Galatians 6:14-16

CLV 14 Now may it not be mine to be boasting, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything, but a new creation.” 16 And whoever shall observe the elements by this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, also on the Israel of God.”

Scripture says that those in Christ are a new creation. In Christ the rule of types is this: “neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything, but a new creation”. In other words, types are fulfilled for us in Christ. That is how we “observe the elements” of the law, such as circumcision.

Today our calendar year represents His new creation by counting the years from His birth. But the cross of Christ was humanity’s point of departure from the ‘typical world’ and the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of His new creation. Resurrection by the Holy Spirit is into a new creation body, not of flesh and blood. It was that Spirit born creation that was enabled to see and inherit the kingdom, just as Jesus told Nicodemus. Jesus died and was born again into a new creation body, no longer in the flesh, so His people could join Him in the spirit realm body. He is firstborn of the new humanity.

Some religious people groups try to keep an old creation calendar. They are still scrutinizing months and seasons and years. To some of them we are in the year AM 5783. AM is Latin for “in the year of the world”. In other words, in the year since the old world of humanity was created. Their year number is based on their Rabbinic calculations that attempt to add up the generations all the way back to the creation of Adam. That nebulous calculation of years is based on the Hebrew Masoretic text. Those who base their calculations on the Greek Septuagint text count the present year from the creation of the cosmos to be AM 7531. They both claim to be in the age of the old covenant types that Christianity believes was put to rest in AD 70. They reject the present never-ending age of the Messiah.

The old human creation started when Adam was placed in the Garden on day 6; as the husbandman to be. The new non-typical creation starts with Christ at His resurrection on fulfillment day 7. At His resurrection into the new ‘land’, He is the new husbandman to be. The bride was already released from His side while He was in a “deep sleep” on the cross but betrothal was 50 days away. Neither the old nor the new marriage creation concerns the ex nihilo appearance of the elements of matter. The six days of creation seems to all be a set up for the family of humanity to co-rule in God’s image with the “us” of Genesis 1:26.

The bride from Adam’s side enters this human creation in betrothal, still in Adam’s day. The 12 tribes were released by law from eschatos Adam’s side on the cross. They gathered at Pentecost to enter the new-human betrothal-covenant. Like Adam and Eve, the 12 tribes of Israel were already considered a new human creation prior to their marriage. Pentecost was a day seven anniversary of their old creation as a nation, their nation was first birthed at Sinai. Marriage to the land was 40 years later in a sabbath year. The flesh and blood body was born again en route.

Hebrew baby boys were circumcised on the eighth day and were considered a new creation, even though they were not married yet. They haven’t even realized they need a bride. But their parents knew they were human and would need a bride to complete them as a new family creation. The betrothal brings Eve into Adam’s human creation with a payment and a promise. Marriage is the consummation of his creation. The original human creation on the 6th day included both Adam and Eve in betrothal promises. The typical man could not hope to perpetuate his humanity alone. Adam left the garden married by God to the flesh and blood mode promises of the sacrificial animal types. Adam was covered by God in animal sacrifice and doomed to frustration in the sixth day of works.

Circumcision is when the man entered covenant and was proleptically pictured as no longer in the flesh. Circumcision was a symbol of the new covenant that was no longer in the flesh and blood mode. Therefore circumcision was not an important element after the actual new covenant arrived. Circumcision nor uncircumcision was no longer anything but old creation symbolism. Circumcision can’t be a 6th day type of a new creation to come after it is already in the 7th day new creation itself. Jesus actually left the flesh and blood types on the cross. Circumcision was performed in flesh and blood by flesh and blood. That is the world Jesus left on the cross. He was resurrected to be the new creation husbandman no longer in that elemental world.

Galatians 4:9-10

CLV 9 Yet now, knowing God, yet rather being known by God, how are you turning back again to the infirm and poor elements for which you want to slave again anew? 10 Days are you scrutinizing, and months and seasons and years.”

The infirm and poor elements of the o.c. were about to burn up completely as illustrated when Jerusalem burned. The Jewish holidays required the temple in the land. Yet Judaizers were tempting the Galatians to return to the elements of the old covenant flesh mode right before it ended. The Galatians were in the new creation betrothal by way of the Holy Spirit and were about to marry the new husbandman in the same spirit realm. The law, as the proper knowledge of good and evil, remained: but without the elemental types. It is called the Law of Christ. Christ Himself left the elements of the old cosmos on the cross and then famously burned up the typical temple complex along with the elements therein.

Colossians 2:14-17

CLV 14 erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst, nailing it to the cross, 15 stripping off the sovereignties and authorities, with boldness He makes a show of them, triumphing over them in it.” 16 Let no one, then, be judging you in food or in drink or in the particulars of a festival, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of those things which are impending – yet the body is the Christ’s.

The impending body of humanity was the resurrected body of Christ. Adam was a flesh and blood type of the body that was about to be. Jesus calls Himself “the Son of humanity”. He is the son of God (ruling in His image) that Genesis was aiming for, even while He was in the old cosmos. But to embody humanity beyond Himself, eschatos Adam was nailed to the cross as a typically circumcised, but far from stereotypical, old covenant human (despising the shame) so He could be resurrected as the head of new covenant humanity. The “about to be” in Romans 5:14 refers to the marriage of Christ to the church. His new covenant humanity was in betrothal and about to be consummated. At betrothal the Holy Spirit gave the body of humanity life to the age: the age of 1000 and the age of marriage coincided.

Romans 5:14

JuliaSmith 14 But death reigned from Adam to Moses, and upon them not having sinned upon the likeness of Adam’s transgression, who is the type of him about to be.

The natural body procreated flesh and blood bodies. The new covenant body gives birth by the Holy Spirit. Flesh births flesh realm bodies and Spirit births spirit realm (heavenly) bodies. Only Jesus’ flesh body was conceived by the Spirit of God. That is why He is called the only begotten. He laid down His living soul only to take it up again in a new human realm, in order to send the life-giving Spirit to humanity. As in Adam all died to the age so in Christ all lived to the age. Adam’s body was not life giving.

1 Corinthians 15:44-45

YLT 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body; there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body; 45 so also it hath been written, `The first man Adam became a living creature,’ the last Adam is for a life-giving spirit,

I looked up Anno Mundi at They define AM as “the year from creation”. They refer to this old world calendar as a ‘Jewish’ or ‘Hebrew chronology’. Though the true Jew accepted the new world order 2000 years ago. The article goes on to talk about how matter is made of elements like: electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and leptons. As if the biblical creation of order from chaos refers to the creation of matter itself. But to the Jews Adam is the beginning of their world. They claim to be in old covenant humanity still.

Since Adam is the starting point of their creation, their calendar starts on the first day of the year (Tishri 1) with him. Some Jewish chronologers then place Adam’s creation on the first day of the second year, since he wasn’t made till day six. To them the first five days of creation were the last five days the previous year, before the first day of their humanity began. The rest of that previous year was total chaos. Scrutinizing dates that way creates mental chaos and misses the point. Jesus took sixth day humanity to seventh day humanity and put the counting of days to rest.

The Bible cites circumcision as one of the elements of the old creation. Circumcision was an element of typical humanity, not one the elements of matter that we see on the periodic table of elements. Circumcision was a procedure done in the flesh, but it symbolized a new creation not in the flesh. The Holy Spirit born Jews were no longer in the flesh. They were in the new creation that their circumcision only portrayed, which really bothered some Jews because the uncircumcised in the flesh Gentiles were coming into their new creation too, without having their flesh cut off. But it was those who tried to retain the o.c. element of circumcision who were actually unwilling to leave their flesh and blood mode. The new creation itself is not typical or in the flesh. It is the circumcision of the heart by the Holy Spirit. Their new covenant rule is: circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything. Eighth day circumcision only made a typical new creation. It was not the real thing.

Galatians 6:15-16, 12-13

CLV 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything, but a new creation.” 16 And whoever shall observe the elements by this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, also on the Israel of God.”

CLV 12 Whoever are wanting to put on a fair face in the flesh, these are compelling you to circumcise only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ Jesus.” 13 For not even they who are circumcising are maintaining law, but they want you to be circumcised that they should be boasting in that flesh of yours.”

Colossians 2:8

ECB 8 See to it lest anyone seduce you through philosophy and vain delusion – after the tradition of humanity, – after the elements of the cosmos and not after Messiah.

Strong’s: φιλοσοφία “philosophy”, i.e. (specially), Jewish sophistry

There are still people today telling the new creation people of God to be circumcised and keep the Hebrew festivals as necessary elements of God’s new creation. At least old covenant Jews still existed when Galatians was written to address this issue. The peace and mercy of God was already on the true Israel of God before the incoming Gentiles were compelled by the Judaizers to keep the old elements. The actual destruction of those elements should have put the question to rest, since it is now impossible to even be an old covenant Jew. The Jews are the ones who had the Word of God and the new covenant prolepsis of circumcision in their old covenant flesh mode. They were the first people to have peace and mercy in their new covenant: to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.

A prolepsis is the representation of a thing as existing before it actually does. The fulfillment of the promise of the new covenant not in the flesh didn’t actually exist for the Jews until Pentecost. Circumcision was a flash forward to that new covenant time, when we would not know humanity by the flesh-mode elements.

2 Corinthians 5:16-17

16 So that we from now on we know no one according to the flesh, yes, though we knew Messiah according to the flesh, yet now we know him so no longer; 17 so then anyone in Messiah (he is a) new creature (creation); the old things (originals) did pass away, behold! all becomes new.

The Jews were not exempt from the new creation rules. They were the ones given the rules by the Messiah and by the Holy Spirit He sent to them, and they were the ones giving the rules to the Gentiles. You may say. “for every rule there is an exception”. That rule is a self contradiction. How can you create a rule out of thin air: “for every rule their is an exception to that rule” and then exempt the all inclusive rule you just made from itself? One of the new creation rules is: “neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything”. A Jewish new creation person said it. The new fulfilled the old. The new humanity wasn’t just created out of thin air. It took the old forward. But nobody will ever again become a new creation by being circumcised on the eighth day and returning to old covenant types to await fulfillment. Circumcision won’t get anyone back into the twice dead old covenant humanity. Circumcision is no longer anything.

Of course Galatians was written when the o.c. still existed and the o.c. Jews were still choosing between the old and the new. Those who chose the to keep the old elements had to keep the whole law or die the second death.

Galatians 5

So stand firm in the liberty Messiah liberated us; and begrudge not again with the yoke of servitude. 2
Behold, I Paulos word to you, whenever you circumcise Messiah benefits you naught. 3 For I witness again to every circumcised human, that he is a debtor to do the whole torah. 4 You – you who justify in torah inactivate yourselves from the Messiah – you are fallen from the charism. 5
For by Spirit, we await the hope of justness by trust. 6 For in Yah Shua Messiah neither is circumcision of any ability, nor uncircumcision; but trust, that energizes through love. 7
You run well; who hinders you to not obey the truth? 8 This confidence is not of him who calls you. 9 A little fermentation ferments the whole lump. 10 I have confidence in you in Adonay, that you not think otherwise: but whoever troubles you – whoever bears his judgment. 11And I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why suffer I still persecution? Then the scandal of the stake is inactivated. 12 O that whoever rouses you, even amputate. 13 For brothers, you are called to liberty – only not liberty to an opportunity of the flesh but through love to serve one another. 14 For the whole torah fulfills/shalams in one word, – in this; Love your neighbour as yourself. Leviticus 19:1815 And if you bite and devour one another, see that you not consume one another. 16
So I word this, Walk in Spirit and you never no way complete/shalam the panting of the flesh. 17 For the flesh pants against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh – and these are contrary to one another: so that you cannot ever do those that you ever will. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the torah. 19
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are: Adultery, whoredom, impurity, lechery, 20 idolatry, pharmacy, enmity, contention, zeals, fury, rivalry, divisions, heresies, 21 envyings, murders, intoxication, carousings and such like: of which I forespeak exactly as I also foretold, that whoever transacts such inherit not the sovereigndom of Elohim. 22
And the fruit of the Spirit: love, cheer, shalom, patience, kindness, goodness, trust, 23 meekness, self-control: against such there is no torah. 24 And whoever are of the Messiah stake the flesh with the passions and pantings. 25 If we live in Spirit, we also march in Spirit 26 – not being vainglorious, irritating one another, envying one another.