Orderly Arrangements

Flowers can be arranged in a vase by a person with an artistic knack for orderliness. Each beautiful flower is by itself an orderly arrangement. Scientifically, the primary purpose of a flower is reproduction of the plant. A man may offer an orderly arrangement of flowers to a woman in order to have the opportunity to procreate himself. Flowers have more than one purpose. The marriage ceremony itself is a highly organized event. These orderly arrangements, called marriages, create the best kids. Chaos creates criminals. 

Some modern art compositions convey an image just visible enough to decipher an arrangement from a distance. Up close it appears to represent nothing except a chaos of color. Contrastingly, photorealism is an art form that attempts to duplicate exactly what the artist sees, like a camera captures a picture, with total objectivity. Photorealism offers no emotion or interpretation from the artist. Some say photorealism isn’t actually art, since the artist is attempting to be a non-human machine with no intentions.

A song is a poetic format of words that is musically supported by an orderly arrangement of sounds. It renders an especially meaningful or memorable effect on people. “It is music to my ears”. We are extraordinarily inspired by the composer’s words when they are superimposed on a second form of orderly art.

Cosmos in English denotes a well ordered universe, while the word chaos conveys a discouraging disconnectedness or disorder. The word universe implies a cosmic interconnectedness but it can also be used to denote a personal sphere of activity or interest. Your personal world may not allow for any ultimate meaning as derived from a creator, even though cosmos actually means orderly arrangement, as if it were arranged by a creative being. Yet even choosing  to call chaos an art form calls for a personal act of discrimination. You are categorizing something as a sort of art, even though the disarray should motivate you to get to work to organize it rather than praise the mayhem and slough off the responsibility.

Genesis 1:31 LITV And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixth day.

Speech has a wide range of literary formats and words themselves have an individual range of meaning, which are so often the subjects of personal preference and interpretation. Unsurprisingly, English interpretations of the bible also have a wide literary range. Translations are inexact art forms. Some translators try to make a one to one concordant version. They try to find the exact word in English that best represents the Hebrew or Greek word, with it’s exact range of meaning, tense and nuance. But that one to one word correspondence usually doesn’t exist. So others use whole phrases to best capture the meaning of the foreign word, as defined by the original audience it was written to. Still others, who want to sell Bibles, try best to please their would be modern day buyers, considering the most prevalent beliefs of the era. 

Jesus was the Word of God precisely fleshed out. He grew into the exact representation of His Father, in a biological body, under the orderly arrangement of an old covenant community, who didn’t always interpret scripture accurately either. He nevertheless became the picture perfect image of His Father, but that image was displayed and captured for us in His words and His behavior. It had little to do with His photo appearance. He had His Father’s goals and intentions in mind. He wasn’t trying to sell Bibles, please politicians or be accepted by a certain denominational hierarchy.

If people had cameras and took pictures of Him, it wouldn’t help us see the image of the Father in Him. He looked around and faultlessly described what He saw as He interfaced His Father’s creation. He looked through His human eyes and interacted with the Jewish people around Him, appropriately. He engaged His Father’s creation with logic and emotions as He explained His Father’s reality by way of reasonable abstractions and hyperboles.

Hyperbole is like hyperrealism whereas a metaphor is an abstraction. A parable is then an extended metaphor and a story is an extended parable. But a story can be real, hyperreal or abstract and still convey a rational truth. It doesn’t have to be a scientific or historical story to convey a cognitive truth.

Below are two excerpts from an article: ‘Kids as Concrete Thinkers – Part 1’, by: Shane J. Ralston

Concrete thought is the child’s preoccupation with their immediate surroundings, with the actual objects they can touch, see and hear, as well as the search for explanations based on events that are familiar.

Paul Harris, argues that progressive educators overemphasize learning through direct observation and experimentation (i.e. learning by doing). Thinking of children as little scientists unjustifiably minimizes the importance of learning through the trusted reports of adults (i.e. learning by believing reliable testimony).

The undeveloped mind of a child deals only in the concrete facts of the matter. A child is not born with innate ideas from which he can develop principles. He or she must first of all be introduced to certain hard facts based on the world around him by the people who raise him. Appreciating the arts comes with maturity. Jesus expected adults to be able to think abstractly and He expected children to have great faith in those adults. When He told the woman at the well that He could give her water that caused her to never thirst again, she said Jesus didn’t even have a rope. When He said tear this temple down and I will rebuild it in three days, they thought He meant the concrete temple of the Holy Spirit, but He meant the body of Christ. 

Immaturity and lack of faith caused them to focus on the concrete Jerusalem rather than the spiritual Jerusalem coming down from above. Even first-century born-again Jews, who were the new covenant temple of the Holy Spirit, wanted to return to their old covenant law-mode marriage. Post-Pentecost Jews were in a Holy Spirit prearrangement called betrothal. They were being spiritually raised to became one with the body of Christ. Agreement in the Holy Spirit would cause unity, even as the Father and Son were one. So Paul pleaded with them to be more spiritual. He used metaphors designed to help them grasp the unseen new covenant. “My little children, of whom again I travail in birth, till Christ may be formed in you”. Is Paul really giving birth to people so they can give birth to Christ or is that an unscientific abstraction from familiar things? Is it still true?

As an adult, I wear fully loaded progressive glasses. They have three prescriptions in one lens, with no visible trifocal lines. Not only are they made multifocal, for viewing life at three distances, they are anti-glare and auto-darkening. Isn’t science great? After 40 years of age, people tend to become far sighted, because their eyes are becoming less flexible. ‘Rigor mortis’ of the eye muscles is slowly setting in. It’s about this same time we start to realize we won’t be in this flesh body forever.

Up close this world can still seem hopelessly lost in the blurry chaos. As we age out we tend to back up and focus on the big picture, by design. I must admit that I have never been a fan of abstract art or impressionism. I tend to get too close to Jesus’ word pictures and try to make every detail represent something. If only I could delineate everything, then I could be a data scientist who doesn’t need the human art forms. I could remain in or return to the concrete stage of my childhood. Then I Just trusted in the adults who could see far better than me.  

Or maybe I could make use of art to put God on display for all to see in a more concrete form, up close and personal. Humanity, as a higher order of creation than animals, can sculpt statues. Yet humanity was specifically told not to sculpt God in any 3D format; human body or animal body, earthly or heavenly. That use of art would inevitably be an inexact representation that would lead to a disorderly human conduct, like the other nations, whose gods all focused on some physical feature.

The focus on biological attributes of God would distort the human soul of Adam with some sort of animal distinction. God made humanity unique, with a spiritual breath from Himself.  Adam was to walk with God in the garden and participate in his elevated orderly arrangement. Adam would grow in God’s image by walking with Him and working with Him in the Garden. 

The finger of God sculpted His innate principles in stone to create the nation Israel. The Law did not succeed in sustaining or completing the image of God in His people or His nation. It did serve to prove the need for a bigger breath from God. In the new orderly arrangement (for both the individual and for the nation) God’s Spirit was sent to live in the people of the nation themselves, not in a garden or a building. That nation was previously formed in the progeny of Adam, by the Law of Yahweh engraved in stone. It would be reformed in the family of Yeshua, by the Law of Yahweh written on the heart. Their new covenant heart of flesh was the heart of Christ, also called the law of Christ. Not coincidentally that spiritual breath from God came on the anniversary of the less personal and transitory stone-betrothal that first created the nation. 

Cosmos is the Greek word that means orderly arrangement. From Genesis chapter one onward, order is a result of God’s activity. Even the orderliness of the Angels was a result of God first creating them. When it came to creating humanity, Yahweh said, “Let us make Adam in our image”.  I take it, the angels were intended to bear the image of God just as humanity was.

When viewed from Genesis one, we can see the whole universe as God’s orderly arrangement, but within creation at large there is ongoing creative activity by Yahweh and His angels and humanity that brings about higher order arrangements. Hence one man or one nation could become more orderly than another man or another nation, both in the same universe; a more special creation within creation, with humanity potentially exhibiting the most attributes of Yahweh. That is an ongoing display of the attributes of God through the behavior of His people. Yeshua called Himself the exact representation or image of Yahweh.

The God of gods was the creator of the spiritual beings called gods or watchers. The fallen away watchers (angels) of Genesis 6 helped emphasize the animal natures of the nations rather than exalt in humanity. Unfaithful to God’s human project, they began to compete with the image of Yahweh in humans rather than participate in it. This disorder led to Noah’s flood judgment, which was a rebirth of humanity out of the violent chaos. Even a destructive event such as Noah’s flood was a precursor to restoring order when Yahweh was involved.

The fallen gods devolved into ruling over humanity like the animals rather than cooperating with Yahweh. That corruption by the gods eventually led to nothing but continual violence, even among God’s own people. God desires peace and order within His creation. His angels (watchers) were created as sons of God before Adam was.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

James 3:18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Ephesians 6:23 Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Luke 1:79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Mark 9:50 Salt is good, but if the salt looses its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.

1 Timothy 2:1-15 I exhort, then, first of all, there be made supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, for all humanity: 2 for kings, and all who are in authority, that a quiet and peaceable life we may lead in all piety and gravity, 3 for this is right and acceptable before God our Savior, 4 who doth will all humanity to be delivered, and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; 5 for God is one, one also is the mediator of God and of humanity, the human Christ Jesus, 6 who did give himself a ransom for all—the testimony in its proper times— 7 in regard to which I was set a preacher and apostle—truth I say in Christ, I do not lie—a teacher of nations, in faith and truth. 8 I wish, therefore, that men pray in every situation, lifting up God sanctioned (humanity’s) hands, apart from anger and arguing; 9 in like manner also the women, dress in appropriate apparel (Cosmios – properly ordered or decorated) with modesty and discretion to adorn (Cosmeo – to properly order or decorate) themselves, not in plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or garments of great price, 10 but that which fits women professing godly piety—through good works. 11 Let a woman in quietness learn in all subjection, 12 and a woman I do not suffer to direct, nor to domineer a husband, but to be in rest (from bustle of words), 13 for Adam was first formed, then Eve, 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, came into violation, 15 and she shall be preserved through the performance of maternal duties, if they remain in belief, and love, and the process of holiness, with discretion.

Why does the military obsess with outward orderliness if not to be able to rule their world through self discipline; imposed or not? Humanity is being called to rule with the highest order from the inside out, through the spiritual covenant with Christ. Spiritual peace surpasses the ruling faculty of a military mind.

Proverbs 25:28 CLV A breached city where there is no wall, Such is a man to whose spirit there is no restraint.

The soul of a man brings order to his own spirit. God made four living souls and set boundaries for them before making the highest order soul called humanity;  in His image – with His breath. His Spirit creates the never-ending human ‘soul’. The greatest desire of the flesh mode covenant was to keep the old temporary human soul. The Holy Spirit of Yahweh in the garden and in the old stone temple were transitory and less personal arrangements. In the transition to the new covenant, Paul defined the sons of God as those who were rescued from law mode old covenant and now walk in the Spirit of God.

The Angels were united in spirit while God created us and our universe.

Job 38:7 CLV When the stars of the morning jubilated together, And all the sons of Elohim shouted with joy?

But humanity and the angels were divided during the new (Holy Spirit) creation.

Galatians 4:29 JMNT 29 But nevertheless, just as then, the one being born down from (in accordance with; corresponding to; on the level of) flesh (= human efforts) was constantly pursuing and persecuting the one down from (in accordance with; corresponding to; in the sphere of) spirit (or: Breath-effect), so also now.

Galatians 5:16 ECB 16 So I word this, Walk in Spirit and you never no way complete/shalam the panting of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 CLV 16 Now I am saying, Walk in spirit, and you should under no circumstances be consummating the lust of the flesh.”

The newly ordered heaven and earth was about to be consummated. Not in the flesh mode of the old covenant, but in the Holy Spirit mode of the new covenant. Humanity’s new living soul is the Holy Spirit living within. Humanity was born again and blessed on Pentecost as the new world order, which is redundant since world (cosmos) means orderly arrangement. The new orderly arrangement order is Christianity proper (redundancies intended). 

1 Corinthians 6:1-3 LITV 1 Does anyone of you having a matter against another dare to be judged before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy of small judgments? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels, not to speak of this life?

1 Corinthians 6:1-3 JMNT 1 Does anyone of you folks [whoare continuing holding a result of some deed done (or: the effect of a practice) toward someone else (or: are now having a business transaction focused toward another; continue in having a dispute or law-suit proceeding toward the different person) now dare or boldly presume to continue to be judged upon the basis (or: = in the place or court) of unjust folks (people who are unfair and are not in the way pointed out; = those outside the called-out community), and not upon the [basis; place; courtof the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy ones)? 2 Or have you not seen so as to know that the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy, sacred people; the different-from-the-profane folks) will proceed to sift, separate, evaluate and decide about the organized System (the world of culture, religion and government; or: secular society; or: = the Roman Empire)? So since (or: if) within the midst of, among and in union with you folks the world System is to be habitually (progressively; repeatedly) evaluated and judged, are you people unworthy or unfit in regard to deciding about very trivial controversies (or: not of equal value to the smallest standards by which to sift and evaluate; or: of [holding the] least tribunals or places for court)? 3 Have you not seen so as to know that we shall continue sifting, separating, evaluating and making decisions about agents (or: will continue judging messengers) – why not, indeed, the affairs and business matters of everyday life?

Born-of-the-Holy-Spirit-Jerusalem is the Jerusalem of the promise. New covenant Jerusalem became the higher order of humanity. Old covenant Jerusalem tried to stop it. The church did not find justice when brought before old covenant tribunals. They were in league with Rome to stop the transition of covenants.

Galatians 4:1-31 YLT 1 And I say, so long time as the heir is a babe, he differeth nothing from a servant—being lord of all, 2 but is under tutors and stewards till the time appointed of the father, 3 so also we, when we were babes, under the elements of the world were in servitude, 4 and when the fulness of time did come, God sent forth His Son, come of a woman, come under law, 5 that those under law he may redeem, that the adoption of sons we may receive; 6 and because ye are sons, God did send forth the spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, `Abba, Father!’ 7 so that thou art no more a servant, but a son, and if a son, also an heir of God through Christ. 8 But then, indeed, not having known God, ye were in servitude to those not by nature gods, 9 and now, having known God—and rather being known by God—how turn ye again unto the weak and poor elements to which anew ye desire to be in servitude? 10 Days ye observe, and months, and times, and years! 11 I am afraid of you, lest in vain I did labour toward you. 12 Become as I am —because I also am as ye brethren, I beseech you; to me ye did no hurt, 13 and ye have known that through infirmity of the flesh I did proclaim good news to you at the first, 14 and my trial that is in my flesh ye did not despise nor reject, but as a messenger of God ye did receive me—as Christ Jesus; 15 what then was your happiness? for I testify to you, that if possible, your eyes having plucked out, ye would have given to me; 16 so that your enemy have I become, being true to you? 17 they are zealous for you—yet not well, but they wish to shut us out, that for them ye may be zealous; 18 and it is good to be zealously regarded, in what is good, at all times, and not only in my being present with you; 19 my little children, of whom again I travail in birth, till Christ may be formed in you, 20 and I was wishing to be present with you now, and to change my voice, because I am in doubt about you. 21 Tell me, ye who are willing to be under law, the law do ye not hear? 22 for it hath been written, that Abraham had two sons, one by the maid-servant, and one by the free-woman, 33 but he who is of the maid-servant, according to flesh hath been, and he who is of the free-woman, through the promise; 24 which things are allegorized, for these are the two covenants: one, indeed, from mount Sinai, to servitude bringing forth, which is Hagar; 25 for this Hagar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and doth correspond to the Jerusalem that now is, and is in servitude with her children, 26 and the Jerusalem above is the free-woman, which is mother of us all, 27 for it hath been written, `Rejoice, O barren, who art not bearing; break forth and cry, thou who art not travailing, because many are the children of the desolate—more than of her having the husband.’ 28 And we, brethren, as Isaac, are children of promise, 29 but as then he who was born according to the flesh did persecute him according to the spirit, so also now; 30 but what saith the Writing? `Cast forth the maid-servant and her son, for the son of the maid-servant may not be heir with the son of the free-woman;‘ 31 then, brethren, we are not a maid-servant’s children, but the free-woman’s.

The old orderly arrangement and the new orderly arrangement couldn’t stay in the same house together. The old covenant had to come to an end. Jesus expected children to have great faith and He expected spiritually mature adults to see His abstracted new covenant world. Jesus expected God’s Spirit-born people to believe Him and leave old Jerusalem before it ended, lest they lose their physical life. We are children of the promise. Christ doesn’t take us back to law mode in the flesh to spiritually die again. Spiritual death under law led us to Him. Paul was flabbergasted that God’s people were being enticed to be enslaved by the old law arrangement again. How can one become more spiritual by putting the Spirit of Yahweh back into a stone temple? You cant be un born-again by the Holy spirit. God’s new orderly arrangement is here to stay. It is of the highest order. What can be more promising than the full image of Yahweh living in people? Yeshua sent the full breath (image) of Yahweh to His people 50 days after His resurrection. He put the old husbandman to death to set His people free to re-engage with the undying firstborn of the new creation on Pentecost. It was a new cosmic creation. It is the highest orderly arrangement ever. 

John 3:16 YLT 16 for God did so love the world, that His Son—the only begotten—He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during [to the consummation age of the old covenant transition].

The word world in John 3:16 is cosmos.

κόσμος – kosmos – kos’-mos
Probably from the base of G2865; orderly arrangement, that is, decoration; by implication the world (in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants, literally or figuratively [morally])


1) an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government
2) ornament, decoration, adornment, i.e. the arrangement of the stars, ‘the heavenly hosts’, as the ornament of the heavens. 1 Pet. 3:3 … 3) the world, the universe
4) the circle of the earth, the earth
5) the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
6) the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ
7) world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly
7a) the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ
8) any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort
8a) the Gentiles as contrasted to the Jews (Rom.
11:12 etc)
8b) of believers only, John 1:29; 3:16; 3:17; 6:33; 12:47 1 Cor. 4:9; 2 Cor. 5:19

The new orderly arrangement is the most exalted creation and it includes all believers.

2 Corinthians 5:19 YLT how that God was in Christ—a world reconciling to Himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses; and having put in us the word of the reconciliation,

The newly blessed living arrangement was about to become permanent, through the exact representation of the Father on Earth, by the Son and the Hoy Spirit. Hence – The seven Blessings of the New Covenant Unveiling, i.e., Seven Blessings of the Revelation of the Bride; the new covenant creation, released by law from His side: (Revelation 1-22)


Blessed – whoever reads and whoever hears the words of this prophecy and guard those scribed therein: for the season is near. ECB

THE SECOND BEATITUDE – Unveiling 14:13

And I hear a voice from the heavens wording to me, Scribe, Blessed – the dead who die in Yah Veh henceforth: Yes, words the Spirit, that they rest from their labors; and their works follow with them. ECB

THE THIRD BEATITUDE – Unveiling 16:15

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed – he who watches and guards his garments; lest he walk naked and they see his misbehavior. ECB


And he words to me, Scribe, Blessed – those called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he words to me, These are the true words of Elohim. ECB

THE FIFTH BEATITUDE – Unveiling 20:6

Blessed and holy whoever has part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority: but they become priests of Elohim and of Messiah and reign with him a thousand years. ECB

THE SIXTH BEATITUDE – Unveiling 22:7

Behold, I come quickly: blessed – whoever guards the words of the prophecy of this scroll. ECB


Blessed – whoever does his misvoth; that they have authority to the staff of life and enter the city through the gates. ECB

Misvoth refers to Yahweh’s precepts, directions or commands; His orderly arrangement – as in His image, His name, His family, His marriage, His creation or His covenant.

The original living arrangement for the first born of the old covenant creation was blessed by Yahweh, but the firstborn of the new covenant creation is the eternally blessed soul of humanity. He took us to the never ending sabbath rest of the new creation; in the Holy Spirit rebirth of eschaton Adam at the resurrection of Christ. Consequently, the Hebrew nation was spiritually reborn on Pentecost. That sabbath day of Holy Spirit betrothal led to the sabbath day of Holy Spirit marriage. There is no higher arrangement. 

Genesis chapter one: ECB 20 And Elohim says, Waters, teem with teemers having a living soul! And flyers, fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens! 21 And Elohim creates great monsters; and every living soul that creeps which the waters teem in species; and every winged flyer in species: and Elohim sees it is good. 22 And Elohim blesses them, saying, Bear fruit and abound and fill the waters in the seas and abound flyers in the earth: 23 and evening becomes and morning becomes day five. 24 And Elohim says, Earth, bring forth the living soul in species – animals and creepers and live beings on the earth in species: – and so be it. 25 And Elohim works live beings on the earth in species and animals in species and every creeper on the soil in species: and Elohim sees it is good. 26 And Elohim says, We work Adam in our image, after our likeness! – to subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over the animals and over all the earth and over every creeper creeping on the earth. 27 And Elohim creates Adam in his image; he creates him in the image of Elohim; he creates them male and female. 28 And Elohim blesses them and Elohim says unto them, Bear fruit; and abound and fill the earth and subdue: and subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over every live being creeping on the earth. 29 And Elohim says, Behold, I give you every herb seeding seed on the face of all the earth; and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree seeding seed; to be food to you 30 and to every live being of the earth and to every flyer of the heavens and to every creeper on the earth wherein there is a living soul – every green herb for food: – and so be it. 31 And Elohim sees all he worked and behold it is mighty good: – and so be it evening becomes and morning becomes day six.


The orderly arrangement of our solar system is today accepted as Copernican. The Copernican Revolution was a paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model. Competing for acceptance was the Tycho Brahe model.

The Sun, Moon and stars were seen as governing our existence as the creation of eternal souls was happening on Earth. The orderly arrangement of the cosmos revolved around humanity on a planet that is unique among the other planets in our solar system.   

According to Ptolemei, the Sun and Mars were in orbit around a stationary Earth. Anomalies like the retrograde motion of Mars were explained by simply adding a small but illogical loop within the larger orbital pathway, though this explanation is obviously wrong to us today. But Ptolemei’s model did see Earth as distinctive in God’s orderly arrangement of planets. I agree with him there. He just didn’t satisfactorily explain the actual arrangement. But then again neither did the Hebrews. Their model of the universe looked more like a metaphor rather than science as we know it. 

Far from being stationary, the Earth has two or three movements, depending on which model is correct. Most today believe three. I think the correct view is two. Tycho Brahe also believed the Earth was completely stationary, while the Sun and planets did all the moving. He gave zero motion to the Earth. The current Copernican model gives all three motions to Earth. The revised Tycho model is called the Tychos model. It gives two motions to the Earth and gives one motion to the Sun. 

All three circuits should be explainable by any model: the daily sunset and sunrise, the annual return of the seasons and the Great Year. The Great Year cycle takes 26000 years before the Earth returns to the same exact position. We also have to account for the two more familiar tours lasting 24 hours and 365 days. The modern Copernican model accounts for all three phenomena by giving all three motions to our planet. 

According to the Copernican model, the return to the same North Star sky every 26000 years is because our planet is wobbly. Earth is pictured like a spinning top on a table. The top is not completely upright but has a slow wobble. It’s a very slow wobble, which causes the axis to point to the same exact place in the heavens every 26000 years. The Tychos model sees no need for the wobble, rather it explains the Great Year phenomenon by noting a small Earth orbit around nothing. This orbit is about one mile per hour and takes 26000 years to complete. 

The  second motion is the daily motion of our planet, which should be acceptable to us modern scholars. The land on Earth is traveling 9000 miles per hour at the equator and slows to nothing as we approach the poles. It would be an astronomically greater distance and speed for the Sun to orbit the Earth once a day. If you say that the zero friction of outer space would sheer off the Earth’s atmosphere if it were spinning at such a speed, then what about the atmosphere of the Sun at a much greater speed and distance? The fly in your car doesn’t even notice that you are traveling 100 miles per hour, unless you take the top of the car off and introduce friction. There is no friction on the Earth from outer space. Even rockets have to push off of themselves outside of our atmosphere. While the fact that the pendulum doesn’t change it’s arc at the poles or at the equator isn’t absolute proof of the earth’s rotation, I do agree with the Copernican model on this one. The Earth revolves on it’s axis once a day. The Sun doesn’t actually rise and set. Though we literally speak that way still.

The third question is whether the Sun moves to the other side of the Earth every six months or vice versa? Parallax readings, or the lack thereof, confirm the former. Our sky doesn’t largely return to us every six months. It remains the same because we barely moved. The same exact sky actually returns to us every 26000 years, as we slowly but steadily trek through the 12 astrological ages. And even Plato could detect this incremental change in the stars. But the believers in the modern Copernican model, with our modern instruments, say the stars are so far away we can’t accurately detect our great biannual change in the sky, as the Earth purportedly moves to the other side of the Sun. Yet the readings that unbelievably can’t even detect these starry parallaxes, that should so obviously appear to us every six months, are sorted through with great bias. The readings that seem to so slightly confirm their model are called accurate and the ones that don’t are called errors. 

This bias is largely due to peer pressure and a disorderly arrangement scientists have with their funding sources. The scholarly consensus should no longer be questioned, even though we now have computer technology and telescopes that they never dreamed of when they conceded to the purveyors of the Copernicus model. Should’t we double check their work for accuracy now that we are more than able? 

Now consider this: most stars are paired up with another star in binary orbit around their dual center of mass. We hadn’t yet discovered this fact when we ‘decided’ that our solar system was in the Copernican model. Even 50 years ago we thought binary systems were rare. We now say that even our Sun ‘was’ probably a binary star at one time, but it’s companion in orbit is long gone and now the Sun has ground to a halt. Since the status quo is stuck on the heliocentric model of our universe, they will never even consider Mars as our Sun’s enduring binary companion. That would add motion to our Sun. 

The binary star model that has become the status quo of the universe is rejected for our own personal solar system by the political and scientific status quo here on Earth. We have become stubborn and immovable on the subject. Even though the general rule now is that stars are moving rather than stationary, it’s not being applied to our closest star.  The Sun remains a still and lonely exception in the universe of stars, even as we are discovering that most if not all stars are in motion and form a binary center of mass.

The planets are said to orbit around our fixed star, yet we are having an increasingly difficult time finding stationary stars with our modern day telescopes. What we thought was a single star turns out to be two or even three stars in orbit around their combined center of gravity. Maybe our Sun isn’t the progressively more rare exception and the Tychos model is right. Our Sun is a moving star too, like most if not all stars are. If the Copernican revolution managed to overcome some of our previous blindness then we can continue to move forward and do it again, unless we are done with human revolutions and choose compliance over true science. 

Our Sun’s binary dance with Mars places the Sun on the other side of the Earth every 6 months. Only Venus and Mercury remain with the Sun alone as it moves. The other planets in our Earth system orbit the dual center of gravity called the barycenter, created by the Sun and Mars together. Only Mars is in a binary orbit with the Sun. The two ‘planets’ closest to the Sun are Venus and Mercury, so they orbit the Sun’s singular center of gravity. They are also tidally locked to the Sun, making them moons of the Sun rather than planets. That makes Earth the relatively stationary and unique one with reference to the Sun, in an orderly arrangement suitable to life in the cosmos. God’s creation does focus on and exalt humanity. Even some fallen angels didn’t like this arrangement.

Click here to learn more about the TYCHOS model of our solar system.


Isaiah 49:3-8

Thomson 3 and said to me, “Thou Israel art my servant, and by thee I shall be glorified.” 4 Whereupon I said, “I have laboured in vain; for vanity and for nought I have spent my strength; therefore my cause is with the Lord; and my labour is before my God.” 5 And now thus saith the Lord who formed me from the womb. To be his servant to gather Jacob to him, and Israel. I shall be gathered and glorified before the Lord. And my God will be my strength. 6 Moreover he said to me, Is it a great thing for thee to be called my servant to reestablish the tribes of Jacob and bring back the dispersion of Israel? Behold I have given thee for the covenant of a race; for the light of nations; that thou mayst be for salvation to the farthest part of the earth.7 Thus saith the Lord who delivered thee; the God of Israel, “Hallow him who despised his life, him who was abhorred by the nations, the slaves of the Arehons. Kings shall see him and chiefs shall rise up and they shall worship him for the sake of the Lord; because the Holy One of Israel is faithful, therefore I have chosen thee. 8 Thus saith the Lord, “In an acceptable time I have hearkened to thee, and in a day of salvation helped thee; and have formed thee and given thee for the covenant of nations that thou mayst reduce the earth to order and possess desolate heritages,

2 Corinthians 6:2

LITV 2 For He says, “In an acceptable time I heard you, and in a day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is the acceptable time! Behold, now is the day of salvation! Isa. 49:8 [both salvation and destruction came to the old covenant world in Adam’s day, become the day of the Lord]

James 1:1-5

CLV 1 James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion. Rejoice!” 2 All joy deem it, my brethren, whenever you should be falling into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith is producing endurance. 4 Now let endurance have its perfect work [of full-age], that you may be perfect and unimpaired, lacking in nothing.” 5 Now if anyone of you is lacking wisdom, let him be requesting it from God, Who is giving to all generously and is not reproaching, and it shall be given to him.”

2 Corinthians 5:19

ECB 19 – how that Elohim was in Messiah, reconciling the cosmos to himself – not reckoning their backslidings to them; and places the word of reconciliation in us.

John 3


And exactly as Mosheh exalted the serpent in the wilderness, even thus must the Son of humanity be exalted: 15 so that whoever trusts in him destructs not, but has eternal life [life to the age]. 16 For Elohim loved the cosmos thus: that he gave his only birthed Son; that whoever trusts in him destructs not but has eternal life [life to the age]. 17 For Elohim apostolized not his Son into the cosmos to judge the cosmos; but that the cosmos be saved through him.

Life to the age of 1000 was to the full age of Adam and the old covenant nation as they graciously were transitioned into their new creation. In the new creation of humanity, the first born human in heaven never dies and New Jerusalem is never destroyed. Those in the new covenant inherit the eternal life of the firstborn. He took the place of the old man in the death and resurrected Him into this new cosmic order. This new cosmic order is the highest orderly arrangement. The full image of God lives in His people by the breath Jesus sent from Heaven. The Holy Spirit from heaven first arrived on Pentecost as the 12 tribes were gathered to celebrate their natural birth as a nation.