The ‘Matrix’ Was The Old Covenant

The English word matrix is similar to the Greek word for womb, which is may’-trah. May’-trah is found only twice in the Greek portion of our Bible. It is found 25 more times in the Greek Septuagint. The Greek word may’-trah comes from the Greek word for mother which is may’-tare.

The maytrah = the womb

Greek – μήτρα
From may’-tare G3384; mother

The KJV translates the two uses of may’-trah as “womb”, not “matrix”. Oddly enough, KJV uses the English word “matrix” 5 times to translate the Hebrew word for womb. The Hebrew word for womb is rechem.

1. Luke 2:23 (KJV) from the Greek may’-trah

(As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb [may’-trah] shall be called holy to the Lord;)

2. Romans 4:19 (KJV) from the Greek may’-trah

And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb [may’-trah]:

KJV uses the English word matrix to translate the Hebrew word for womb (rechem) 5 out of 26 times.

Hebrew – רחם
From H7355; the womb 

KJV Usage of rechem: 5 times matrix, 21 times womb.

1. Exodus 13:12 (KJV) from the Hebrew rechem
That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’s.

2. Exodus 13:15 (KJV) from the Hebrew rechem
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

3. Exodus 34:19 (KJV) from the Hebrew rechem
All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.

4. Numbers 3:12 (KJV) from the Hebrew rechem
And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

5. Numbers 18:15 (KJV) from the Hebrew rechem
Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the LORD, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem.

Exodus 13:2 is 1 of 21 times that KJV uses the English word ‘womb’ rather than the English word ‘matrix’ to translate the Hebrew word rechem.

Exodus 13:2

KJV 2 Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.

Online Dictionary: Matrix

1. An environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure: free choices become the matrix of human life.

Online Dictionary: ORIGIN OF MATRIX – late Middle English (in the sense ‘womb’): from Latin, ‘breeding female,’ later ‘womb,’ from mater, matr- ‘mother.’

The firstborn of humanity was Adam. He failed to be holy to the LORD and was in need of redemption in order to save his family of humanity. The same motif is replayed in every human family of Israel. The first to open the womb of every family in Israel had to be annually redeemed due the personal inadequacy of every firstborn. The old covenant inheritance of that family unit was recovered every year at Passover. Jesus was the only baby that opened the womb in Israel who didn’t need a Passover sacrifice to maintain His inheritance as firstborn of His family.

Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit realm to be born of a woman in the temporarily reconstituted nation to grow in favor and stature with humanity. He who was born of a woman became the realized image of God in the old covenant. He saw through the matrix of the old covenant. The Holy Spirt and God approved of His open eyes. He had perfect faith in the unseen but very real realm of God. His fully realized faith was attested to: at His first baptism when the Holy Spirit remained on Him, in His wilderness testing when He was driven out of the land by the Holy Spirit and returned to serve God’s people in the power of the Holy Spirit, and His second baptism on the cross when He put the old man to death and was resurrected by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel of victory to His people again.

The old covenant firstborn the human family fell in the realization of the typical matrix and was redeemed by the fully realized eschatos Adam. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to properly open the eyes of His people to the spirit realm kingdom of God, not the flesh and blood body. Adam became ashamed of his flesh and blood body when he knowingly fell for a flesh and blood body eye opener. He should have listened to the Spirit of God in the garden.

No longer an animal sacrifice; a true human actually took Adam’s place in the death. An animal was repeatedly used to temporarily cover Adam and his progeny until the last enemy could be removed. The last enemy was the covenant death that Adam fell into. The true human removed the final enemy of Adam by His full faith in the spirit realm of God. When the true human took the old covenant death, it was not a temporary flesh and blood body covering. It was the human replacement death that finally opened their eyes to the eternal spirit realm body. The eternal body is born from above to live in heaven itself.

Since the death Jesus took for Adam could not hold Him, He became the firstborn of the promised new covenant body of God. The elect of the old covenant typically born nation were sanctified (set apart for God) by the Holy Spirit sent by the new covenant firstborn. That is the gospel truth: the death, burial and resurrection resulted in born again Jews on Pentecost. They weren’t typically born again into their old covenant. They were being born again into their promised new covenant.

They were typically born again by the regeneration after their first exodus. That rehearsal resurrection took 40 years to complete while en route to the flesh and blood body promised land. It was a flesh and blood replacement body. The born from above body also took 40 years to resurrect. When Jesus began preaching God’s Word to His people the 40 year trek to the heavenly promised land commenced. Jesus from the age of 30 to the age of 70 accomplished the new covenant bodily regeneration.

Part of the gospel is the burying of the old covenant humanity; typically represented as leaven. The church is the widowed and then remarried mother of all humanity. She is no longer typical. She is the born from above mother of all the living today. The church is the Unleavened Bread that rose again on Pentecost.

Eve and earthy Jerusalem were individual and corporate types in the old creation. The church today is the antitypical Jerusalem in heaven. The temple today is no longer an earthy copy of the true temple in heaven. Even though the temple in Jerusalem no longer has standing and the old covenant has ended, you still can’t see the antitypical kingdom with typical flesh and blood eyes.

Yes Jesus took the place of the first born to rescue His people from the old covenant matrix of types. We are now in the body of the eternal firstborn that is no longer a typical body subject to the death. Those who chose to remain dead and enslaved to the old covenant chose the blue pill rather than the red pill. Christ was offering ONLY TWO OPTIONS to His old covenant people. To turn blue is to lose your breath. The soul is in the blood. The red blood of Christ (the breath/soul of Christ) freed them from the old matrix that was dead and dying. The old body was turning more blue as AD 70 neared. They could only hold their breath so long. Only God’s true people received God’s reviving breath on Pentecost. The old covenant temple was only a copy of the real one in heaven. We now have access to the real new covenant temple where God’s Spirit lives and gives life to His people. The old human soul of Adam was a type of The One about to be. Adam wasn’t allowed to typically live to the age until Jesus became the firstborn.

The first born of the new covenant was the first one to come out of the matrix and serve in the spirit realm of heaven. He served the Jews in the power of the Holy Spirit in their old covenant after His first baptism and after His second baptism. He sent the Holy Spirit from the Holy Spirit realm of heaven to open the eyes of all His people who were stuck in the old covenant matrix. All other first borns pointed to the only begotten: The One.

John 3:16 – Only His people out lived the matrix of types before God pulled the plug on the dead and dying.

YLT 16 for God did so love the world, that His Son—the only begotten—He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during.

The diaspora turned every nation onto a matrix of sorts. There was a synagogue in every city preaching Moses, due to their disobedience the 12 tribes were expelled from the land of types. The 12 tribes in diaspora had to figure out how to teach God’s principles to the nations without the temple complex. Jerusalem and her types were reassembled by God in order to give birth to The One. When Jesus was given a typical body to grow up in, the 12 tribes had already pre-evangelized the nations for ‘The One’ to open their eyes to their good news. He came to fulfill the old and put it to rest before He brought in the new and better covenant for his people. The transition of covenants chiastically reversed the old covenant curses.

He still opens people’s eyes after they have been humanized by their parents. It is usually between 3 years old and adulthood when people’s eyes are open to the reality of God’s new covenant creation. They are born again, into the spirit realm body of Christ, to live forever in that place. The temporary skin they are in needs an eternal body to live forever: both a corporate and an individual body. Don’t angels have individual bodies in the spirit realm? Aren’t they more glorious bodies than our flesh and blood bodies? Why would we be any less? It was the individual Jewish flesh and blood body of Christ that granted redemption, not the Jewish flesh and blood body of Moses. And He did that in His humility before He was glorified. God’s people were set free from the old covenant by the old covenant body of the messiah. The corporate body of Moses was redeemed. Individually, Moses couldn’t even take them into the typical promised land after the first exodus, let alone the new covenant after the fulfillment exodus.

We are not born again into a flesh and blood body, rather a heaven realm body. A heavenly body is suited for the Jerusalem that is in that realm. The eternal Jerusalem extends from heaven to earth “in the air”. You can only enter it by being born from above into the spirit realm body. We still meet Jesus in the air when born again (spirit realm). The skin we are in is only a temporary cloak we wear so we can continue to humanize and be humanized while we are still physically earth bound. Only the original and most popular Matrix movie made sense though. Like false religions, the sequels turned meaning into chaos: sense into nonsense.