 70 AD on the final sabbatical count to 50, which was Jubilee.
Genesis 1:26 ECB 26 And Elohim says, We work Adam in our image, after our likeness! – to subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over the animals and over all the earth and over every creeper creeping on the earth. [to make subjects for the kingdom]
John 14:9 LITV Jesus said to him, Am I so long a time with you, and you have not known Me, Philip? The one seeing Me has seen the Father! And how do you say, Show us the Father?
Psalm 8:4 What is man that you are being mindful of him and the son of Adam that you are visiting him?
Jacob 3:8-9 ECB 8 but the tongue, no human can tame – an unrestrainable evil full of death bearing venom: 9 therein we eulogize our Elohim and Father; and therein we curse humanity who became after the likeness of Elohim. [The very humans who praised God publicly then used their tongues to crucify the human who was completely in God’s image. This is our sad condition in the flesh.]
Yeshua rejuvenated humanity by gifting the Hoy Spirit.
Colossians 3:10 CLV and putting on the young, which is being renewed into recognition, to accord with the Image of the One Who creates it,
2 Corinthians 3:18 ALT But we all, with a face having been unveiled, ourselves beholding as in a mirror [fig., contemplating] the glory of the Lord, are being transformed to the same image, from glory to glory, just as by [the] Spirit of [the] Lord.
Ephesians 4:18-25 CLV 18 their comprehension being darkened, being estranged from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the callousness of their hearts, 19 who, being past feeling, in greed give themselves up with wantonness to all uncleanness as a vocation.” 20 Now you did not thus learn Christ, 21 since, surely, Him you hear, and by Him were taught (according as the truth is in Jesus), 22 to put off from you, as regards your former behavior, the old humanity which is corrupted in accord with its seductive desires, 23 yet to be rejuvenated in the spirit of your mind, 24 and to put on the new humanity which, in accord with God, is being created in righteousness and benignity of the truth.” 25 Wherefore, putting off the false, let each be speaking the truth with his associate, for we are members of one another.”
Another clue that indicates a sabbath day is the town of Bethany. Bethany was as far from Jerusalem as one was allowed to travel on a sabbath (evidently round trip distance). Jesus, after much travel (not a sabbath), looked around then left Jerusalem and stayed in Bethany so he could be back in Jerusalem in the morning. He may have first arrived in Jerusalem while it was still light; just as the sabbath was about to begin.
Jesus Rides Toward Jerusalem and Looks Around on Sabbath Eve
Mark 11:1-11 ALT 1 And when they draw near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, to the Mount of Olives, He sends out two of His disciples 2 and says to them, “Be going away into the village, the [one] opposite youp, and immediately entering into it, youp will find a colt [or, young donkey] having been tied, on which no person has sat. Having untied it, bring [it]. 3 And if anyone says to youp,’ Why are youp doing this?’, youp say, “The Lord has need of it.” And immediately he [will] send it here.” 4 So they went away and found {the} colt having been tied by the door outside in the street, and they untied it. 5 And some of the ones having stood there said to them, “What are youp doing— untying the colt?” 6 But they said to them just as Jesus commanded, and they gave them permission. 7 And they brought the colt to Jesus. And they placed their garments on it, and He sat on it. 8 Then many spread their coats in the road, but others were cutting down leafy branches from the trees and were spreading [them] in the road. 9 And the ones going before and the ones following began crying out, saying, “We praise You [Gr., Hosanna]! ‘Having been blessed [is] the One coming in the name of the LORD!’ [Psalm 118:26] 10 Having been blessed [is] the kingdom of our father David coming in the name of the Lord! We praise You [Gr., Hosanna] in the highest!” 11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple. And having looked around at all [things], the hour already being late, He went out into Bethany with the twelve. (youp is you-plural)
Jesus Returns Sabbath Morning and Curses the Tree
Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 ALT 12 And the next day, after they had come out from Bethany, He was hungry. 13 And having seen a fig-tree from a distance having leaves, He came, if perhaps He will find anything on it. Then having come upon it, He found nothing except leaves, for it was not [the] season for figs. 14 And answering, Jesus said to it, “No longer will anyone eat fruit from you into the age [fig., forever].” And His disciples were listening. 20 Then in the early morning, passing by, they saw the fig-tree having been dried up from [the] roots. 21 And having remembered, Peter says to Him, “Rabbi, look! The fig-tree which You cursed has been dried up.”
Jesus Drives Out the Money Changers
Mark 11:15-19 ALT 15 And they come into Jerusalem. Then Jesus having gone into the temple, He began to be casting out the ones selling and buying in the temple. And He overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of the ones selling the doves. 16 And He was not allowing that anyone should carry merchandise through the temple. 17 Then He began teaching [them], saying to them, “Has it not been written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations?’ But youp made it a ‘hideout for robbers!’” [Isaiah 56:7; Jer 7:11] 18 And the scribes and the chief priests heard. And they began seeking how they could destroy Him, for they were fearing Him, because the entire crowd was being astonished by His teaching. 19 And when evening came, He would go forth outside the city.
In the Hebrew language Adam and human are the same word. In English, we choose (by context or definite article) either the name Adam or the word human, when we interpret ‘adam’ from Hebrew to English. The Greek scriptures also delineate between the name Adam and the humanity that was created in God’s image through Adam. The Greek scripture calls Jesus the eschaton Adam and the second human/humanity. He put Mr. Adam to death to re-create humanity in His name. Mr. is short for master as Mrs. is short for mistress.
He did not start the new covenant as the second master Adam. He took the human part from Adam to the new covenant but not the name. No one is in the covenant of lord Adam. The old man was put to death by the eschaton Adam, starting with Himself. We are in the new humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ now not Adam or son of Adam. Eschaton Adam rode toward Jerusalem on a donkey to sacrifice His old covenant life in order to free His people from the old covenant slavery to the death of Adam. In Revelation He is depicted riding a horse to finally put Adam’s covenant of death to death. In the same generation in which He started the new human body in his name, He then destroyed the old world, just as He said it would happen. Do you fear new covenant death? It is not possible for Jesus to bring death to His new covenant body.
Genesis 2:15-16 And the Lord God took the human whom he shaped and put him in the paradise to work and guard it. And the Lord God gave charge to Adam saying, from every tree in paradise you shall eat food, but from the tree of knowing good and evil you shall not eat from it, but in whatever day you should eat from it to death you shall die. [Human and Adam here are the same Hebrew word but try switching them]
Adam went into the death that day and the priesthood that kept his progeny covered in that death finally died in AD 70. The new priest keeps us covered in His life. Jesus’ sacrificed His life in Adam/o.c. humanity to save His people before the end of that age.
Romans 7 YLT 1 Are ye ignorant, brethren—for to those knowing law I speak—that the law hath lordship over the man as long as he liveth? 2 for the married woman to the living husband hath been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she hath been free from the law of the husband; 3 so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be called if she may become another man’s; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man’s. 4 So that, my brethren, ye also were made dead to the law through the body of the Christ, for your becoming another’s, who out of the dead was raised up, that we might bear fruit to God; 5 for when we were in the flesh, the passions of the sins, that are through the law, were working in our members, to bear fruit to the death; 6 and now we have ceased from the law, that being dead in which we were held, so that we may serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter.
24 A wretched man I am! who shall deliver me out of the body of this death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord; so then, I myself indeed with the mind do serve the law of God, and with the flesh, the law of sin.
Jesus became a minister to the Jews.
Romans 15:8 ECB 8 And I word that Yah Shua Messiah became a minister of the circumcision for the truth of Elohim, to establish the pre-evangelisms to the fathers:
Matthew 26:32 ECB 32 but after I rise, I precede you into Galiyl.
Matthew 28:6-8 LITV 6 He is not here, for He was raised, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord was lying. 7 And going quickly say to His disciples that He was raised from the dead. And behold! He goes before you into Galilee. You will see Him there. Behold! I told you. 8 And going away from the tomb quickly, with fear and great joy, they ran to report to His disciples.
Matthew 28:16 ECB 16 And the eleven disciples go to Galiyl – to a mountain where Yah Shua ordained them.
Hosea 6:2 – “meta” translated “in”
Thomson LXX 2 in (meta) two days he can restore us to health; on the third day we shall be raised up and live before him.
Hosea 6:2 – “meta” translated “after”
Brenton LXX 2 After [meta] two days he will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before him, and shall know him:
Mark 8:31 – “meta” translated “after”
ECB 31
And he begins to doctrinate them that the Son of humanity must suffer much; and be disapproved of the elders and of the archpriests and scribes; and be slaughtered and after [meta] three days rise:
LSJ Gloss: Meta μετά – in the midst of, among with gen., dat., and acc.
Dodson: μετά with, after(a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives.
Strong’s: μετά properly, denoting accompaniment; “amid” (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between G575 or G1537and G1519 or G4314; less intimate than G1722and less close than G4862)
KJV Usage: after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out).
Moses received revelation from Yahweh in order to create a nation in the image of humanity. The humans (Adams) were supposed to rest in the character of their God and then enter the promised land. Adam’s image was formed on day 6 in the wilderness and placed into the garden before the sabbath. Jesus completed the 6th day image of God in man and took His sabbath rest to His new creation.
In Midrash Rabba, it is stated that on the authority of Rabbi Simon “that a new world order came into being with the end of the sixth world age at the revelation on Mount Sinai. ‘There was a weakening (metash) of the creation. Hitherto world time was counted, but henceforth we count it by a different reckoning.’(ibid., p.124-125).
The phrase ‘new world order’ above refers to the typical world of the 12 tribes. Only God’s people changed their calendar to reflect the beginning of their new nation, for their appointed festivals. Of course Moses was a type of the lawgiver, who is Christ. Like Moses, Jesus received Revelation from His Father during the fulfillment exodus. Most people today believe as Saint Augustine did; we are still fulfilling the 6th ‘world age’ and have yet to enter the sabbath rest of Christ. Apparently when Hebrews was written, the born again body of Moses that had become the body of Christ had yet to fully enter the sabbath rest in the promised-land of Christ.
At Pentecost the born again ones entered into the sabbath rest of the betrothal day but not yet the sabbath rest of the marriage week. It was the First Fruit sabbath day that led to the first fruit Pentecost sabbath day. I’m pretty sure the final 8 day marriage week began and ended on a sabbath day too. The betrothal was on a sabbath and the marriage was on a sabbath. Tabernacles was the week of rejoicing in Yahweh’s presence. It commemorates how God provided for all their needs in the wilderness before they entered the promised land marriage. From Tishri 15th – 22nd was probably the birth and 8th day circumcision of the messiah; representing the final-human creation-week.
Holiday of Tabernacles – Tishri 15 – 22 APB
33 And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 34 Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, The fifteenth of the [month seventh], this is a holiday of tents seven days to the lord. 35And the [day first convocation a holy shall be] to you; [any work servile you shall not do]. 36 Seven days you shall bring the whole burnt-offerings to the lord, and the [day eighth convocation a holy will be] to you. And you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the lord, it is a holiday recess. [any work servile You shall not do].
Noah’s ark was a type of First Fruit sabbath day resurrection.
Genesis 8:4 LITV 4 And in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.
Of course this Jewish writer saw Noah’s ark as a type of salvation in Christ.
1 Peter 3:20-21 “…God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also – not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Nissan was the seventh month to Noah not Tishri.
Leaving Egypt was the typical birth of the nation Israel, so Yahweh changed what was Noah’s seventh month of the year to be Israel’s first month of the year, indicating a new creation. In the fulfillment of these types, Jesus was born into Israel’s seventh month, which was His beginning as an individual son of human (referred to 88 times) before His spiritual rebirth as the firstborn human in the new covenant: without genealogy. Without genealogy means no longer a son of the human. The only begotten was reborn to become the firstborn in the new covenant.
He entered the old creation to rescue his people from Adam by fulfilling the types. Jesus was resurrected (born again by the Holy Spirit) in the first month, which fulfilled the typical creation of the nation as they left Egypt. His new creation was a call for spiritual Israel to leave spiritual Egypt, which is where He was crucified. Jesus was born into the creation of Adam in the 7th month of Tishri. He took the place of and died as old creation Adam fulfilled. He was resurrected into the new creation calendar of Israel. Nissan is the first month of both Israel’s typical and spiritual new creation as a nation.
Nissan became the first month to Moses
Exodus 12:1-3
CLV 1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying. 2 This month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first for you of the months of the year. 3 Speak to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel, saying: On the tenth of this month they shall take for themselves, each man a flockling according to the their fathers’ house, a flockling for each household.
The death and the resurrection were both in the first month. The betrothal was in the third month and the marriage to the new human husbandman (individual) was in the seventh month: the Golden Jubilee.
Every sabbath year in the seventh month read the law to everyone.
Deuteronomy 31:10-13
LITV 10 And Moses commanded them, saying, At the end of seven years in the appointed time, the year of release, in the Feast of Tabernacles, 11 when all Israel comes in to see the face of Jehovah in the place which He chooses, you shall proclaim this law before all Israel, in their ears. 12 Assemble the people, men and women, and the little ones, and your alien who is within your gates, so that they may hear, and so that they may learn, and may fear Jehovah your God, and take heed to do all the words of this law; 13 and their sons who have not known shall hear, and shall learn to fear Jehovah your God all the days which you live on the land where you are crossing over the Jordan to possess it.
After the first two battles of Jericho and Ai, Joshua read the whole law to everyone. According to that law, the first sabbath year in the land began at the time of reading: in the seventh month of the first year in the land, which was considered the first month by Noah. After seven years in the land it became the priests’ duty. Jesus fulfilled typical Joshua and Moses by becoming the high priest who wrote the law on the heart of His people before the Golden Jubilee.
Jesus succeeded Moses.
Hebrews 4
So awe, lest ever a pre-evangelism of entering his shabbath remains, any of you think you fell behind. 2 For we were evangelized exactly as they: but the word they heard benefited them not, not being co-mingled with the trust by them who heard it. 3 For we who trust, enter shabbath; exactly as he said, As I oathed in my wrath, if they enter my shabbath – : although the works became from the foundation of the cosmos. Psalm 95:1 4 For somewhere, about the seventh, he said thus: And the seventh day Elohim shabbathized from all his works. 5 And again in this, If they enter my shabbath – . 6 So since it remains that some must enter therein – and they to whom it was previously evangelized entered not in because of trustlessness – 7 again, he decrees a day, wording in David, Today, after so long a time – exactly as it is said, Today whenever you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 95:7, 8 8 For if Yah Shua had shabbathized them, than he had not ever after have spoken about another day. Yah Shua, successor to Mosheh 9 So a shabbatism remains to the people of Elohim. 10 For whoever enters his shabbath also shabbathizes from his own works – exactly as Elohim from his. 11 So be diligent to enter that shabbath, lest anyone fall in the same example of trustlessness. 12 For the word of Elohim is living and energized and sharper than any double-mouthed sword, thoroughly penetrating to the parting of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow: and is a discerner of the deliberation and mind of the heart. Isaiah 49:2 13 And there is no creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him with whom we word. Proverbs 15:11
14 So seeing that we have a mega archpriest who passed into the heavens – Yah Shua the Son of Elohim, we empower our profession. 15 For we have no archpriest who cannot sympathize with our frailties; but was in all points tested according to our likeness – apart from sin. Hosea 11:8 16 So come boldly to the throne of charism, to take mercy and find charism to opportunely help.
When Hebrews was written, God’s people were in between the sabbath of betrothal and the final sabbath of wedding, which was also the final Jubilee sabbath. A good wedding can serve to create a lot of success in our work.
1. to happen or terminate according to desire; turn out successfully; have the desired result: Our efforts succeeded.
2. to thrive, prosper, grow, or the like: Grass will not succeed in this dry soil.
3. to accomplish what is attempted or intended: We succeeded in our efforts to start the car.
4. to attain success in some popularly recognized form, as wealth or standing: The class voted him the one most likely to succeed.
5. to follow or replace another by descent, election, appointment, etc.(often followed by to).
6. to come next after something else in an order or series.
7. to come after and take the place of, as in an office or estate.
8. to come next after in an order or series, or in the course of events; follow.